Where can I get my in-car DVD player installed?


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Senior Member
Dec 16, 2005
Hi all.

I have an in-car dvd player with built in TV. I have some questions.

1. Anybody here knows where I can get it installed for the
cheapest price?
2. What is the typical price for installation service?
3. Is there any expert here to help me install the in-car dvd
player with built in tv? I can treat you some meals at KFC
or McD,
4. Car TV antenna,how much normally? Do we have to drill
our windscreen to connect the tv antenna to the dvd

Thanks in advance..
1. Anyshop also can do install, cheap and good install dont go hand in hand.
2. Simple HU install is RM30... most shops also charge this price in Klang Valley area.
3. I can install my own, but will not risk other people's stuffs.... I assume many people also will think like me.
4. Depend on which type, some just use double sided tape and stick it on, some require drilling. Most common I seen is the V type, 2 V antenna at rear of the car.

i can introduce you to a shop in pandan indah,sound auto..
i would say the quality of their job is good and their price is reasonable.

PM me for my number if you want to install there...

*it is a panel acc. shop for ClubRS

for more information please visit forum.revsaints.com

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