Proton 4G13/4G15....Satria/Wira/Saga

my engine is stock-nia :thefinger:


u LIE!

i see

1. super solid looking front strut bar (wah where did u geddit?)
2. aftermarket siren
3. aftermarket ground wires

oh okay. so open pod not recommended. than what brand drop in do you guys recommend? price?
aiya.. my car still stock ma... untouched.. :biggrin:

the bar is UR oldskool design... no more in the market.

my alarm kong already.. so change alarm lo.. this siren is actually speaker.. cos using talking alarm..

n previously i sell C-Ground customised ground cables mah... of cos got demo on my car lo... other than that... my engine still stock engine!! :thefinger:

btw there are some other things u havent mention or notice from the pic yet.. kekeke :listen:

and that is the reason i put up that size of pic... :biggrin:

oh okay. so open pod not recommended. than what brand drop in do you guys recommend? price?

drop in.. i can get a few brands..

stainless steel : UTR - RM190, Project S - RM110

microfiber : UTR RM120, Panther or Maddriver's drop in - RM100

no stock on my hand now... just finished.

i would recommend microfiber for better filtration... if u want pure performance, take the stainless steel... but filtration not as good la for sure..
uncle. dis is lagi stock g13 stock 4g13 nia


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see... u ppl using monster filter.. and big radiator... chris wan got banana somemore.. :banghead:

so mine still the stock-est :biggrin:

altou i am a noob, and someone called me unker...but i am not so old in noticing da i/c piping nia :biggrin:
my engine is stock-nia :thefinger:


guan, where is ur water injection thing??..

mine more stock and dirty sumore :sleep:
fuhyoo unker... power mia heat shield... can teach me how to diy ah??...

anyone using weber?can share exp coz interested to use:biggrin:
what experience u wanna know??....

altou i am a noob, and someone called me unker...but i am not so old in noticing da i/c piping nia :biggrin:
u mahaguru sifoo mar... sure know alot of things lor...
i also wan to put diy heatshield teach me pls...btw guan i think i will following u up, wanna test after overhaul how it feel^^
hey chris r u going too?
eh.. i never used any water injection system on my car b4.. that was drex.. not me.

sigh.. my car is drinking water these few days after the overhaul.. checked no leak.. duno whats wrong...

Bump: skywalker,
eh.. i never used any water injection system on my car b4.. that was drex.. not me.

sigh.. my car is drinking water these few days after the overhaul.. checked no leak.. duno whats wrong...
pressure tested the cooling system? motor oil milky? happened to me a few times edi, really sucky stuff

btw, not sure but fstrader dude may remember these:

found these pics from somewhere

Bump: pressure tested the cooling system? motor oil milky? happened to me a few times edi, really sucky stuff

btw, not sure but fstrader dude may remember these:

found these pics from somewhere

just now did a thorough check... found that the radiator fiber cap sides got watermarks... there start to leak... so now let my engine cool down... then will remove the radiator and send it to repair later...
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