Audi ABT AS4 & AS5


500 RPM
Senior Member
Dec 12, 2007

So you’re thinking bout an A4 or already have one sitting at home or you’re thinking bout getting your hands on the new A5 but somehow, neither of them touch the adrenalin junkie in you. Well, worry not; ABT is here to help that wacky junkie go nuts.

ABT is able to transform the A4 or A5 with only a subtle body kit into the beauties you see here. Yes, I am in love, a long time Audi fan and things have just started getting better. With the introduction of the A7 less than a year away and ABT churning out gorgeous body kits like this, Audi’s future looks bright.

ABT body kits include new wheels, a sport suspension, a freer-flowing exhaust system, and a variety of power upgrades. If you’re one of those people with seemingly bottomless pockets, opt for the Euro-spec ABT-tuned 3.0 TDI. In A4 or A5 form, it packs 300 horsepower and a stout 442 Ib-ft of torque. You’d be quite pleased with the performance and the savings you get at the fuel pump; just another Audi delicacy.