any drifter from penang or butterworth ?

kei-office: i'm not saying any1 just asking some comment and explanation only lah
dont tell me u r the "back stabers"?heheheh just kidding.
wppong : fooh me ? aiya u know me long time ago rite , when i stab on other ppl ? tiu ...... ppl stab me got la hehehee but anyway just stab on ppl or even ur fren , joke is joke if over then pull down each other face no good leh !!!!!!

wawawa!! who is back stabber???
hehe so long din come to tis site de become so long liau....
a lot of drifters coming up as i can c...tats great!!!
i truely support penang motorsports!!!
mike xtreme said:
wawawa!! who is back stabber???
hehe so long din come to tis site de become so long liau....
a lot of drifters coming up as i can c...tats great!!!
i truely support penang motorsports!!!

yeah ... i was also wondering why suddenly come out such topic !!!! but i think it jz a normal chatting la .........

penang motorsport cheers
lol come on just to come out a topic to discuss only mah......make this thread continue moving mah!!!!!!
i wont promote conflict in the forum...
because i believe to keep penang motorsports moving we cant split up in many groups....hehehe
go go go keep this thread movin
wppong said:
stilll opening for every1 to reply my question!!!!
million of thanks to the people who giving some explanation.

OOOiiii victorGR pls lah give somecomment on it. We all r pg kia mah.

comment?? comment on what ?? back stabing??

i now working so abit busy
mike xtreme said:
wawawa!! who is back stabber???
hehe so long din come to tis site de become so long liau....
a lot of drifters coming up as i can c...tats great!!!
i truely support penang motorsports!!!

by da way wana ask u guys what do u think a KP61 as a drift car?

coz heard some rumors saying that the car canot go far comparing to Ceffy etc
mike xtreme said:
i wont promote conflict in the forum...
because i believe to keep penang motorsports moving we cant split up in many groups....hehehe
go go go keep this thread movin

hahah mike!!!!no lah not causing any conflict.....just need some comment only ler.....all comment which given is very precious!!!!hehehhe
VictorGR said:

wowowowo......victor dont tell me u r saying urself is a back stabber?sure or not?
just joking lah.....
VictorGR said:
by da way wana ask u guys what do u think a KP61 as a drift car?

coz heard some rumors saying that the car canot go far comparing to Ceffy etc

First KP61 can consider as a drift car. :X-:

But main point for that car is need to do alot of drift setting.:shades_smile:

U know lah toyota when come to setting is kinda expensive compare with nissan.Just need to depands on the owner's budget.:confused_smile:

KP61 also facing some problem due to the body length because the body is to short.If the owner can really drift that car well which means the owner already catch the point of drifting then he also can drift other car well just like MR2 as well.

Comparing with cefi.....ok alot of my friend in kl using cefi to drift.....y am i still using KE70???????cause of budget to own a cefi body.But on nissan u can easily to get parts and more cheaper compare with toyota.If u dont believe just try to check out the price halfcut for RB20 compare with AE86!!!!!

Now hope u all can see what am i trying to tell u guys about!!!!

OK now come to the main point y kp61 cannot go far!!!!!!!!!
through my own opinion im saying that is correct looo....y? coz when a drifter come to the top level that time they might saying the car still under power need for upgrading then need to get another ride so iziit possible? tell me!!!!!
for myself if reallly i can reach the good level i might be doing that as well. Y i will choose cefi while i need A upgrade coz cefi body is the cheapest body among all nissan car caomparing like sil80, skyline32 and i right??correct me if im wrong!!!!! But till the end still need to see the owner as well how far he is going to push himself looo.

So rumours is rumours who cares?????:baring_teeth: A person who trying to make rumours on commenting some1 he is a looser!!!!!am i right victor????coz they scared they will loose to some 1 in future.:shades_smile:

Victor hope u agree with my opinion!!!!!!
Come on lah guys......drifting just only started in pg!!!! why go so many rumours lah....back stabbers lah or somethinglahhh.....
plsssss lah make the motorsports grow leh.....then every1 can drift !!!!
Come on penanges make pennang kia proud in drifting motorsport.

Pls stop all the stupid rumours and starto dorifto. Show out what u have penang kia make penang proud.
oyaahhh.....1 more sentence STupid People Make Stupid thingkekkek
wppong said:
wowowowo......victor dont tell me u r saying urself is a back stabber?sure or not?
just joking lah.....

haizzzzzz........duno what to say lah guys. Izzt now a days very hard to give people comment????Is that true??????
Give comment also kena back stab what to do??????
I think i better think this kind of way " the person who stab on people will feel the heat of it" "siapa makan chili, die yang rase panas dan pedas"
OKOK victor sience u say ur self is a Back Staber let me give a serious comment!!!! i ADMIT u as a super "back stabber" and a copy cat. Y i say that???? Hope u remember what u say to ur friend about MR K. U say Mr K is talking alot of bullshit? tell me what is the bull shit? huh!!!!! izzit very complicated to u????? how bullshit izit? izit when u starting to learn drift that time u asking for knowldge and Mr K is sharing. Is this all the bull shit? huh!!! remember the roundabout??? while u training at there that time keep on having mistake and ask Mr K for the right way. If really all the knowledge is bull shit y u still follow????
Answer me staber!!!!! Ok come back to recently.......while u guys practicing why still using Mr K way?????? if u really that kind of power just use ur way and dont use people's way kinda a copy cat and shame men.
What u mean to challenge Mr K? to make him loose face????answer me staber!!!!!
what u want him to lose face in D1??????kinda weird. Aren't u now a D1 professional drifter????Remmember now u still a car park drfiter so am i as well. So what????trying to show ur power or wana act as leader for drifting in pg? PLs remember pg still fresh in drifting every 1 share share knowledge some more to make pg proud. Izzit just to know how to do donut and figure * the u r pro for it?

I think i will used a special word to tell u. Think abit u r not small dee pls know what to say or what to do. Pls use ur " Brain and THINK!!!!!!!"

And i hope u dont try to use other topic to find fought again.....plsss pllssss brainless stabbers
wppong said:
OKOK victor sience u say ur self is a Back Staber let me give a serious comment!!!! i ADMIT u as a super "back stabber" and a copy cat. Y i say that???? Hope u remember what u say to ur friend about MR K. U say Mr K is talking alot of bullshit? tell me what is the bull shit? huh!!!!! izzit very complicated to u????? how bullshit izit? izit when u starting to learn drift that time u asking for knowldge and Mr K is sharing. Is this all the bull shit? huh!!! remember the roundabout??? while u training at there that time keep on having mistake and ask Mr K for the right way. If really all the knowledge is bull shit y u still follow????
Answer me staber!!!!! Ok come back to recently.......while u guys practicing why still using Mr K way?????? if u really that kind of power just use ur way and dont use people's way kinda a copy cat and shame men.
What u mean to challenge Mr K? to make him loose face????answer me staber!!!!!
what u want him to lose face in D1??????kinda weird. Aren't u now a D1 professional drifter????Remmember now u still a car park drfiter so am i as well. So what????trying to show ur power or wana act as leader for drifting in pg? PLs remember pg still fresh in drifting every 1 share share knowledge some more to make pg proud. Izzit just to know how to do donut and figure * the u r pro for it?

I think i will used a special word to tell u. Think abit u r not small dee pls know what to say or what to do. Pls use ur " Brain and THINK!!!!!!!"

And i hope u dont try to use other topic to find fought again.....plsss pllssss brainless stabbers

Guys, guys - Chill your jets man...No point fighting--- The law of Karma " What Goes around, Comes around"

Solute Mr K, he tought me how to do proper donut around a cone, and number 8, and E-brake drift and also clutch dump. I wont forget his help at all. Dont say bad things about him la.. he is a cool person and fun to be with.

Chill la guys, if you all feel you cant get along, just dont say anything to each other to make matters worse.. Just my 2 cents... Hope you all dont take my comment personally.
did u guys mention victor is the back stabber ?
oic now ..... haiz , i told kei b4 liao , not worth it to spend so much time to explain and share knowledge . wppong wat u post izzit true ? sad case , no wonder recently i met kei , asking him how recently he told me he was so dissapoitting .

honestly , i din feel or saw any problem from kei as victor say to everyone . but my exprerience , the time with my RX7 .... kei share alot things with me and i try b4 also .... wat i feel is , kei is not ban me or black out me , he jz to explain how my car gona to drift , and he told me is hard to drift .... he is rite , i need more practise , money , time if i gona using RX7 to drift .

wat i know , kei teach victor b4 wat , maybe not to say pro drifter but kei bring his kl fren together and share knowledge with them rite . i still remember the time is raya , kei told me he is bz in penang with victor and their gang . 2nite victor wana practise ........ SO i believe and comfirm kei bring and share alot with victor , even put down her gf to accompany penang drifter .....

haiz .... pitty for kei !
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