Beri ruang pada pengguna kereta ubah suai

its kinda difficult. even if protest. this kind of complain seen over and over again. but end result still same. they just keep for reference under thier table..

Well if kinda cool of the author who wrote that in hand. This expresses how he felt and the rest of the modders as well.

as u can see, our tv cable shows lots of modded car program's and even our local tv show it as well.

if u understand what he wrote well, he himself as well disagree with the heavily modded part n stuff, but by just changing those simple items such as bumpers n etcs, shouldnt be a problem rite..

come on guys, we all know that we malaysian's are such creative people.. even now a days we dont used fibre after market anymore.. u sed custom metals piece to mod our cars ( the drifter know what i mean)..

with one voice, made it to the leading newspaper.. what if 1000 voice..??? or maybe more.. think bout it guys...

totally support ler. we need more ppl who dare voice out like him.
i think is better if this artical is in all the papers so that every 1 in malaysia will support it
i think his right by changing facial look is not dangerous it cant danger other
i think the government should encourage this cos it create opportunity to
for ppl to show their skill.
in malaysia most of the ppl dont like books rather they are more in to skilled jobs like handy craft,grafity,paintings,etc why not try to convert this people to automotive industry where they can put their creativity on the car.
the government should invest more in this industry rather than investing billions of ringgit in converting school to smart school . no offence in converting the school but a school is still a school its produce more and more jobless grad!!
by investing in this automotive industry it will help the country economy seriously alot!!!
hers today debate lol!!! hope theres still alot of openion
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U need to be an outspoken minister first, otherwise all ur comments are useless.....ur words means nothing to them
neber in the zillion year, they will modify the existing rules..... they too lazy to change it.....

modify car = samseng + illegal racers + triad member + uneducated ppl

I got one scenario where a mother told her son, that ppl who modify car is uneducated ppl or samseng kia in english in front of me like i cannot uderstand English.... so i say, Auntie, how do you know i'm not educated? in English KNNCCB....hehehe

you see how her face look like.... :)
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better sent a copy to pm's / transport minister email...
Haha u gt ther email add ?
I'm afraid these things gonna fall to deaf ears again...Sigh
I think they won't consider it. They taught this is a waste of time and money to enforce this kind of rules.

I really hope they grow up and do something about this. Malaysian Motorsports are getting bigger and larger. Especially drifting and dragging events.

Please do something mr. G.
its a good start... and it has to start somewhere, right??... don't be so negative

kudos to the writer.... we need more of this...
allo plz do our part, anyone whos good in writing plz send his or her articles to major newspaper...make it big....make them see...make them hear...this is what 'rakyat' need....
hopes it works...
den we will hav a chance to mod kau kau on our cars....
tats what evryone hope so....

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