adjustable suspension...


Senior Member
Aug 8, 2004
hello, morning, afternoon, evening...

im driving a ford tx-3 1991 factory's my dad's about 2.5k now and planing to go for adjustable suspension...for better handling and feel...kan? helps kan?, dah gi tgk HWL, IMPROVE...lain x jumpe for this car...i mean this, just wanna get some oppinions from abang2 sekalin...harap2 anda boleh membantu...sekian...

hi bro

i represent TiTAN, a custom-build performance shock absorber company.
proudly 100% Malaysian.

TiTAN can build to your car, and it's servicable, damping tunable, choice of springs, camber adjustables, 2 years warranty too!!
AND we guarantee, under normal road use, it'll last you a lifetime (with regular service intervals) and it'll last a minimum of 24months from new.

Value for money!
for more info and testimonials:
check this out:
Hi Azri1986

Do check out the Titans. I run a 1990 Ford laser sedan fitted with Titan adjustables and they have served me very well over the past 9 months or so. Have not had to go back for any tuning since the initial adjustments; the car is now more poised and in control when cornering hard and at speed and twisty bits of road are now looked forward too, rather than avoided previously. High speed stability has also improved for my car, especially in terms of accelaration(not so much weight transfer to the back due to the stiffer set-up, i guess) and braking (i find the car doesn't dip as much under hard braking as with normal suspension. In my experience, the team at Titan are friendly, prfessional and quite ready to help you get what u want out of your suspension for the money that u have paid.

Cannot comment on the others as I never had the chance to fit them on my car(was using standard absorbers all the while prior to fitting the Titans), so this is just my 2 sens on what i'm curently using at the moment.

Hope this helps.

how much for my car?? madza 626 yr 1991, 2000cc. i want the tahan lasak 1 like rally car coz i like in OUG. u knw the road there, rt. thks
Tahan lazak? Well, u can ask me... been there b4 - car skidded, flew to opposite lane, rotated 180 degrees n landed on 4 tires, rims cracked, drive shaft snapped, lower arm bent...

But, my Titans survived intact... no damage! Now, that's something...

PS: Pls don't try this at home! I was lucky to escape without any injuries.
Originally posted by acbc@Sep 29 2004, 01:08
Tahan lazak? Well, u can ask me... been there b4 - car skidded, flew to opposite lane, rotated 180 degrees n landed on 4 tires, rims cracked, drive shaft snapped, lower arm bent...

But, my Titans survived intact... no damage! Now, that's something...

PS: Pls don't try this at home! I was lucky to escape without any injuries.
u r one lucky dude....

sounds like a WRC accident...

princee: u can go to the Titan thread for details of the prices and who to contact.

Any other place can get shockers for Mazda?? anyone tried using other brands like GAB? mazdaspeed?
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