if ur car make police intrested..read diz..

yesterday my car was blocked by 'kuda putih' then like usual laa.. license and ic.. and he asked "ko tau ape salah kau!?" i said.. "enta la bang".. then the police said coz of my tinted, very gelap.. hurmmm.. i can't said anythg coz the police true.. hahaha.. then the police said.. "ni kene bw balai ni kete kau nie" i said "Y?".. rules nowdays, if they want to summons coz of tinted, they need to test the % 1st, if not we can sue them.. i dunno the police rite or not.. police said "jom pegi balai.." i said i "dun wan..sure kene sita punye..exos bising, engine not endorse yet.." honest..haha.. then like usual.. the police asked for money..:listen: too bad, only have 2 50 notes in my wallet.. i gave rm50.. and then.. the police said "lain kali standby duit merah, xde la ko kene bagi duit biru" he laugh.. hahaha!! so moral of the story.. plez standy red notes in ur wallet..
u should ask how much he want...then if he wan RM30...u give RM50 and ask for the change...he sure got 2 red colour to return back to you....
yesterday i was on kesas highway then got the 'helang lebuhraya' suddenly tiong my backside with blue sirens summore.....so i move to the middle lane and let them pass (scared they stop me or something to 'pau' me).

but soon after the helang pass....i saw another helang behind....both chasing each other. :hmmmm: they seem to be having fun too.

so our friend's in blue also main racing eh.......
i hate them when they switch on the blue light during traffic jam....

after they pass the traffic jam..they will turn off...
yesterday i was on kesas highway then got the 'helang lebuhraya' suddenly tiong my backside with blue sirens summore.....so i move to the middle lane and let them pass (scared they stop me or something to 'pau' me).

but soon after the helang pass....i saw another helang behind....both chasing each other. :hmmmm: they seem to be having fun too.

so our friend's in blue also main racing eh.......

just saw 2 'helang lebuhraya' "wangan" at besraya highway yesterday night...vry vry fast~~~:adore::adore::adore:

when they passed me...my car sway a little bit...:stupid:
ok guys...raya holidays coming up...
most of u guys will balik kampung with your modded cars.
so the cops will know u carry lotsa cash....just keep all your big notes in a secret compartment in your wallet...leave bout rm20 inside only...so if kena tahan, just open your wallet & show them your money compartment.....(when they mintak duit kopi la), u say la "bang, sya ada rm20 je, lu angkat rm10 la, balance sya mau isi petrol/ byr toll", confirm he will take it.

it happened to me 2 yrs back, im from kl, need to deliver an urgent parcel to my dad in ipoh, need to reach there in 2 hrs....so this is wat i did. hide all my money, left only rm10 in my wallet, rembat highway 160-170kmh....kena stop by roadblock on the way. gave him rm10, on the way back, same speed & kena roadblock again, did the same trick, gave him rm10....kautim...
go ipoh kena block, come back kl kena block also...costs rm20.....if not ah...i think kena saman few hundreds.....

btw kl-ipoh 1hr.
I once purposely made a police car chase me b4.
What happened was this.... I was driving home in USJ 2 early hours in the morning (still dark) and coming towards me on the opposite lane was a police petrol car. As soon as I zoomed past them, I could see the police car made a quick 3-point turn.
So I thought to myself...was it bcs of me that are making a U-turn? So I step on it to go faster. True enuff, the police car was hunting down on me but without turning on their siren or lights.
They finally caught up with me at the shop area in USJ 2. So they asked me to pull over to one side. They questioned me as to why I drove so fast and where I was going.
I told them that I was heading to a nearby mamak when I noticed I was tailed by some white waja which caused me to drive fast to escape from that white waja. So I told them I didn't know that the white waja tailing me was them... and I thot it was some bad guys wanna rob me or something. LOL
They asked for my IC and license.. and then gave it back to me and told me not to drive fast again. LOL
I once purposely made a police car chase me b4.
What happened was this.... I was driving home in USJ 2 early hours in the morning (still dark) and coming towards me on the opposite lane was a police petrol car. As soon as I zoomed past them, I could see the police car made a quick 3-point turn.
So I thought to myself...was it bcs of me that are making a U-turn? So I step on it to go faster. True enuff, the police car was hunting down on me but without turning on their siren or lights.
They finally caught up with me at the shop area in USJ 2. So they asked me to pull over to one side. They questioned me as to why I drove so fast and where I was going.
I told them that I was heading to a nearby mamak when I noticed I was tailed by some white waja which caused me to drive fast to escape from that white waja. So I told them I didn't know that the white waja tailing me was them... and I thot it was some bad guys wanna rob me or something. LOL
They asked for my IC and license.. and then gave it back to me and told me not to drive fast again. LOL

HAHAHAHAHAHA lawak!!! lawakkk!!!:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
I once purposely made a police car chase me b4.
What happened was this.... I was driving home in USJ 2 early hours in the morning (still dark) and coming towards me on the opposite lane was a police petrol car. As soon as I zoomed past them, I could see the police car made a quick 3-point turn.
So I thought to myself...was it bcs of me that are making a U-turn? So I step on it to go faster. True enuff, the police car was hunting down on me but without turning on their siren or lights.
They finally caught up with me at the shop area in USJ 2. So they asked me to pull over to one side. They questioned me as to why I drove so fast and where I was going.
I told them that I was heading to a nearby mamak when I noticed I was tailed by some white waja which caused me to drive fast to escape from that white waja. So I told them I didn't know that the white waja tailing me was them... and I thot it was some bad guys wanna rob me or something. LOL
They asked for my IC and license.. and then gave it back to me and told me not to drive fast again. LOL

Now thats seriously ACE!
ahahahahaha damn lawak sial. Be they thought u were some paranoid android or something :rofl:
Hahhaaha good one.good excuse.will use that too.but guys,noticed lots of silver waja on the road?most of them if u see the back bumper it says penyiasat jsj.i think they r harmless cos pass them at above speed limit a few times and they dont bother.but if see is traffic polis,do slow down.haha.
Damn the Cops la...
My STI attracts the Stupid Cops like bees to Honeys...
Always give me the Dumb and ass face.
No Matter HOW many times you try to explain to them its a boxer engine, their puny brains dont understand @ all... or they are just plain thirsty for some quick bucks.. :thefinger:
I once purposely made a police car chase me b4.
What happened was this.... I was driving home in USJ 2 early hours in the morning (still dark) and coming towards me on the opposite lane was a police petrol car. As soon as I zoomed past them, I could see the police car made a quick 3-point turn.
So I thought to myself...was it bcs of me that are making a U-turn? So I step on it to go faster. True enuff, the police car was hunting down on me but without turning on their siren or lights.
They finally caught up with me at the shop area in USJ 2. So they asked me to pull over to one side. They questioned me as to why I drove so fast and where I was going.
I told them that I was heading to a nearby mamak when I noticed I was tailed by some white waja which caused me to drive fast to escape from that white waja. So I told them I didn't know that the white waja tailing me was them... and I thot it was some bad guys wanna rob me or something. LOL
They asked for my IC and license.. and then gave it back to me and told me not to drive fast again. LOL

hahahaha... seriously funny . .
they wanna book u for what?
noisy engine or exhaust?

They complained Noisy exhaust.. But when i throttle also can hear some boxer rumble from the engine.. Damn...

I put a 1.5 inch silencer ON my Muffler and they still complain that its is noisy... Damn, might as well i removed the silencer..
actually they just wanna find fault and try ask for ...u know la.
just now my place there, inside residential, 4 patrol cars suddenly set up a roadblock for 1hr then go off...... dunno what they want....sigh....creating jam in housing estate....
i caught for super black tinted few weeks ago in KLIA.. jpj somemore.
but i ask them back. i ingat tinted rule dah tak da.. coz i did read it months ago in the star that they are going to reconsider tinting regulation due to malaysia weather.
he said. ya, memang betul. tapi u kena pi HQ jpj untuk dapat surat.
i ask kena bayar kopi anything tak.becoz my last car i went and get the paper but need rm1k. he say skarang tak payah. pergi dapat je surat tu. ofcoz at that moment in klia still need settle trough duit kopi as well la..
but any1 else other then me know about this ?
any1 had gotten that approve permit?
i hate them when they switch on the blue light during traffic jam....

after they pass the traffic jam..they will turn off...

tis is normal thing for them...u can c traffic jam,traffic light...
they even turn on siren when traffic jam..

i caught for super black tinted few weeks ago in KLIA.. jpj somemore.
but i ask them back. i ingat tinted rule dah tak da.. coz i did read it months ago in the star that they are going to reconsider tinting regulation due to malaysia weather.
he said. ya, memang betul. tapi u kena pi HQ jpj untuk dapat surat.
i ask kena bayar kopi anything tak.becoz my last car i went and get the paper but need rm1k. he say skarang tak payah. pergi dapat je surat tu. ofcoz at that moment in klia still need settle trough duit kopi as well la..
but any1 else other then me know about this ?
any1 had gotten that approve permit?

den is good... :driver: ....but nit keep the letter inside car all the time isit?? sorry noob here..

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