Batu Tiga Track Pics

Mrnazmi said:
as what reason it been closed? ;-(

i remember the govt said in the papers, that they are closing the track, because we don't need so many racetracks.. everyone should use sepang.

of course, the real reason is probably, because the track sits on prime land...
lozo said:
i was told that the 2nd gen civic was on h22a...really ??
No lah... for sure it was a B-series, as i've seen the engine myself... but what kind of rojak b-series or after market parts that went in, i dunno...
fulama.. old time shit weii
lol.. well.. i myself was damn young dat time laa.. lol.. but i was there.. thanks to my cousins.. LOL.. they gila civic.. so always go see.. LOL.. i rmb that civic too! loll..

we need more tracks la.. seriously.. and sepang overcharging la..
Hei!its a good memory during that years! nice pictures man! I can still remember the sounds thundering while coming in the car park & cars jaming the road!Any pictures of those Vtec Kings & the super champion black Skyline?those were d champions !those years,always waiting for the Saturday nite to come!
sigh... brings back old memories... i still remember i pulled a hose to the front to cool d intercooler... the marshall flagged me down when it's my time to drag... sayig.. OI BOCOR BOCOR BOCOR!! ... i was like... ya ya.. i know.. sengaja punya!! muahhaha.. malu only mannnn
tx3's, colt's, satria's, saga's, civic's, accord's, kancil, hamburger's, those time were blardy fun.... bought my ex there to see and went inside pit see all da cars bukak hood, and blahh blahh. straight away hook with racing, fm then on.. ehheheheheheh :p memories!!

buy ticket only 6 bucks (if i remember correctly) GRANDSTAND sumore!!! ahahahahhaha... now SIC 150 bucks WTF!!?? :p and in SIC pit lane all goes very fast mauahahahhaha.. in btsc all very slow while going out. :p
last time + parking inside pit = 15 bucks / person. ahhaha...
Mrnazmi said:
as what reason it been closed? ;-(

All about MONEY!...all PKNS land was consider as a leasehold land...and the track was placed at a very high value area...when somebody came with a gud proposal of development...they cant refuse it...for info,PKNS was getting 30% for each house selling by the developer...just imagine how much they get if each unit sold at sad:cry_smile:
well, to get back @ them, u can always drive yer car there and rev 9 9 ... waking up the neighbours.. ahahhaha
haiyoooo oooo my goddd.......jz rfound my old BT3 pics hosted online last time, now see this again

my heart bleeding..........wanna burn some petrol edi...........go sepang so fuking exp w all the supercars big bully

no more budget racing, its all rich man's sports now............BT3 - R.I.P
ehh is there even a track at batu tiga? I never know there's one!


u must be VERY young then...

there WAS a track in BT3 shah alam... but that corrupted asswipe khir toyo decided to make tonnes of undertable money and close it down for a housing project while giving bullshit reasons. it was one of his first orders when he came to power....

for the sole reason of closing down BT3....i so hate that piece of shit.
Was about to say the same thing, he must be very young.
BT3 Saturday night races were always at full capacity. Even parking can be full including the Grandstand and behind the fence at Rothmans Corner....
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