Any ppl that frequently work at offshore oil and gas platform ?

Hey satanic!! i am NDT engineer flying off to miri for RTD incotest equipment training.Which company u from? nOT sure yet which testing i am going to major in..coz i just joined..hehe.Did u kao tim ur BOSIET training and offshore passport already?
escaflowne, what company are you working for?

I'm in the welding line too.
Guys, may i know what course did u guys take in college/university ? Im doing mechanical engineering right now, and i know welding is in mechanical eng. Or are there other ways ? Like just go for training and that's it, ur an NDT engineer.
And how's your life at those oil rig ? How bored is it ? Until wanna commit suicide ? ahaha
yeay...i just got my now both Magnetic and Ultrasonic Inspector...level II....ehhehehehe...ehhh not planning to work offshore too fat ler...scared shark will follow me around when im working...kekekekekek....

yeap....but u already got an advantage there as u are doing welding mechanical'll be the same...especially if u are looking at welding long as u know the welding type,equipment,joints and metallurgy...u shud be allrite...basically it is like a me...straight from selling car parts...i joined a introduction course and then flew to UK to do practical course at Argyll & Ruane TP O'Neil in Rotheram...and life in the oilrig?sendri mau ingat fren....u wake up...go out...nothing but my fren....he have to wait for about a month for the bloody helicopter to fly to the oilrig...its not as simple as 2 weeks on 2 weeks off...sometime it depends whether the chopper is coming and whether they can squeeze u or not....and u also have to take like a survival air steward...u need to know how to survive if ur chopper crash at sea and all....extra requirement...but damn big bucks man...
escaflowne said:
yah..i am from a 3rd party inspection company..mainly offshore inspection for MY and any oversea platform..but for me ..onces the job is done can balik...take maybe 1 month to 3month max..depend on the job la usually

BVQI or TUV or SGS ????? I work with 3rd party inspection firms quite often....but recently has encounter conflict which i made the complain all the way to the BVQI US director... :P
I think you got confused hehe. Im not doing welding mechanical engineering. Just mechanical engineering. But the course did teach me about welding and how to weld also. And i did learn metallurgy subject. So i guess i can go into this path also.

About the chopper crash, haha that is the thing that im afraid of. Although the pay is damn good, im not ready to die early hahaha. So we'll see hehe
wah..u think too far lar!! how u going to die???? offshore is more important in safety and quality!!! if u r not qualify worker sure u cant go offshore!!! well, i got many friend which work as offshore MIRI!!!

entertainment, maybe bit boring for west malaysia ppls which enjoyful life there but east malaysia is different lar!!! big screen of plasma tv, good, fresh and healthy food for those worker!!!! wanna singing just go karaoke!!! gambling for football go watch tv room of plasma tv 50"!!!!!

high pay??? RM2.5k is not high bro, but depend on ur experience lar!!! everything learn from beginning and get experience to nego on income!!!!!!!!!!!
evo5755 said:
im not an offshore employee, but i have friends that work offshore. ROV engineers, and commercial diver. Pay is good, but you will suffer for a bout 30-60 days. 12 hour shift work, under the high temeprature. Not something which everyone can take it, especially commercial diver.

Hello guys. Im actually offshore at the moment. Evo5755, noticed u have friends who work offshore as ROV & divers. What are their names? Ive been in this industry about 5 ys now, started doing ROV, inspection, now with saturation diving (heliox), but im lucky, almost never get in sun... hehehe. Now currently in gulf of thailand for Chevron, boycott malaysian waters- have to pay lots on tax!! :regular_smile:
you will go for sea survival training BOSIET inorder to obtain ur passport to the platform.Dun worry..i dunno how to swim as well and able to go through the training.
I'm from velosi,currently at miri for incotest equipment training and stuff.
and munky..i am from mechanical too..yeah you will feel famillar with those stuff.
kewl....didnt even know lots of zth fella an ndt' planning to take welding inspector course as well to compliment my other 2 license....heehehe
SataniC said:
kewl....didnt even know lots of zth fella an ndt' planning to take welding inspector course as well to compliment my other 2 license....heehehe

just finish my incotest at bintulu..wah..satanic..ut and mt cert streak eh for u..wat kind of ut eq u r using?lizard?
im a krautkramer man mate...hahahahaha...been trained with that....guess im sticking with that too....coming back to do my experiences stuffs to get a full fledged license I'm in holland working/training in "mokveld valves"....seems a little out of place among all you testing engineers:embaressed_smile:

boset test is not what you should be worried about, it's the medical test before signing up for boset.

"sir, please remove your undergarments and jump for me"
anyone kena that one?
ahaha i kena is " underwear down plz sir "..haha..luckily i din kena the jumping part..
boggy, u r at holland huh...not bad..
huh ? They need to see the lil brother for medical ar ? hahaha

If only the doctor is a single, sexy, naughty doctor....ohhh man haha
i just got back last wednesday...i was not on any company beforehand....right now trying to apply for work at either Batam or Spore...trying to gather enuff experience leh....anyone got lubang for MPI or UT level 2 onot?ehehehhe
btw whey the heck do they need you to jump up and down nakid?aiyoh...if got 20" kkc nemind leh....ahhahahahahaah
SataniC said:
btw whey the heck do they need you to jump up and down nakid?aiyoh...if got 20" kkc nemind leh....ahhahahahahaah

I dunno, first he ask me to cough, then he said "lompat sikit".
no one kena meh? I asked a medical friend and he said something about "inguinal hernia". All my collegues also got kena, but some no need to jump.

Esca, ok ok la, got this summer internship with Mokveld, can consider quite lucky. But quite scarry when handling the equiptments, especially tungsten cages.

SantaniC, mahem...batam where got ppl work wan? Bring some usd or singaporean dollars there and can be like king liao.
My experience with people at Batam, their sense of punctuality is next to zero. 9 out of 10 guys are liars, and the food there is....meh.

You sure you want to go there?
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