calling all evo's and lancer owners!!!

31st activities:

12.00pm: meet for lunch!!
1.30pm: move to safety film shop
3.30pm : move to rojak/cendol to makan
4.30pm : hunt for mamak for tea
6.00pm : ???tbc
7.30pm : dinner

any other sugestions??

do you guys know where is ralliart malaysia ah?
yup, here is the contact of ralliart malaysia
No.33 Jalan Sungai Rasau,41300 Klang,
Selangor Darul Ehsan,Malaysia
+60 - (0)3 - 551-22693
+60 - (0)3 - 551-26633

here is the map of world of ralliart.
so well....i think i will go for wat u all suggest lo.......hahahhaa...
coz i also dun have any idea.....i think everybody also bz nowadays
hahahahhaa..........B18c-R always tell me he works like dog....hahaha
i also damn bz till 9 or 10 pm sometimes....lot work to do...
sli, when belanja me nasi lemak ...? i wan projet connaught a......hahah
safety film test cant do coz they dont open on sundays...

so next plan is:

12.00pm: meet for lunch!!
1.30pm : any sugestions????
3.30pm : move to rojak/cendol to makan
4.30pm : hunt for mamak for tea
6.00pm : ???tbc
7.30pm : dinner

Hey... u r unavailable for de whole 31/07? Mmmm... work is more important lar... no worry... If really cannot... then postpone to de next wk lor - 07/08!!! But keep de schedule/plan lar... Ok for everyone? Or any other suggestion? :D

Members, so is Ralliart shop operate in Sunday oso?
i've called the ralliart shop... its a showroom..hehe.. but need to check if they open on sundays lor....
plans has changed to the 7th august sunday..
i'm trying to arrange the safety film test on sunday.. they say they would do if just for us!!! kena phyco from me lor...hehehe
well... i want to test it personaly coz i'm really interested in getting it!!!...
well... if everything is alrite.. we shall go as plan!!!

11.30am : meet up!
12.00pm : go for lunch!!
1.15pm : proceed to safety film test
2.45pm : cendol and rojak!!!
3.30pm : performance shop hunt!
5.00pm : mamak!
7.00pm : plan for dinner!
8.30pm : meeting up with other
members and mitsu
community if posible!

any sugestions?
If confirm 07/08 hor... i'll tell my frens (driving evo), so tht they can pre-arrange their time to join us oso... hehehe... ok? Hope tht this time can make it lor...
if all goes well... the FTO club will be joining us!!!!
Wow... Tht will b kool man!!! :D So hopefully all MLOC members do show ur support n try to make it on 07/08!!! Hey guys, Pls show up on tht day!!! hahaha.... If got frens interested, do bring them along oso... Try get more members for MLOC!!! ;) agree that what u all change to 7/8 ?? i think need to wait for others to confirm first..........
safety tint company is willing to do a test for us on a sunday!!! but change in scheduel a bit...
we are gathering with the fto club and some members of meoc...

10.30am : meet up for safety film test
12.30pm : go for lunch!!
2.00pm : cendol and rojak!!!
3.30pm : performance shop hunt!
5.00pm : mamak!
7.00pm : plan for dinner!
8.30pm : dinner ..................etc

any sugestions?
Wow all monster gathering :( too bad not
the same models as you guys...take
more photo kay :)

Hey fren, so confirmed TT on 07.08 rite? hehehe... i got 2 frens wanna to join in oso... an E9 n an E7!!! Both zth-ian as well!!! Now de most headache thingy is to find a big enough parking space for meet up rite? Errr.... car park @ Bukit Jalil Stadium? or de same place @ Sunway where v met last time? Hey guys, any suggestion?


I thought we going to bangsar for TT? Tak jadik huh? Please keep me update on the TT, ok?

By the way, ralliart showrooms that you called is just nearby my house maa..and as long as i can remember...not open on sunday.
putrajaya abiiittt far liow for a meet up place!!!....... try to keep it within kl/pj coz at least those who wake up late also can come lor...hehehe...

will keep you updated!! just check your sms!!! hehe

sunway sounds good coz sunday no car there...huge area also...

kl/pj also considered far for me lor...... :( well was just a thought only.... extreme park? hartamas? projet damansara? ttdi mosin? anywhere long not seremban can d.....

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