Sex with minor is rape


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Jan 2, 2004
Sex with minor is rape, says judge

PETALING JAYA: A driver who had sex with his 15-year-old girlfriend was told by a Sessions Court judge that the act was considered rape even if the girl had been a willing partner.

“You must think first before doing anything because this girl is underage,” said judge Nurmala Salim.

“Even if it was consensual, it’s considered rape. If you want to have a schoolkid for a girlfriend, you must be aware of these things,” she told the 23-year-old man who claimed trial to committing the offence at a house in Kota Damansara on Aug 1 last year.

Sex with a girl under 16 is defined as rape under Section 375 of the Penal Code.

When the man arrived at the courthouse in a police van yesterday, his girlfriend began to cry upon seeing him, and sobbed throughout the court proceedings.

Deputy Public Prosecutor Nahra Dollah urged the court to deny bail on the grounds that the man may have physical contact with the girl if he is out.

The driver appealed for bail, saying that he had to support his unemployed parents. He urged the court to set bail at RM1,000 and when that was rejected, he raised the amount to RM2,000, which was also turned down.

“If this is a small case in the magistrate’s court, that amount can be considered. But this is the Sessions court and the minimum amount is RM10,000,” said the judge.

When Nurmala asked for the bailor, the driver’s father stood up and said he could only afford RM300 as he was not working. “I’m sorry, I really cannot allow that,” Nurmala said before setting bail at RM8,000 on the condition that the accused was not allowed to meet or harass the victim.

At press time, the driver had yet to post bail. The case will be mentioned again on March 13.
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"I swear to god, the girl told me she was 19 years old." That's what I told.
Bribe the judge, then 13 years old girl also, the judge will say, "it's concensual so it's at the fault of the girl" hahahahah Or just wear a songkok there la. Then no problem ridi. hahaha
i tot the "driver" is the drive of a green satria? ... the driver has spiky hair rite?

hey... doesn't it resembles satria_95? hahaha

sudah kena....

well underage gals have to be careful also la....dont just enjoy making out ...have to bear the consequences as well..

BTW, how did they are being caught?? If they make out in the room, no one will know anyway......
But, but, but... it's strange that the law allows girls as young as 14 to get married.

Psss... sssttt... oral and anal sex is an offence, though it's cummitted by a husband and wife. So, be careful, you married people.
This is Malaysia and Malaysia Boleh!!! KNNCCB to Barang Naik govt!!! :baring_teeth: BJ a??.....:confused_smile: where's the fun in it......
Hmm... I wonder if they actuallly check the definition of "rape".

Rape, to my understanding, means a forced sexual relationship without the consent of the other party.

I would generally categorize this as underaged sex. My main point here is, they shouldn't categorize it as "rape". :)
astalavista_baby said:
Hmm... I wonder if they actuallly check the definition of "rape".

Rape, to my understanding, means a forced sexual relationship without the consent of the other party.

I would generally categorize this as underaged sex. My main point here is, they shouldn't categorize it as "rape". :)

It's under child protection laws.
zephyr3d said:
i tot the "driver" is the drive of a green satria? ... the driver has spiky hair rite? hey... doesn't it resembles satria_95? hahaha
It can't be me cos I don't drive a Supra ma. Forget ridi meh? And besides, I don't have any friends or aquaintance or anybody who is age 18 and below. So can't be me even if it fitted me. Too bad, eh? Maybe its..... kevlar boneted supra leh? You know how the press always twist stories. hahaha
under 16? that mean all form 5 student can have sex already lar? btw i thought its 18..

better than US lar.... cannot have sex with ppl 4 years diff in age with you..
have $ex with minor ( below 16) even if she agreed, you still will be charging raping.
$ex below 21, the parent still possible in charging u rape even if the girl agreed.
Above 21... only the girl have the right to put a case on u ..

This is what I was told .. but do ask around for lawyer here .. hehe!
good luck.. lol!
rollakid said:
better than US lar.... cannot have sex with ppl 4 years diff in age with you..

Are you positive about this?? This might apply ONLY to minor.
NOSkill said:
It's under child protection laws.
I know it's under the child protection law. It's to protect children against having sex, even with consent, as they might still be immature enough to think about the consequences and might later regret their actions when they grow up.

Then again, I would still categorize the case as underage sex/sex with minors, which in this context in right as it is child protection. I wouldn't call it a rape, would you?

Take for example:

"He was charged for raping a girl even when he had sex with her consent."

"He was charged for having sex with a minor even when he had sex with her consent."

I think the latter sounds more logically as it is still an offence for having sex with a minor.

Then again, my point is still, I wouldn't categorize the case as rape. I do know what they are getting at, but it's just wrong to categorize it as rape, no? hehe.

Just my two cents. :)
Well, the people who wrote the law for malaysial don't know what they're writing and they can't differentiate between "agreed sex" and "rape". They should just charge him for "sex with underage girl" rather than rape.
Nope I agree with the judge.

The Law CLEARLY states that if you have sex with a minor you will be charged as Rape.

It's the guy's fault not to read the law clearly and understand it.

He should know that even IF the girl consent to him, he will still be charged with Rape under Malaysian law. but he still decided to do it.

It WAS his responsibility to find out the girl's real age before doing it. But he chose to ignore that.

Knowing the law will punish him for Rape whether he is innocent or not, he still choose to ignore the warning and commit it. So too bad.
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