DiGi changes the Smart Plan Quota system secretly !!

dg smartplan 5gb for inner city usage,celcom voice+data plan if out of city coverage.cun combination.have not yet failed me so far.
the most magical thing was,i went to perhentian last year,while maxis and celcom internet line were nowhere to be found,miraculously,Digi got EDGE wooorrrr...magic,wasnt it?ahahaha
No more yellowman after this! Have had enough with them. :adore:

You may consider prepaid plans from

(1) XOX also using Celcom line

(2) U-mobile also Celcom line

Use prepaid....

You wont have heart attack as compared to the postpaid bill plans...

One of my frens got thick bills sent to him!

Before opening the bill, he was already half shocked ! :mad::musicus::dontknow::help:
You may consider prepaid plans from

(1) XOX also using Celcom line

(2) U-mobile also Celcom line

Use prepaid....

You wont have heart attack as compared to the postpaid bill plans...

One of my frens got thick bills sent to him!

Before opening the bill, he was already half shocked ! :mad::musicus::dontknow::help:

That usually happens when new user of smartphones, never off their data button. My sales personnel lagi kuat, never off when overseas, come back 4 figure bill, some more complain he never use, then check say his data plan on while roaming...:banghead::banghead:
no problem with yellow man so far.... even their call center staff is helpful generally...

unlike maxis where the call center staff has the gall to tell me that i need to use my USB stick broadband outside the house in order to get coverage...
no problem with yellow man so far.... even their call center staff is helpful generally...

unlike maxis where the call center staff has the gall to tell me that i need to use my USB stick broadband outside the house in order to get coverage...

Wah! you really mobile unit. Your stick not for home use......kakakakakaka:rofl:
I've been in this industries for... 2.4.6... 12years... yes 12. Never ending story of ppl complaining this n that, whats good n what not. The thing to consider is what u wan n is it available for u, some area have less coverage bcos ''G'' not allow them to expand it to protect the local brand( do u know how many tax they pay...), also not 900/1800 problem, the diff is..GSM frequency bands - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. ''D'' is own by a big company(google Telenor ASA), way bigger than "M" or any other local combined, some may know y "D" never have 3G services b4 other, bcos of protection. Even your bill is control by "G", they can't just charge lower when they wan, they need to inform ''G".(lower rate = less tax):listen:

If u wan cheap rate of "D" then u din't research on the area u live n work if coverage is good, is like buying a cheap car but never check if it has serious accident B4, later u found out then blame ppl cheat u la etc... No salesman will tell u their product problem, consumer is responsible for their own decision, no 1 point a gun at u.:banghead:

In the end i just wan to point out, no 1 need to be blame for your own action, no good for u then change lo, its your own problem not their, not that they can do anything about it...

My ''D'' data just reach 3gb quota just now, but still downloading over 100kbps, this is the 1st time for me compare to last few month which slow down to 10-20kbps, maybe your speed came to my phone...:rofl::hmmmm:.... n still downloading youtube....:love:

PS. I'm a "M" user for 10year, recently add ''D'' for 3gb data package + smart phone.
I've been in this industries for... 2.4.6... 12years... yes 12. Never ending story of ppl complaining this n that, whats good n what not. The thing to consider is what u wan n is it available for u, some area have less coverage bcos ''G'' not allow them to expand it to protect the local brand( do u know how many tax they pay...), also not 900/1800 problem, the diff is..GSM frequency bands - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. ''D'' is own by a big company(google Telenor ASA), way bigger than "M" or any other local combined, some may know y "D" never have 3G services b4 other, bcos of protection. Even your bill is control by "G", they can't just charge lower when they wan, they need to inform ''G".(lower rate = less tax):listen:

If u wan cheap rate of "D" then u din't research on the area u live n work if coverage is good, is like buying a cheap car but never check if it has serious accident B4, later u found out then blame ppl cheat u la etc... No salesman will tell u their product problem, consumer is responsible for their own decision, no 1 point a gun at u.:banghead:

In the end i just wan to point out, no 1 need to be blame for your own action, no good for u then change lo, its your own problem not their, not that they can do anything about it...

My ''D'' data just reach 3gb quota just now, but still downloading over 100kbps, this is the 1st time for me compare to last few month which slow down to 10-20kbps, maybe your speed came to my phone...:rofl::hmmmm:.... n still downloading youtube....:love:

PS. I'm a "M" user for 10year, recently add ''D'' for 3gb data package + smart phone.

No wor... they said there is no mountain too high, no ocean too deep, they will follow me wherever I go ma, so I signed up with them...:bawling:
Malaysia Digi Advertisement - YouTube
Wah this advert were damn long ago haha...like the yellow man concept. Creative.

I've been using maxis for many years...so far so good and got no complaint. But of course, gotta pay more as the rates are higher but I'm still satisfied so far
That usually happens when new user of smartphones, never off their data button. My sales personnel lagi kuat, never off when overseas, come back 4 figure bill, some more complain he never use, then check say his data plan on while roaming...:banghead::banghead:

my personal experience roaming data plan plus voice call caused me five figure bill. :banghead::rofl:
No wor... they said there is no mountain too high, no ocean too deep, they will follow me wherever I go ma, so I signed up with them...:bawling:
Malaysia Digi Advertisement - YouTube

Do u check for the coverage personally when signing up..? i dun think so, if u know coverage is bad u wont sign up right..! Ad is ad, all ad have a tendency for over hard sell their product, do u believe all the ad u see..? Yes.. they will follow u n give u coverage but not now maybe wait another 5 year after ''G'' collect enough tax from local telco... in the end not their decision to make, blame the ''G''

Love the yellow man concept, can use for ''clean'' also, if u know what i mean...

---------- Post added at 01:09 AM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 01:05 AM ----------

my personal experience roaming data plan plus voice call caused me five figure bill. :banghead::rofl:

Must be a company line then..? All line got credit limit, will never exceed the limit. how much is your credit limit..?
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Yup, I remember D bit for 3G license but was given to T (I think). Then when T wanted to sell the license to D, but it was blocked by G.

---------- Post added at 08:48 AM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 08:46 AM ----------

No wor... they said there is no mountain too high, no ocean too deep, they will follow me wherever I go ma, so I signed up with them...:bawling:
Malaysia Digi Advertisement - YouTube

Brother, sometimes cannot trust advertisement fully one.....:banghead:

I agree with bro. Dayline to check on coverage, because even certain areas M & C also no lines
for coverage very hard to say. even you found out that your place hav coverage but the line is weak. This is what happen at my place. last time is ok but now intermittent no line and is after they do some maintenance.
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