hApPy ChInEsE nEw YeAr!!


3,000 RPM
Senior Member
Aug 13, 2004
Atlanta, GA

Don't do hard corner

Don't drift too hard

Stay out of trouble

Spend more time with your family and friends

Happy Chinese New Year.
im from super fei lo to become super duper fei lo
hapy CNY...
may all your parts comesssssssssssssssssssssssss true..
u pretty much have all the desired parts already, what else could u want? s2000? :biggrin::biggrin:

Plan to fully stuff up it as Mugen Cataloged EK sedan, still a long way to go.....

what about yours? HOw does it turn out? Got a new coat of paint already?
Plan to fully stuff up it as Mugen Cataloged EK sedan, still a long way to go.....

what about yours? HOw does it turn out? Got a new coat of paint already?

not yet bro. it should begin after CNY. NH-0 here i come... haha :driver:
yeah. happy chinese new year to everyone.

I also celebrating, but phobia a bit driving in holiday season.

All kind of "kung-fu" can be seen on the road. Illegal U turn on federal roads, MORE east coast motorbikes with no-headlamps, and various other drivers that appear to be sleeping while driving.

If travelling, drive safe, these are times when that "what if/usually cannot happen" usually becomes true, esp. when driving.
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hav a prosperous, smooth cny to all hondarians n zth members.

GONG XI FA CAI :biggrin:
drink n drunk and drive only know your vtech can last for long cheers....
Happy Chinese New Year, Ox Year for all Hondarian.... PraaaaaAAAAaaaaAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!:biggrin:

Wish for all the Honda & VTEC parts going cheap....
hepi 2nd day of CNY!!!

eh,... this year seems quiet lehhhh,...
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