mods on Accord CF4

wan & week (friday)trip to KL....bleh x?? TT & nasi minyak free...hehehe

Bump: wan & week (friday)trip to KL....bleh x?? TT & nasi minyak free...hehehe
mentang2 la bini korang dah beranak, anak pun dah besar huhu....buleh tt sampai pagi

just tukau my taya yesterday at PJ using falken ####..tak hingat...

btw, last friday while balik from work. saw this red CL7R again, the 1 i rempit-ed at karak hway saw at kelana jaya.......who is this guy?i think i fall in love with him la heheh
Nasi minyak on Sunday isn't (1hb Mac)? Friday cannot la.. Kawe kena masuk turnaround BASF.. Saturday night can la, Sunday cuti.. :hmmmm:

yup2...u r right bro...jemput jemput semua ahli forum...
walopon aku mnjadi ahli tidur sejak kebelakangan nih...huhuhuhu
konvoi ramai2 noh..i think maybe abe cat familiar with that area..
he can be the head konvoi...:driver:hehehe
ni Michael punya kereta.

He's been trying to sell the car since 2007. DIa ada datang TT a few times. Stock gaban, except for the rims.

SiR-S spec kalau tak silap, bontot belakang mcm EuroR, banyak sticker mugen yang kecik2 (cover dents)

He wanted somewhere around the same price in 2007.

Abg Cat, let me know about the EK Kontot ya! and oh, the euro r exhaust, got JASMA stamp? muffler stainless steel?

abe bien, update about the ek kontot..... engine b18cr.... complete wiring......meter cluster b18cr.....interior standard ek2.....but with b18cr red recaro...... chasis ek2 manufatured 96 and register 97......bodypart all original ek9 99 spec.....tak sempat nak test drive coz my wife dont like the car...... and about the ekjos....yap got jasma stamp and stainless steel muffler....tomolo i'll post the pictures.....forget to bring camera today....

yup2...u r right bro...jemput jemput semua ahli forum...
walopon aku mnjadi ahli tidur sejak kebelakangan nih...huhuhuhu
konvoi ramai2 noh..i think maybe abe cat familiar with that area..
he can be the head konvoi...:driver:hehehe

bro, ampang kat area mana???? not clear from the card u small....sulah tua maaa.....hehehehe.....
the two orang manusia yg nak kahwin,...
can please update thread,... date-date

i konpius + pening + penang,...
14th i also got colleague kawen at kpala batai
F20B+B16B... ptuii la hang... only once in a while join TT already want to action ka? hehe...

bertam... need clearer map... kenot see
Where's everybody ?

Cut cost of living until internet pun cut ke ???
i'm here, latest update...... euro r rear bumper found......sape2 interested can call me.......hehehehehe.....
all busy going to hafkat shops...

Everyone so rich ar....

Me can't even afford what bro cat77 had offered me ~ hehehehee

Hey bro.....i wanna ask ar....if i wanna get rid of my tein superstreet...anyone wants ar ?

Juz checking la.....
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