Women like to generalize man

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You think I print money?
Helmet Clan
Mar 3, 2005
Yesterday I came across a few statement posted by some female friends in Facebook which is I think is not fair to the guys....such as:

'All guys are shit', 'All guys are useless'....etc..

I don't understand why MAJORITY of women always like to generalize men? just because their BF dump them or cheated them then every male is blamed for it..funny isn't? It's so unfair...1 bad apples doesn't mean all the apples in the whole world is bad right? or 1 lousy bus driver doesn't mean bus drivers are all lousy...if want to blame also put the blame on that specific person.

The ironic thing is, even they say things like this and that, but they still stick with that guy or look for another guy...I have a friend A that always talk bad about her BF, says he's useless, not caring, I don't need him..funny things is almost all her stuff is bought by that guy...duh~~=.=' aren't you slapping your own mouth lady? It looks you need him more than he does. If he's useless will he be able to afford such things to you? or support you in other various matters?

Ladies please be more rational and understanding. Don't generalize guys into the same group as your useless or shit BF. This is very unfair and childish thinking. I know that women are emotional creatures but please be sensible and even if you not satisfy or happy with your BF. Don't have to let the whole world know about it right? What if guys also generalize women as sluts, gold digger, useless, attention whore, simple minded, shit...etc...and tell the whole world too? what would you feel then? You would curse the guy like hell....

*This implies to MAJORITY of women not all. I believe there are some understanding girls out there..men need women so do women need men.

Guys, agree on this? do put down your comment. Let's regain some of your respect as guys.
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1,000 RPM
Senior Member
Aug 22, 2005
Women are very strange one. The same description can mean the opposite :biggrin: But in your case, there is a big possibility that she is not good enough to attract good men or good men normally don't like her type of women or her type of women deserved to be treated such way :biggrin::rofl:


7,000 RPM
Helmet Clan
Senior Member
Apr 19, 2004
Sahara Desert
they talk bad about men, then we talk also behind their back also laa...apa probs??

generally i wouldnt give a damn if she talks behind me, those times are gone, aint not begging her to come back and etc (u think klang valley only got 1 ger kah?)... if she dont likes me... then to hell with em laa, apa mau lagi??

another probs with ladies/girls, they like to compare everything from head to toe of the guy that he is going out with and also those whom are married... they will talk talk talk and compare2...my hubby buy this car for me to drive (wahhh macam his hubby rich only)...my bf buy this diamond for me during valentine (macam she only has that kinda bf) WTF!!!....

human nature, everyone likes to compare...

as the saying goes :

what goes around, comes around !!!


500 RPM
Senior Member
Oct 8, 2004
Visit site
Interesting topic...

Based on wat u posted, girls like tat just wanna show off to her friends talking shitty things bout her BF. Ask her to dump the BF since she complaint a lot. Plain easy. No need use harsh words describing how useless the BF is....



You think I print money?
Helmet Clan
Thread starter
Mar 3, 2005
Hahahaha~~it's not my case guys....just a thought and observation that I would like to share and comment.

Just don't understand why women like to generalize...if her BF not good then just say 'My BF is shitty' instead of 'All guys are shit'....scare to admit that her BF is shitty so put 'All guys are shit'....

Civic, I bet after a while will go back to that guy also...

unker, did they compare how big a d*ck you have with the other guy? Hahahaha:rofl::rofl:


Sexy Moderator
Senior Member
Nov 23, 2005
Girls.. very complecated when mood swings, i can accept anything a girl mention or wants but ONE thing i really hate is that if they cheat on their love ones!


Helmet Clan
Feb 10, 2007
Another sentence girls always say, "All guys are hamsap". I think it is true :thefinger:


You think I print money?
Helmet Clan
Thread starter
Mar 3, 2005
good one...

yeehau, if men are not hamsap then that man you better stay 5 mtrs away or you are going to get you backside pumped...


500 RPM
Senior Member
Feb 5, 2007
Women like to generalize man
As far as I can tell, the statement that is quoted above easily qualifies as a 'general statement'

hahahahaha !!

TitanRev generalizes women by suggesting that 'Women like to generalize man' :biggrin:

Let's regain some of your respect as guys.
Aiya !!! Brother !! You just shot all of us guys in the foot with your generalizations. :thefinger:
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You think I print money?
Helmet Clan
Thread starter
Mar 3, 2005
FVel, I put a note there 'Majority'....If they can't even spot the word 'Majority' then god bless them.


500 RPM
Senior Member
Feb 5, 2007

You mean this quote ? :- "MAJORITY of women always like to generalize men"

That will also qualify as a general statement....LOL !

How do you know the majority do this ? Could only be a disgruntled minority ? You sure you are not generalizing ? hehehe

Sorry, just messing with you. :D


5,000 RPM
Helmet Clan
Senior Member
Aug 3, 2007
women is a very special species....
they will serve u well when their mood is good
they will treat u worst that shit if they in bad mood
they will easily influenced by their "chee mui aka sisters aka friends" and act stupidly against u.
they will become very suspicious and do stupid things without a warning
they will pretend so understanding but expecting u not to do anything against their will
they will buy things for u assuming they so understand u and u will sure like it
many more.....good & bad

but overall women that is destined to be yours will be the sweetest things on earth that u ever had......hehehehee:)


Beyond 20,000 RPM!
Senior Member
Sep 17, 2008
TitanRev:Lolz! I have successfully encourage most ZTH members that I know to write an essay, but bravo to u bro. 1st tme ever I see Unker Fred wrote an essay longer than 20 words xD :thefinger:

Anyway, i do agree that girls shudn't said that if their bf treat them badly and etcs to the world. Still, I understand how they feel and why some girls said that and think that all the guys are the same. That goes the same to us guys about what we think of them.
Reason is simple, this is because we see more of these type of guys/girls.

Seriously, is hard to blame the girls for such thinking but yes TR bro, there are a lot of good guys there as well and so are the girls but if were to compare, most guys cheats on their girls which is why they have such thoughts that all guys are the same. Let's say they have 10 frens, she might have 9 frens who have a bf that cheat on them which makes the word of mouth goes round and start spreading and there are a lot of evidence out there that proves that good guys are getting lesser and lesser. In other words, is hard to find a good guy/girl anymore.

As for the girls side, majority of guys would say " most girls are materialistic" and they will have different thinking of us guys too. They would say the same that not all girls are materialistic as well. All these happen is due to the things we experienced, heard or see more in reality which made us have such thinking that majority are like this or like that. Everyone are entitiled to thier own opinion, but in the end is all base on how u prove that u r not one of them to ur lovers and friends. We loyal/good guys can only blame those bad guys made the girls who have such thinking. That's goes the same to the girls who can only blame those materialistic girls that made us guys think that way. Still not only guys cheat on girls. Some girls even cheat on guys which I HATE MOST!

I have a best friend name S since primary school. He has changed ever since he knew a few frens from secondary school last time till today, he end up doing what one of my the other best fren B does. Most of my old buddies take B as an idol or examples as he is one of the playboy that really previously had more than 10 gf till today and still counting. He changed gf frequently and most of the girls can be said deflowered once with him. This is one of the examples to why girls have such thoughts.

So my fren S, is a guy that i have advise him not to fall for ppl's gf. He tend to love girls that adi have a bf and try to snatch them away from their current bf. Which i told him not to do so and u might end up in trouble 1 day. He easily misunderstand ppl's feeling and i still thinks that he dunno what the real feeling or the exact meaning of love. Sometimes when a girl tell him their problems, he tend to thinks that the girl love him. So, 1 day, S fell for a girl who adi has a bf but this girl always complains to my fren S that her bf is not good or care enough for her...so this girl knew my fren on the net and 1 day S invited her to come to her hostel that he rented to have a drink. They became a bit tipsy and started kissing and then on bed. That's the 1st night that the girl had finally cheated on her bf.

Ever since then, they met quite frequently and started having a few nights together. U know what i mean by that. My fren told me that he loves her and that girl keeps saying she is gonna break up with her bf and have been delayed for few months. Till today, the girl's bf didnt know about this. So, 1 day my fren can't tahan adi, copy her bf number on his phone and he even tail them to 1utama when the girl is going out with her bf. HE msg her bf that he is with his gf for very long time adi and even had further relations with her. But the bf didnt believe and ignored the msg. Ever since then they have never met.

So, the bf til today will never know that his gf had cheated on him.

Basically, is just one of the real examples and I just wanna say, even though there are not many good ones out there but still good girls and guys do exist. Have some faith and pick the right ones.
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500 RPM
Senior Member
Jan 10, 2006
let them be la..at the end of the day..they want cock also.

---------- Post added at 02:37 PM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 02:33 PM ----------

Basically, is just one of the real examples and I just wanna say, even though there are not many good ones out there but still good girls and guys do exist. Have some faith and pick the right ones.

agree bro. definitely out there still we do have good girls and bunch of gentlemen.


Beyond 20,000 RPM!
Senior Member
Sep 17, 2008
Seriously, I agree that girls need men and men need girls. That is the reason why we have both the opposite sex. And I totally agree that men are hamsap. Well all men are born hamsap and girls are born to be "hao"

If not the chemistry will not happen and how on earth are we living and producing more and more babies today? lolz!


Beyond 20,000 RPM!
Senior Member
Sep 17, 2008
Lolz! Seriously, not all girls hunger for sex if compare to us men. I would say 99% of guys hunger for girls/sex but not all girls according to my survey and girl frens.

(Reason i said 99% is cuz some men prefer men but sex for sure all men are hungry for it 100% lolz) :thefinger:

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