Recommended Spark Plugs and Cables for B-series


1,500 RPM
Senior Member
Jun 11, 2004
My sparks plugs are due for a changing and maybe my plug cables to. Cables keep getting loose, they 'cabut' from distributor. Then my car running on 3 pistons, sounding like an impreza... :p ... nway, the rubbers on the cables looks like they've harden and stuff (very old stock ones)

So, what would you guys recommend?? Stock Cables?? Aftermarket ones?? which ones?? what are you guys using??

As for spark plugs, currently running Iriway 7's. Any other recommended ones?? what are u guys running?? whats good value for money??

Cheers Guys... :cool:
I'm using Ultra 8mm plug cable together with Denso Iridium spark plug. So far very satisfied with it. But if you ask me which is the best plug cable, I would says that its Nology.

This is my own plug cable ranking;
1. Nology
2. Ultra
3. NGK
4. Splitfire (japan made)
5. Original

Just my 6 cents opinion.
Thanx BlueG....

Any other recommendations guys?? And what prices are we looking at here. I was qouted RM220 for new iriway 7's and RM180 for used NGK blue cables... are these fair prices??
RM220 for iriways is a standard price. Plug cable (second hand) for Ultra should be around RM200-RM80, NGK should be the same. New one for Ultra and NGK I think around RM380 to RM400 ... correct me if I'm wrong.

I would prefer the Ultra plug cable coz I saw so many Vtec half-cut from Japan already came with this kinda plug cable.

Any otai to explain more? :)
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