Stick bitumen on firewall(engine side)~!

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Jan 9, 2005
anyone stick the bitumen on the firewall, at the engine side before?what is the effect for sound proofing ?is it noticable?bcoz at 1st i tot wanna open up the dash and put bitumen+superlon...but dare not to kacau the dash since it may create more problem after i open up. so now change my mind to stick on the engine side firewall, but before i do this, can anyone tell me the bitumen can last or not?with the engine bay heat...will it peel of?and is it will help in sound proofing?thanks yea...
which firewall you mean?, from the engine side or the firewall behind the dashboard?

If from the engine side, I think it would look weird....btw, what bitumen r u taking abt? the paint brush application type or the bitumen tiles (intended for roofing usage).
Personally, the bitumen tiles are Ok to isolate heat but not too sure abt isolating noise and vibration.
the bitumen i mention about is that one ppl use for roof...i stick it on the door...and it is usefull as reduce the vibrattion...but not sure if use on firewall..will give the same effect or not...

before you jumping into this DIY
bitumen strips (roofing repair tape)
is freaking louse heat-resistance.
melts at noon-sun temperature. Ask anyone who did DIY for their doors.

it'll just DROOL down and puddle wherever it'll go.
and it freaking stinks..
Dunno why Dynamat encourages the use IN the engine bay!
best to install from inside the cabin i say.
of course more hassle, but safer AND way way cleaner.
ninja_aga, i installed it on my far so good...around 1 month melt or anything...stick even better after heat up by the sun...but i agree with what u say...stick it in the engine bay is not a good idea...that's why ask for opinion here...well...mayb will give up on the firewall sound proceed to the other area...since the most of noise is not from the enginze bay it self...oh yea...that time when i open up my door panel and plan to stick on the bitumen, there is few pieces of bitumen was sticked inside previously by the ex owner mayb...and what i can say stick really really peel of or anything...and i need some force to tear it off...but suprisingly...there is not any sticky thingy is left out on the metal after i tear off the old bitumen...haha...
yah sky ..... u bought those good grade bitumen tape .... thats y u won`t find any melts or curls on the tape ..... i sell those bitumen tape to those contractor they use it for roofing .... where heat is much more longer n hotter on those zinc layers coz the longer the sun the heater it gets n its constant on the roof everyday ....
edwin_lcw said:
yah sky ..... u bought those good grade bitumen tape .... thats y u won`t find any melts or curls on the tape ..... i sell those bitumen tape to those contractor they use it for roofing .... where heat is much more longer n hotter on those zinc layers coz the longer the sun the heater it gets n its constant on the roof everyday ....

which brand is good grade bitumen tape??around how much.?? planning to get one
o...i also dunno bitumen strip also got grade...haha...then i might be the lucky one lo...yea i think after some heat the bitumen stick better and fixed like what u say edwin...
ninja_iga said:

before you jumping into this DIY
bitumen strips (roofing repair tape)
is freaking louse heat-resistance.
melts at noon-sun temperature. Ask anyone who did DIY for their doors.

it'll just DROOL down and puddle wherever it'll go.
and it freaking stinks..
Dunno why Dynamat encourages the use IN the engine bay!
best to install from inside the cabin i say.
of course more hassle, but safer AND way way cleaner.

Ninja_Iga is right ... Those used for roofing would never stand the heat. I tried it 1st hand on some piping in the bay. It's melt and if you are lucky, you get the ones with the foil so it wouldn't look too messy. But one day if you want to re-do your bay (ie paint), your painter's sure gonna hate you. Putting it on will be easy, but when you want to remove it ... "good-luck"

If you want to do it, do it right ... On the cabin side of the firewall, and with the right material.

My Advice: Same as Ninja_Iga.

name i got to look out coz forgotten but it know its a white n blue in packing ...... cost around 20 - 30 ringgit per roll ..... i roll i think is like 20 ft. like dat
i disagree with ninja_iga.... i'm using itumen strips on my firewall... used it for more than a year already... somemore my hood is with Superlon... so the engine bay temp will be higher...

so far i dun have any probs at all... they din melt at all also... still sticking nicely on de wall from de engine side... the key is to stick them vertically... n make sure de surface is clean 4 u stick them...

results of bitumen stips on firewall : less engine roar sound... so when u high rev... u wun feel it dat much....
oh ...
me too .
when u buy , there are quite some different brand and grade one .
those which are sticky when u pry off , those are good one .
for some , which needs to be heated one ... i tried on my wheel arch ...easy to peel off . next time when buy bitumen must ask properly, if not later melt and peel off. haha...what to money + DIY spirit so bitumen is the oni choice...and also the superlon from ninja_iga or insulfix from khguan. but anyway...after put on the bitumen on the door...really can feel some improvement lar. just passed up my FYP so this weekend gonna be my car project time again...but really hope more and more DIYer can post up their own post and experienced on car DIY exspcecially on sound proofing. bcoz i think normal car user is have the problem...come come happy DIY
khguan said:
i disagree with ninja_iga.... i'm using itumen strips on my firewall... used it for more than a year already... somemore my hood is with Superlon... so the engine bay temp will be higher...

so far i dun have any probs at all... they din melt at all also... still sticking nicely on de wall from de engine side... the key is to stick them vertically... n make sure de surface is clean 4 u stick them...

results of bitumen stips on firewall : less engine roar sound... so when u high rev... u wun feel it dat much....

Do u have pics for that DIY of yours ? I wish can do that too for my car... engine already making noise.... car is getting old already...
khguan said:
i disagree with ninja_iga.... i'm using itumen strips on my firewall... used it for more than a year already... somemore my hood is with Superlon... so the engine bay temp will be higher...

so far i dun have any probs at all... they din melt at all also... still sticking nicely on de wall from de engine side... the key is to stick them vertically... n make sure de surface is clean 4 u stick them...

results of bitumen stips on firewall : less engine roar sound... so when u high rev... u wun feel it dat much....

Do u have pics for that DIY of yours ? I wish can do that too for my car... engine already making noise.... car is getting old already...
ok... here's some pics i took after about a month sticking de bitumen strip... until now it looks de same... just dat more dirty... keke...

yeah just as khguan says ....... hands n surface clean ..... u get a clean shot for the day
khguan, do u have more clear and big pic of the bitumen sticked on ur engine bay?or any link to it?thanks
khguan said:
ok... here's some pics i took after about a month sticking de bitumen strip... until now it looks de same... just dat more dirty... keke...

was there any reduction in noise from ur engine bay after u stick the bitumen ...?
eh.. dats de only pics i have... it is very hard to get very clear view as de engine comparment there is so tight...

yes... there are some improvements as i mentioned earlier... engine roar is lesser... so when u high rev... u wun feel it dat much...
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