Nissan old skool club? anyone?

alamak...u already sold the dcnf arr stray...damn, im looking the dcnf arr...waaaa...why sell ur weber stray? why did'nt u post in here? waaaaa.....melepas aku....
first of all, what the fuck and what the hell...

there seems to be some precautions kept here and rules made by some ppl...why are they not mentioned b4?

as for the numbers, i am sorry, alright? they are erased...

stray, i've never, messed with you...maybe you're just being over-reacting

AND DID I MENTION ANYTHING ABOUT BEING PART OF THE COMMITTEE MEMBER??? why are you ppl feeling threaten so much by me??? that's so LOL...

dang, typical man, very the saying goes among malaysians, "respect the elders!!!" LOL

Now i'm thinking twice whether or not to join this club/team here...

and that site, i was just trying it out since it is accessible...There's no warning or what-so-ever that anyone else other than the Admin, raja, or Stay, should touch you guys are putting the blame on me? wha'ever man...this is so unreasonable

my intention is just to provide help and make contacting of each member at ease...didn't know it would turn out like truly sorry...i'm outta this forum...

cheers fellas...
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first of all, what the fuck and what the hell...

there seems to be some precautions kept here and rules made by some ppl...why are they not mentioned b4?

as for the numbers, i am sorry, alright? they are erased...

stray, i've never, messed with you...maybe you're just being over-reacting

AND DID I MENTION ANYTHING ABOUT BEING PART OF THE COMMITTEE MEMBER??? why are you ppl feeling threaten so much by me??? that's so LOL...

dang, typical man, very the saying goes among malaysians, "respect the elders!!!" LOL

Now i'm thinking twice whether or not to join this club/team here...

and that site, i was just trying it out since it is accessible...There's no warning or what-so-ever that anyone else other than the Admin, raja, or Stay, should touch you guys are putting the blame on me? wha'ever man...this is so unreasonable

my intention is just to provide help and make contacting of each member at ease...didn't know it would turn out like truly sorry...i'm outta this forum...

cheers fellas...

laaa...relex laa nick. no need to that...just for info je...some ppl dont like what we were do...just be cool man...i pun penah gak kena sound tp take it as advised...kool yaa nick...:_:
laaa...relex laa nick. no need to that...just for info je...some ppl dont like what we were do...just be cool man...i pun penah gak kena sound tp take it as advised...kool yaa nick...

The thing is, if you wanna fuck someone up, like what stray is doing towards me, think, is it wise and civilized??? I mean, why can't you talk nicely, stray??? you are treating me as if i am your child and that you can do anything or say anything you want to me, dude...if you were my dad, by all means, you can fuck me up as you wish man...know wha' i mean?

don't take things too personally, that's your problem...if you want your members to stay, why can't you respect them a bit? People do mistakes all the time, so do you...if you want to make this right, talk nicely man...if you want respect, you respect others first...if any of your members did a mistake, talk to him/her nicely...not like what you did to me man, it's know it's wrong and too harsh...if something gets too personal, you don't simply post it here and get everyone involved, do ya? what would you do if i did the same thing to you, or your best mate club, raja, did to you? Won't you feel hurt? I doubt that you won't, dude...just because you are elder and has been a member longer than the younger and newer members, you can't just simply fuck someone up, pls keep that in mind...I mean you no harm (or anyone else in da club)...if anyone does a mistake, teach one another nicely, not the harsh way...that's one thing i hate about most malaysians, too harsh, and uncivilized...the only attitude that other countries have been criticizing about us m'sians...

so Stray, wassup???

with all respect, thank you raja for your sms, i will keep that in mind, if i'm still part of this club...

sorry for the words used here...this is normal when i am hurt or mad...

cheers ya'all and stay cool, sprinter...thnx
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kawan - kawan..nenek saya ada cakap satu barang..
nenek kata,
bersatu teguh, bercerai roboh..

maka janganlah kita roboh kawan-kawan..
amillah iktibar lidi lidi..
sebatang lidi senang dipecah, tapi seikat lidi amat kuat sekali..
mari kita jadi kuat..bersama kita membawa retronissans
ke tahap seterusnyer..

kita jadikan federal highway sebagai contoh..
dulu toll federal highway 70sen..sekarang 1.10sen, besok lusa tak tau lagi..
makin tua makin berharga..hehe..
retronissans to da nex level..

aight.. just got back from work, so much stuff happened!

as for me being offended, haha nola.... my fault partially... as the site shouldn't be up for public viewing yet.. don't wanna give ppl a bad 1st impression ma...

anyway, the server is based in cyberjaya datacenter... but recently its been plagued by attacks... hopefully will pull thru la.

ok i'll be honest. abit offended when u sed that it looks like zth n no creativity. thats coz zth also uses vbulletin(along with thousands of other forums out there) is one of the more established forum managements softwares out there. so basically we all look the same. just different color, different themes but the backbone is the same. somethings cant be changed. as the old saying goes, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. vBulletin is proven as one of the leading forum management software, and i'm sticking with this even if "the style looks almost the same as forum...". although i would like to have used IPB, but got some integration problems. anyway give me a chance(and some time) to improve the site. which, i repeat.. isn't officially done yet.

in the mean time, i'm open to suggestions... both positive & negative... but only constructive ones la k.

as for elections/committee, i'm having second thoughts as to whether or not to have that...

never really liked those ranking stuff anyway... so why not just not have any? make everyone equal.

i know i'm regarded by some as the unofficial otai of this club.. but actually it doesn't matter that much, i'm just a retro nissan enthusiast like the rest here. perhaps the most bored one, coz it looks like i'm the only one asking for TT's haha.

anyway, thats what i have to say... quite a mouthful, but havent been writing essays in a while.

@ Sprinter
ahah i know wat u talking about~ sorry if it was a little harsh ler
Haaa.... Sorry for everyone that follows this string because I caused it to go off topic. Very sorry ah.

Anyway, I finally got my bumper done today! Yeah!

Got two round spot lights Hahaaa.....
I even did the side cutting by myself
alamak...u already sold the dcnf arr stray...damn, im looking the dcnf arr...waaaa...why sell ur weber stray? why did'nt u post in here? waaaaa.....melepas aku....

Actually there are lots more webers in the KL have to look only. Watch out for the price though
sms from raja: Come on the 25th ar! Wanna come out and talk about it or not?

yo bro, sorry man, i was asleep...maklumlah, last night didn't sleep at all...just had my dinner ni...sorry lar have to put it in here, no more credits...dang!!!

as for your sms, I'll see whether i'm going for it...since things are becoming pretty messy in here...wouldn't wanna spoil the fun for all of you...i'd feel kinda awkward's just like, I getting myself into a relationship with this hot chick...then suddenly that biatch doesn't like me what's the point of staying, right? so yeah...

but I will keep in touch with you guys on this forum lar for sure...will help the team to get more members lar, don't worry...been seeing so many Nissans and Datsuns lately...unfortunately, not all of them are young :p ...

ok i'll be honest. abit offended when u sed that it looks like zth n no creativity. thats coz zth also uses vbulletin(along with thousands of other forums out there) is .....

don get offended la bro, since it's a ready-made forum, whether the creativity is high or low, not your fault lar...on the front page, it's nice and simple but doesn't really relate to the team's theme...maybe u should change on that? just a suggestion bro

never really liked those ranking stuff anyway... so why not just not have any? make everyone equal.

i think i have suggested this already...don't you think it would be great when everyone is equal? Besides, there will surely be negative issues coming in if there was a committee for this kinda club...

Anyway, I finally got my bumper done today! Yeah!
So Stray, when's the next job (whole body painting)???
whole body painting will be last. I'm keeping the sleeper look. Glad that you are deciding weather to come to the next TT. Well, since you have made things clear by posting every single information with detail in this forum. I appologise for what I have written about you last night. I hope you wont post private phone numbers that are entrusted to your keeping on public websites.
aight.. just got back from work, so much stuff happened!

as for me being offended, haha nola.... my fault partially... as the site shouldn't be up for public viewing yet.. don't wanna give ppl a bad 1st impression ma...

anyway, the server is based in cyberjaya datacenter... but recently its been plagued by attacks... hopefully will pull thru la.

ok i'll be honest. abit offended when u sed that it looks like zth n no creativity. thats coz zth also uses vbulletin(along with thousands of other forums out there) is one of the more established forum managements softwares out there. so basically we all look the same. just different color, different themes but the backbone is the same. somethings cant be changed. as the old saying goes, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. vBulletin is proven as one of the leading forum management software, and i'm sticking with this even if "the style looks almost the same as forum...". although i would like to have used IPB, but got some integration problems. anyway give me a chance(and some time) to improve the site. which, i repeat.. isn't officially done yet.

in the mean time, i'm open to suggestions... both positive & negative... but only constructive ones la k.

as for elections/committee, i'm having second thoughts as to whether or not to have that...

never really liked those ranking stuff anyway... so why not just not have any? make everyone equal.

i know i'm regarded by some as the unofficial otai of this club.. but actually it doesn't matter that much, i'm just a retro nissan enthusiast like the rest here. perhaps the most bored one, coz it looks like i'm the only one asking for TT's haha.

anyway, thats what i have to say... quite a mouthful, but havent been writing essays in a while.

@ Sprinter
ahah i know wat u talking about~ sorry if it was a little harsh ler

no la raja...didnt talk about ppl in this forum or u or anybody happen to me out of this forum ppl. if u feel that im talking about u that is not true...just to tell nick that not everyone like what we do for what we think it good. that all...u know what i mean ppl? ape benda la yang aku merepek ni...aku sendiri pun pening...huhu/ so retronissan ada ke tidak?not good laa mcm ni...
whole body painting will be last. I'm keeping the sleeper look. Glad that you are deciding weather to come to the next TT. Well, since you have made things clear by posting every single information with detail in this forum. I appologise for what I have written about you last night. I hope you wont post private phone numbers that are entrusted to your keeping on public websites.

:congrats: ni baru betol,"BERSATU KITA TEGUH, BERCERAI KITA ROBOH".
Mestilah best! the sound oso like music to the ears. Actually you can buy the weber first then install again later. If you want the tapak, I can arrange the buyer to contact you.
I sincerely apolagise to everyone. It seems that I am the week link in the club. I forgot that I am only half a year in this club and there are people that has been here longer than me and I criticize other peoples period of validity in the club.
...Glad that you are deciding whether to come to the next TT...

next TT huh? hmmmm, dono lar...shall see bout it...*masih merajuk ni*

No worries man. Just keep in mind, talk nicely next time. We teach one another, we learn from one another as well. Life is a learning process until the grave calls us anywayz :p As for the phone numbers, LOL i'm still wondering until i myself erased all my numbers in the scared dy by u all...

Today damn sad actually, one of my sport lights pecah, sigh...1 pair would cost me another RM100

how much for the tapak? expensive arr?

actually, exactly who is this sunnysprinter...quite an interesting fella...mind stating your name???

of course tapak is expensive as it is not easy to do, especially custom. Do you know how to get to Ramli? I guess Stray was busy fixing his bumper until he forgot to inform me bout yesterday's cancelled appointment...

Alan Sim told me that Ramli might still have some DCNFs. He suggested that 1.3 uses DCNF38 while 1.5 uses DCNF40...Well, i'm not sure bout this though as our conversation was too short...He's a very nice guy and speaks fluent English, thanks to his job i guess (medical representative)...and his engine, alamak cantik gile...tgh jealous ni sial~~
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