Chassis Flex - Fixing it (?)


500 RPM
Senior Member
May 18, 2004
Can anyone advise me with this problem? i just suspect my car chassis (Satria) has ran off its geometry after a bit of hard driving last Sunday night. Was having a sort of runoff with few friends at a secluded small spot (non-public area)... and my car skidded hard and spun 360 2 times. a friend who's watching said my car sidelifted at the end of the spin before coming to a stop. Upon checking the car's condition, the rear bootlid is not aligned with the rear roof pillar by nearly 1 degree. My rear right sidecreen rubber lining also seems to be dislocated abit (seems that the rubber lining left a mark where it was before).

My tire guy said all alignments set before (on saturday) is off badly and he also advised me to check on chassis geometry as he finds the sideplate of the chassis (the undercarriage spot where mechs usually use to jack our car) is a bit senget on the lifter . He mentioned to me about a place called Master Body somewhere in Subang area (he didn't know exact location). Can anyone help me with the address or contact of this Masterbody or other place that do chassis aligning? (...ehem... and also, what's the cost?).

Thanks in advance.

P/S : My car is Puspakom approved not kereta potong one so no need to speculate about this possiblity :)
MasterBody used to be good...
My advise would be to go someplace else...
Trust me on this 3 out of 3 friends sent their car's there and none of them came out good...
erm, actually wira,satria, iswara,saga body are weak(1.3 & 1.5,1.6&1.8 not sure)..if u jack ur car from the rear, u may see some bend on the boot drop down a bit..
but heard my fren said since waja model come out, there's no such things happening liao...
my manager took his mr-2 for a full 'body' check-up at master auto body,can contact Ms.Tan at 03-5621 2500.its behind giant in usj,just a lil deeper inside near the construction thare's a small lane heading towards a huge warehouse.Charge in RM120 just to check up n a print out of how good or bad ur car body is.any further rectification is a separate charge..good luck bro...
If your car has flexed, I really don't wanna check mine. I do lots of hard cornering (but probably not hard enough). So.... I don't wanna check, I don't wanna know. hahaha I just notice that the door on the passenger side has a bigger gap than the driver side.
yeah right .
waja onwards , all those chasiss are tuned by lotus . extra welding points .
the most advanced body is belongs to the new Satria , SRM which production started since last 5 days ago , 3 months later , will fully launch it .
reason for delay , lotus expertise has been giving too much and too complicated welding points which is almost can archive by hand weld or superb welding machine as peugeot and mercedes has . and they spent the time to improve it for the machine welding .
too be true , it is 50% more advanced than oridinary toyota produciton cars .
SRM, will they accept trade-in. satria 1.5. chasis oso gone wild.
hehe. need stronger car. enjoy cornering so MUCH
hmm...srm start prod 5 days ago? alaa...any aftermarket parts to replace the dashboard? :p
satria_95 : wahlanehhhhh.... it could just be the door hinges lembik edi...

I am waiting for the new SRM to trade off my car... I can never make good time against my friend's Clio...
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