2 VIOS-es totalled in SJ + 1 iswara

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Senior Member
Dec 23, 2004
WOW.. this happen to me not more than 4 hours ago... it's a little lond-winded and quite messy in terms of explanation... (i'm gonna type this fast since it's almost 4 am)... here's how it happened... i stay in subang jaya and i was driving down the road for taipan, where mpsj is towards usj, while approaching a T junction, a gold vios overtook me quite fast, with a modded black perdana following quite near.. i was caught off guard and kinda pissed; and i was thinking, heck this ppl racing again... i was behind the car about 300 meters and i saw the car approaching the corner too fast.. sure want to drift wan... and he did.. i think he was doing about 70-80km/h... then true enough, i saw it drift slightly and lost sight of the car since it was out of my viewing angle... then i heard a loud crash and i was like, wtf, must have totalled the car since the angle he tried to drift was very tight, from the right lane to drift into the left lane...

so, as i was approaching the junction to turn right, i saw the other cars in front of me braking quite hard and abruptly and pulled to the right.. i was expecting to see the vios turtled or something, but then i couldn't see any car aside from the cars that were pulling over.. so after passing the cars and trying to take a look, i saw the vios in the ditch away from the kerb.. the car actually jumped the kerb and landed sideways in the drain... my house was already very near so i went to take a look after pulling over in usj 2 to take a look... the black perdana was driven by some indian guy but i was not sure if he caused the accident.. the gold vios was driven by some young punk who had 3 girls in the car, 2 at the back.. i felt angry since he overtook me and almost clipped my front fender, and i wanted to give him a piece of my mind since my parents were in the car with me at that time.. then i realized he had a P license, with an applied maths textbook in the car.... so i didn't bother and checked out the damage to the car.. the vios didn't sustain much damage except for physical small dents, a broken windshield and both the airbags deployed, although it wasn't a frontal impact... anyhow, they all came out of the car through the car window as the drain was small... the car just nicely fit the drain.... the driver was lucky as well since there was a tree just 2 meters away from where his car was... if the tree was just 3 meters to the front, then i'd say goodbye to the front passenger.. (most of the girls were young and pretty :P)....

so, anyhow, the police arrived and took the cars particulars and left, not asking anyone anything.. the just read the road tax disc and then left, in after which, the crowd had gathered and they said there was another accident barely 5 mins after the gold vios totalled, another silver vios had rear-ended a black iswara aeroback just about 400 meters before the junction in where the gold vios ended up in the drain... and i remembered passing the black iswara after the gold vios overtook me rudely... so i drove over to usj 5 and checked out that accident.. that was even worse the the gold vios.. a silver vios was driving in the right most lane, and the iswara was stationary wanting to turn in to usj 6... this time, there were 4 boys in the silver vios and i think a couple in the black vios (someone said the couple just had a baby a few days ago).. the damage to the iswara was colossal.. it looked like it was a 2 seater convertable, except some of its innards were on the road.. the springs and axle were in pieces..the windshield to the iswara had a melon size bulge coming from the inside, consistant with a head hitting the windshield, but it didn't penetrate.. it was just smashed into bits... the vios that hit it had quite some damage, a dent to the hood and the normal stuff, airbag deployed and smashed headlamps...

so after i returned to the 1st accident, which was a walking distance, i saw the car being towed out of the ditch.. my heart sank when i saw the way the car was towed out of the drain.. it was just with brute force.. the bumpers and front fenders were dented even more.. front left side tyre was flat with dented rims... axle broken and a part of it was dangling....

after a chat with some of the members of the crowd, some people had said it was related as the both the cars were vios-es, some said the cars were racing... however, thinking of it, i was between the 2 accidents when it occured and i believe the black perdana was somehow responsible for the 1st accident... and i even saw him in the 2nd accident later on in his car... the police did nothing as far as questioning and impounding their car (and other bystanders who either pulled over making a 3 lane to a 1 lane traffic or serious overloaded mods on small kancils)... the police were everywhere that area just to 'control' traffic and taking the road tax particulars of the cars involved....

after the incident, thinking of it, it was a blessing that i was not either too fast or too slow as i could have been the one with the totalled car... in fact, i am suppose to receive my vios in april and it made me VERY VERY hard sick to see 2 vios totalled 400 meters apart, 5 minutes apart... i'm also very thankful that a pileup did not occur as there were heavy traffic... however, both the accidents made 1 thing clear as well as the built of the vios is concerned... it is sturdy and it can keep me safe if driven carefully... what an eventful day as i was caught between 2 accidents.. lucky for me

anyone else saw the accident?? i had wanted to take some pictures but my sister had the camera with her.. anyone took pics of any 1 of the accidents of even both? i know there was a guy with a video camera on the scene.... it pissed me off since the driver of the car had no road manners at all and he's just a P license holder.. some people just has no regard for human life.. and he ferried home 3 girls.. he should be slapped so hard he won't know what hit him.. anyhow, if someone could post a pic it would be great.. and btw, there was no fatality or serious injuries as far know and see.. just to let everyone know no one died .. toh sui and lucky at the same time since it was very near my house...

just wanted to share that with ZTH members... :) since i hardly post anything here, i'd share this with the rest (i do read the forums btw, not just a sleeping member)
must be after the 'VIOS' club gathering in taipan la. all angan angan wanna bcome JGTC drivers.

anyways , serve them right.
wau happening lar usj this day.... some many accident in same time.....
hmmm....i saw an accident yesterday...was the gold vios accident occured down the road...the T junction in between USJ 2,USJ 5 and USJ 6??i saw a 2nd gen City that looked like it was hit from the back.......ard 12am ler....2 accident in 1 nite....subang damn keng....aihhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....wat has happened to once a quiet and peaceful place....now got rempits doing superman,cars doing drift....lorry doing airbrakes.....ruined ruined...
Originally posted by Vlad@Feb 26 2005, 09:03
must be after the 'VIOS' club gathering in taipan la. all angan angan wanna bcome JGTC drivers.

anyways , serve them right.
if vios club hear dis u c u kena slaughter anot...
how sure are u tat the they are frm the vios club gathering..?can b a coincidence.. :rolleyes:
usj roads appear very smooth mah. (unlike PJ ~SS2,3,14 etc with so many potholes)

but deceiving corners ? much like BU those days, every other nite always accident (poor lighting on corners) :rolleyes:

did the 3 girl Fcuk the guy for driving so dangerously? <_<
moral of the story is, if a car flashes/honks/makes you tu lan cause he or she overtook you, just let the fella go la...don't be like me learn the hard way and end up smashing into another car.

regardless of whether the car in question is faster or slower than yours, Murphy's Law somehow takes over whenever you wanna prove a point or show off.

drive safely guys.
Originally posted by Vlad@Feb 26 2005, 09:03
must be after the 'VIOS' club gathering in taipan la. all angan angan wanna bcome JGTC drivers.

anyways , serve them right.
ma haii.. for your information there was no vios gathering that night.
before u go shooting off ur smart-ass mouth.. think la with your brain not your bung hole.
dont be a typical stereotype lar brader
people like you should be hang coz u create hate and disorder bcos of ur stupid comments.
no club encourages illegal racing nor trouble making unless its the individual driver own responsibility on the road
but when ugly CB like u pop out make me piss only.
keep your comments to yourself la
Stupid MF

Anyway, serves you right.
was passing by oso since we to have late nite dinner at usj 2....didnt stop cause saw many ppl n the vios isn't that bad...slowed down then just went straight to eat.....
i dont think both vios is from the vios club

both are P drivers and the bludge from the windscreen you are talking about is from the Vios that rear ended the Iswara..the driver and passenger wasn't wearing their seat belts when they rear ended the iswara, the driver was saved by the air bag while the passenger hit his head on the windscreen, when he came out his face was bleeding badly, fortunately he was sent to the hospital without any serious injuries

from i heard, it was the iswara's fault..but when the accident occured, the malay iswara driver kept on blaming on the chinese vios driver till the extend that he nearly kena whacked by some malay callmen ;)
blardy irreponsible 'P' driver..hope he learn his lesson and never race again.

serious shit.....carry passenger and dare to so called 'drift' also....

this pissed me off...if it's and empty grpund/space then ok la....on the road is just to dangerous....

i'm glad that the pessenger are save and the driver deserve to die.haih...

if i confront with that 'p' driver..i'll just slap him on his face
guys.. no matter if u're an F1 driver or Karamjit Singh is yr si-foo... please dont forget yr seat belts !!

just a friendly reminder..
b'cuz its a vios,the 'P' driber wanna show off to the girls...aih..
its called male EGO~! i'd say thank God no fatalities...
but serves him right for totalling the vios.now his pride is gone wif 3 girl witnesses.chinese say, 'Tai Lei Sei' :P
both vios also P driver and the second accident was not the drivers fault but too bad initially he banged the back of the iswara and he still in the wrong side.....the first accident was a massive....seeing them so scare and after i see some car double signal in front than i run there to have a look and when i reach there wth* 1 of the guy face was full with blood...face smash to the windscreen coz not wearing safety belt.....

dont drive too fast on small road guys...dangerous
for me one word.... excellent!

i have no remorse for these illegal, reckless, thoughtless low lifes
is it so difficult to wear a seat belt? bloody hell it onli takes 3 seconds!! <_<
some of those irresponsible 'P' drivers really think it means PROFESSIONAL
agree with PocketRocket, its just plain EGO
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