BOV sounds


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Senior Member
Aug 23, 2004
Just wondering how to get the sound produced by the R34 skyline in 2F2F... anyone knows wat BOV that car might have been using?

or izzit only possible in Skyline engines?
er...i think ur refering to the whistling..its mostly the new BOV models..the *ppsstt* sounds are sumtimes frm a old model BOV..
it might be ne BOV that produces that whistling sound..but maybe sum1 else mite know exactly wat BOV that is la..

actually...that sound can come from ne other car besides a sky..
as long got the boost and the same BOV as the one u want..can edy... :P
and maybe...a few mods..and how u drive u baby.. :lol:
hhrmm..ya hor..can change the trumpet..
i'f i was given a change..wud take getfastbits BOV
Originally posted by L2TurboFool@Nov 6 2004, 08:29
hhrmm..ya hor..can change the trumpet..
i'f i was given a change..wud take getfastbits BOV
not correcting u, jus for ur reference :)

hahaha OH SHIT! i typed that??? aiyak...i always get that name wrong.!! argh..!!
eh...nice la the GFB BOVs..can turn it off oso..
Originally posted by L2TurboFool@Nov 6 2004, 21:16
hahaha OH SHIT! i typed that??? aiyak...i always get that name wrong.!! argh..!!
eh...nice la the GFB BOVs..can turn it off oso..
got sample ar?
can i see?
pic pic?
i thought combination with garret turbine(nissan do garret)
and ARC bov....
hmmmm :huh:
wrong uh?

The GFB BOV which can 'turn-off' the blow-off sound is the stealth FX i think - and it's $$$$EXPENSIVE$$$!!!! Like RM1.4k??? around that la... but the concept is so cool - if u don't wanna arouse police/JPJ attention then u can 'stealth' it and when u turn the blow-off sound back on u get back ur ear-shattering WHOOSH!!
i tot is sard racing bov, the one look like ufo 1.. :lol:

coz my friend gti e3 fix tat bov.. boost at 1.2bar.. from far can hear the exactly same sound as the 2f2f skyline... :lol:
how much the brand new GFB stealth FX bov in Ringgit Malaysia???
RM1.4K??? :o or??? :unsure:
if really RM1.4k, its expensive........ :( <_<

Originally posted by b310turbo@Nov 21 2004, 08:23
i bump into a skyline the other day and.... if i'm not mistaken the they use similar ones to what i have.... its the BLITZ Super Sound.
nice BOV... kinda old but nevertheless still damn good... i used to use this one, sold it off oledi... it's probably one of the best old-skool BOVs i've used hehe! BLITZ SUPERSOUND! :)
just a suggestion to the sifus, can some one list out the best sounding BOVs for us newbies to refer to? and mebe what they sound like. As which is loudest, which has whistling sound. etc...

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