::::: Confessions Of A Broken Heart :::::


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Senior Member
May 2, 2005
A small Town in
Hi zth fellow,it been a while..some oldfolk shd know who am i..some are not.
watever so..pls read with ur heart..thank you!

It my Sad Love story to share with u all,
take ur time to read it..
4 Years 11 month of relationship. I thought i already found the one in my life. To love her, miss her and take care of her. To get married and live with her till the rest of my life. I was wrong. I couldn't help myself to face the fact that she's not mine anymore. To tell myself this is not real but just a nightmare. I can't. I just can't. I don't believe myself anymore. This is not nightmare but for real. I could only hide and cry. Suddenly feels so lonely. Feels like a long sword just stab into my heart. The pain is unbearable. I couldn't eat and sleep.
It all happened too sudden. 26th November 2006 is the date that i will remember. The date that we broke up. Every words she said and every tears she cried. I just dont believe in my real eye,She betrayed my love. She built the love in my heart and now she let it collapse.
When she said goodbye. My heart just feels so so cold and died.
I knew her from studies till work. She see me from walking to driving. She's the person that i love and not her beauty. We built up our relationship so strong and to understand each others so well. Why must let it all go that easily?
Our lifestyle,, hobby and interest is all the same. Wherever i go, she will follow. Whatever things i do, she will join. Whenever i feeling down, she will be there to support me, convince me and even hug me. I really miss those comfortable feeling to be with her. She's part of my life. Now it's all gone. There's no one to share with me. She's not there anymore beside me when i am driving. I feels extremely lonely. It's like i just lost an arm of wing
i love to see her smile..when she smile..i am happy..in my heart..
Nothing can erase her from my heart. She remains to be the one in my heart.
Now she's gone away.
That's when my restlessness begin. I am so tired. Tired of not being able to eat, sleep and do things as usual. I feel myself has become zombie. No life. I wish i could stand up and start a new life but i couldn't. I miss her so much. I can't hardly breathe cause i know i lost her from my life. Every night goes by without sleeping cause i know i won't wake up next to her.
When i'm alone in my room. Everything reminds me of her(I hate her,why she so heartless to dump me for 5 yrs Relationship..just because she know the guy for a few week?). I feels lack of oxygen. The pain is unbearable.

It been nearly a month...
i hv broke up with her..
Pain and sorrow slowly faded. Tears don't drop anymore. Restless night already gone away.
I got no intention of deleting or throwing them away. She will always be the one in my heart. I want to keep it as sweet memories. There's nothing that can erase her from me unless god erase me. I am missing her day and night. Always think of what she did to me and what i did to her. Our moments, joy and happiness and sadness.

Heard some frd told me abt.. hv ask her..why she broke up with me?
because she say..being with me together..she feel not happy..
i was wondering why she wanna say that..(my heart was so pain)
i put all my effort for her,Bring her to sat Aeroplane(becos she didnt sat before)
Bring her go travel,(becos she didnt been anywhere before)
buy her cloth or softtoys, my mind eventually think of her,..when i shopping with my guy friend..(bcos i love her in my heart)
i try my best to make her smile,all the time..
i give her all the best..i could..but in the end..she kick me aside.. cry.gif cry.gif
i Shouldnt to be talking tis anymore..
my 23th Bday was held in last sat..it remind me a all the while..since i was 19..every of my bday..she will be at my side..but now..she gone to others..
In Xmas day,when i see some lovely couple pass infront of me..it make me feel like sound of Lonely in my heart..from no where.
it really Hope ..one day..will she suddenly popup.infront of me..or will she call me or sms me?
maybe my thinking now..is too much naive..for myself..
Wrethe is true or not..my Love will be always for her in my heart..but my feeling for her will be slowy slowy burn away until no more..
ha i am too silly to think abt that..

whoever interesting to look at my photo..
feel free to addme in friendster as a friend [email protected]
thank for the long reading..
:X-: :X-: :X-: :cry_smile:
a gal who leave u for another man is not worth ur tears...i wun take sides...
i understand how ur gf feels too
i put myself in my xgf's shoes when we broke up
i know how it feels like..
perhaps there's no more spark in the rship that she decided to let it go...
regardless,she's out of ur life,and i highly advise u not to take her back,if someday she decides to come back...
as much as i want my xgf back...i know i won't be accepting her again if one day shall she beg to return to me...coz i know breaking up will juz be another routine
chillax...take ur time and move on...
Take it easy, bro...i know how u feel - been there, done that...and sad to say...i'm unable to have that loving feeling for a woman anymore...yea, im married with kids an all...but LOVE? dat part of me is dead.

All i do these days is fulfill my responsibilities as a husband and father...LOVE is truly good for nothing. It's the source of conflict...unhappiness and sorrow...F**K Love.

From here on in...just live ur life for urself....trust me, u'll be much happier. Horny? There are plenty of 'solutions' for dat. Companionship? U r ur best friend.

When it's all said and done...we are all we have.
Love is a double edge sword, it can give you the sweetest moment as well as hurt you the deepest. No matter what, she'd decided the path of her own in which you'll never be there anymore,so just let her go, set her free.. then your love for her is truly blessed.
siggh......after so many years...she only saying this things to me...i told her be4...when a couple together....communication is always the most important things.....because we are just human....and we can't read your mind...somehow she likes to keep everything in the heart...even when he thinks there is something wrong in our relationshipp...she also didn't want to mention it...until comes to one day, she ask for break up....how can he expect me to just accept it?!
..i admit that..i not a very Good perception bf..but just why dont..u just say out..and tell me..i will do the best i could....:cry_smile: :cry_smile: :cry_smile:
i wonder why,she so heartless to dump me..for a 5yrs relationship..and go for a new one..just only knew for a few week..
she dump me..on that day..and be with the new guy..
it really break my heart down..i feel so pain..when i know it..
i hate her really,being so heartless to me..
i hate the spanner,bcos he wash my beloved brain..
i hate myself..i cant do nothing abt it..
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hey kokanchai i remember you...

well i guess theres nothin more for me to add.. all the best advice already givin as above

juz give urself sum time to heal... its part of life.. stay strong bro
If you feel like crying, just let it be,let tears release your heartbreak.But don't take it to the max,cry when it should and get up when you could,don't be a fallen baby who refuses to get up. Learn from mistakes and that's going to be a big merit to your maturity. No matter what... life goes on...!!
agree fully with Chucky bro.

As far as i know this gentleman called KokanChai via ZTH(never met or talked to him before), his words, his laughter and all his teases are good. :)

Be brave, i'm sure someone here in ZTH have gone thru a worst one comparo to yours...

Take care
u are so young dude, there is plenty of opportunity for you to explore, life is so full of color n peoples, u should work hard and make tons of money then only talk about steady relationship. Usually nowadays most youngster prefer to play then get down to serious business. I think u can still try another relationship for 5 years oni then about whether to settle down. You are just too young and naive thinking dude!
whoever interesting to look at my photo..
feel free to addme in friendster as a friend [email protected]
thank for the long reading..

Is that a new way to find new dates? Anyway, i broke up with my gf on the 12th of dec. 6 yrs relationship. i dunno whether to laugh or cry.
It's all about FATE.

Somethings are just not meant to be.

Some people are just not meant for each other.

There is that very special someone out there just waiting for you. Be brave.

GOD is gracious and most powerful. He knows best.

In time, you will find your other half.
see.. there are people who care about you though we may not even know you, so get up kokan,life ain't just about love..cheers!
Fren i understand u the pain n upset. I was like the same condition like u.

My x gf, she loves me for a while. We share the same fate, we always meet n talk n have fun. Later she hardly reply my sms or calls. N started to be sombong.

Yeah it takes time to forget. I still remember my x a bit. No serious like b4. Oh ya u can find a better GF out there. I got a better gf that her. Come play PS2 or do something u like. Sure hilang one.

here is the website to help u. I hope it helps. It did help me.

P/S: I am frens with my x's BEST fren, she didnt know her best fren was my x but i got information that she has gone kinda WORST.

Relax la bro. Im pretty sure scarlett johansson is still single. Go give her a call and ask her if she would go out on a date with you
bro, i understand how u feel? i was with my ex for 4 years+. at least she told u. mine was worst. she did not tell me till i saw with my own eyes. imagine i would drive frm klg all the way 2 pj just to see her and this is wat u see. so sometimes this is life. its not worth crying over it cause something better will be there in the future. i was like u at that time. crying day n nite, not eating n doing stupid things. the best advice i can say is keep urself busy and hang out wit ur frens. it will make u feel better. it works for me and i hope it works for u. take care dude.
well, not happy with you? plain and simple, you're or the relationship is boring. at least she felt this way. seriously, get over it and you'll find some else real soon. for a starting advise, don't be in a relationship for too long and not getting married.

now get over it; grab 200 and run down to a spa and get a prc then revenge all you want.
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