Extractor differences


2,000 RPM
Senior Member
Mar 27, 2005
whats the different from those white steel extractor that wai heng, wai yip, XIN or etc compare to zenden, hotbits, powerzone...chromed extractor ?

besides chromed and last long ? any much diff in performance ?:hmmmm:
chrome treated extractor doesn't improve ur performance.it's only make
the extractor look good.performance come from how the extractor was
peformance i dunno la but i know durability ... a dollar to a dollar quality does count .... performance wise u gotta ask those sifu
hmm...means the performance is from how the extractor bended ?

yup,that 1 of the key to produced good extractor.like nitrus said,
tune length is also important.lastly the collector.merged collector
r the best collector compared to Y collector.that why merged
collector extractor are more expensive cos it's difficult to produce.
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actually the chromed and black extractors produce more heat in your engine bay,if youre using free flow filter its a hugh performance drop.as black extractors radiate more heat (black body radiation) and chormed (shiny surfaces) reflect a lot of heat.
actually the chromed and black extractors produce more heat in your engine bay,if youre using free flow filter its a hugh performance drop.as black extractors radiate more heat (black body radiation) and chormed (shiny surfaces) reflect a lot of heat.

bro,that's only apply on heat from outside to inside not inside to outside.
like car paint.
bro,that's only apply on heat from outside to inside not inside to outside.
like car paint.

lol.Not really because i was part of a project which designed a hydraulic system for efficient heat transfer before. The most efficient way we came up with is by using black steel as a substantial amount of heat is radiated away from the piping before it reaches the compressor, hence reducing the overall load of the compressor itself.
what about the chrome if u said that the black can radiate way the heat.
first time i heard of this.i think it's common sense to know that black
absorb heat.
Black body radiation is common sense as well but it depends on your course of study. I doubt a person from a non engineering field would know that thermal radiation depends largely on the temperature of the object.
(Kirchoffs law of thermal radiation)

An assumption we make is that a perfect thermal radiation absorbs 100% of the energy that hits it therefore it appears black.The absorbtion of the radiation is of course a simple matter of mathematical assumption,howewer in practice no material for this matter behaves in such a predictable manner.For radiation to be absorbed,a large amount of it is also dispersed into the environment in the forms or radiation,conduction and convection, basic thermodynamic laws. Hence my point in being the heat from a object carrying large amounts of heat itself will be absorbed by the material, (black absorbs which is true) but will also be radiated to the surroundings ( cant just absorb and stay like that right?) hence the properties of thermal radiation remains true.
first time i heard of this.i think it's common sense to know that black
absorb heat.

Black without a doubt absorbs heat, but what happens when the heat is absorbed? For example if you wear a black shirt on a hot day. You feel hot not because the shirt has absorbed the heat but the fact that the heat is transferred to your body (conduction,convection and radiation) by means of conduction - the shirt is in contact with your skin and radiation - almost impossible to be prevented.
feel like learning science pulak but i can bet that the extractor comes in black r mostly because
to avoid rust or other problem associated with metal exposing.hehehe......
HAHAHA..well everything follows the rules of science.But some of these manufacturers simply make products to look cool and stuff but end up screwing things.A lot of mods out there can just fu*k your car up,besides being unnecessary and is a waste of money.But still got ppl do for the looks.
Headers and extractors are one of the most cost effective way to release the pent up horses in your engine. The choice whether you get the 4-1 or the 4-2-1 depends on your preference where you wish your powerband to be.

The exhaust system main priority is to release the burnt gas out of your cylinder as much as possible at the highest speed possible. So the material isnt a deciding factor unless you're talking about budget. A Mugen stainless steel header for the B18C functions just as well as the stock Type-R header (been there.. done that.. waste money).

What's important to note is the overall size and length of the whole exhaust system from the header up to the muffler cause when i got my car.. the exhaust was of poor design.. (2.5inches diameter. Estimated cost around 300 something probably) and only later on that i changed it to a stock ITR header only. The rest from the collector or extractor to the muffler remains intact. Substantial increase of power can be felt all along the RPM range but the throttle response was still a bit sluggish.

When i changed the whole piping to a smaller 2.25inch with Mandrel bending done on the curves that the engine finally feels and sound right.

Finally, a good quality stainless steel header can cost right up to 1000+ but its the one most substantial performance mod that can be done and worth every cents.
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