I suspect my car is damaged by housemate

Be careful what you're posting in here also. You never know, they might be reading.. Dangerous woo...
TS must be an asshole because only assholes get their car scratched.
yeah man, why? housemates should be like brothers or bestbuddys la
unless TS might have done something wrong that offended others...u rampas his gf ka bro...?
Guys, If someone messes with your car... what would be the first thing you would do?
A. Revenge as soon as possible? or...
B. Confront the culprit and nail em...or...
C. Try collect enough evidence so that your future actions are justified?... or...
D. Create a new account in a car enthusiast forum (e.g : zth.com) and ask for advice on how
to destroy someone else's car.

Is this another one of those bogus queries in zth that we get ever so often?
Some joker registered himself just to start a thread seeking advice on how to vandalise someone's property on the vague pretext that 'housemate' damaged his property.

Dubious, at best.

Still......it managed to get plenty of replies from people offering advice on vandalism methods.

If morons like you put even half your creative energies towards more worthwhile pursuits, you'd be getting ahead better in life.

Just buy gula-gula hacks. 20 cents is enough. eat the hacks, and put them on windshield. my advice, leave some your saliva on it (quite gross but it works!) the glass will crack to thousand pieces. Do it on afternoon. Dont forget about the plastic wrapper of it, lick it on printed side and stamp it on car's body. the print will mess up the paint and its hard to remove.
i heard bout the hacks method when i was in primary school.
but does it really works? havent tried though
i also heard of this a few times...maybe when i wanna change my windscreen time can test out myself heheheh
arturo : u include windscreen coverage in your insurance policy, then u place the sweets on your rear w/scree. if crack u claim for new one lor, get the ones with rear wiper hehe......
dun worry, wont kacau your NCD.
i think rear windscreen not included in coverage? anyway...my front windscreen aredy cracked n due for change. can try it out just before i get it changed hehehe
Is really hard to say if TS have offended his housemate or even some said neighbours that live beside us. I have come to know a few people that can be really low class or an ass.

For example, Jinjang (not to say is a low class area) is where my grandmother is staying, Parking space is really limited there and since my grandma dun have any cars, one van have been parking in front of her house for many years BUT with her permission since the owner of the van will usually give some token of appreciation during Chinese New Year every year.

Is either the van or just someone else. If the van did not park there, some other cars will. So, it makes no difference and might as well let the van park there. Even once, my grandma tried putting a flower pot there, they even got the guts to carry it away and park their car. :stupid: :mad:

Secondly, on the right side of my grandma's is a small lane to separate the row of houses. In other words, her house is just an end lot. Not corner lot. So, that particular lane is also occupied by her neighbour that lives next to her after the small lane. Her neighbour usually park 2 cars at that spot. So, each time we get there, there is no parking left.

One day, my sis actually went to my grandma place with my mum and since there was no more space, she double parks behind the two cars that park at the small lane. So, after awhile, this bloody fat ass neighbour came out and start his bloody rundown pajero and keep stepping on the gas making the "Vroom...Vroom" sound.

So, my sis came out to check and see what is it, and thought he wanted to go out. Okay fine, she reverse and park double park next to the van. To her surprise, this fat ass actually just reverse the pajero and park like and idiot right in front of his house. That's all for stepping on the freaking pedal numerous times.

I mean, how can one be so low as that. Can't he just walk over and tell my sis that he wants to reverse or just a small slight horn?

What I'm trying to say is, some neighbours are born with low mentality and they ought to look for trouble instead of solving things in a more civilize way. Why is it so hard to speak out? I wonder if his mouth is gagging his 2 testicles that he can't even talk?

So, what I'm trying to say is, some ppl just prefer to do something real bad to send out the message rather than putting their balls at the right place to step up and voice out. Is hard to say who is wrong and who is right. You may did something and that person didn't like it, but if that person did not voice out to you, will you know what u did wrong?

Some of us wouldn't know if cowards like that just keep quiet and do something bad behind our back.
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if me ah, i already pour paint remover on those idiot's car. damn...
if me ah, i already pour paint remover on those idiot's car. damn...

Yala, damn angry man. :mad:
Got once my mum even saw him purposely walk to his car when we park next to his car. He is so freaking fat that he squeeze his way through for fun. End up, realised my door got scratched. :mad:

Is like that lane is already his space and we are not allowed to park there. :mad:

Bloody hell, what are neighbours for man...not even considerating that we dun have space to park. Take advantage of old people...people there have been doing that to my grandparents since they are nice ppl, they make use of them...
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