Oil Company Selling Lower Grade Petrol


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Feb 16, 2005
Pandan Indah
Does anyone realise it or is it just my car not properly tuned.

The current petrol sold by the oil companies has resulted in the car engine more prone to pinging/pinking. No matter how many time I have sent my car for tuning the engine still pinks.

To add to the conspiracy theory, do you guys think that the oil companies are selling us lower RON value to earn more profit due to the increase in the petrol prices??
It may be true for smaller gas stations located in remote areas but not for those big ones.
That's quite some speculation. But if anyone are willing to analyze petrols from Petronas/Shell/etc and later find out it's not RON97, that could be a big case here.

Now which lab we can sent the petrol to for RON analysis?
You'd be surprised, I think bigger gas stations are more likely to do this nonsense cos bigger margin of profit.

I experience very irregular petrol consumption, pumping the same amount at the same station. Driving habits largely the same. I don't roadrace.
Hahahahaa :D :lol: Sorry for laughing at your remarks.

Do you all realised that there is no way for an individual petrol station to change the RON rating of their petrol. They get their petrol from the petrol company as it is.

Most oil companies have joint ventures together to drill for oil and to process it and share it. Both Petronas and Shell petrol comes from the same source in Malaysia.

The only thing different is that when each oil tanker from Petronas and Shell go to get the same petrol from the same oil depot, their oil tankers already contain the premixed additives which differentiate themselves from their competitors.

So basically, the base petrol is from the same source ( same oil depot ). If u don't believe me, take a trip down to Cyberjaya oil depot. You will see both Petronas and Shell oil tankers lining up for their turn to get petrol from the same oil depot... shocking rite? :o :lol:
all the petrol deliver from their company....but maybe the add ' foh sui' :lol: :D :P
in malaysia we got low grade petrols as well as low grade engine oils, but with high price tag. :ph34r:

this is Boleh-Land. work harder & live with it :D
Originally posted by beatnik@Mar 1 2005, 20:07
in malaysia we got low grade petrols as well as low grade engine oils, but with high price tag. :ph34r:

this is Boleh-Land. work harder & live with it :D
Hey.... so r u saying that the Shell V-Power we get here is of a lower grade?
petrol sold at kiosks have a colour die added in. When you add something or change the grade the colour will run. so cannot bluff people so easilly wan.
Originally posted by cyclonite@Mar 1 2005, 23:55
petrol sold at kiosks have a colour die added in. When you add something or change the grade the colour will run. so cannot bluff people so easilly wan.
I am not too about the "die" part. But I do know for a fact that different petrol company got their own formula/additives added to the petrol. And maybe the color is due to the color of these additives.

There is a part of the hose ( at the top ) where u can see a float or ball turning around a transparent opening when the petrol flows thru the hose.. from that small opening you can see the color of the petrol.
Originally posted by Constantine@Mar 1 2005, 19:06
Hahahahaa :D :lol: Sorry for laughing at your remarks.

Do you all realised that there is no way for an individual petrol station to change the RON rating of their petrol. They get their petrol from the petrol company as it is.

Most oil companies have joint ventures together to drill for oil and to process it and share it. Both Petronas and Shell petrol comes from the same source in Malaysia.

The only thing different is that when each oil tanker from Petronas and Shell go to get the same petrol from the same oil depot, their oil tankers already contain the premixed additives which differentiate themselves from their competitors.

So basically, the base petrol is from the same source ( same oil depot ). If u don't believe me, take a trip down to Cyberjaya oil depot. You will see both Petronas and Shell oil tankers lining up for their turn to get petrol from the same oil depot... shocking rite? :o :lol:
This is true.
The fuel are from the same source refinery.
The only diffrence is the additive(s).

BUT ...

From Refinery to Petrol kiosk storage ....... a lot of things can happen .
'Additive' like kerosone is not uncommon.
Originally posted by InitialD@Mar 1 2005, 22:58
Hey.... so r u saying that the Shell V-Power we get here is of a lower grade?
for V-Power i don't know.. but i can say it is good from my experience. it's the only petrol with RON98 (true?) but the price is too expensive. other premium oils are only RON97.

as for diesel quality it's very poor. thats why diesel powered cars like the 530d are not selling well here. u can see smoke coming out from the car after a while.

and.. i tried both shell super & petronas primax both are giving same mileage. in term of power & smoothness both also identical! :o
does anyone have actual proof of kerosene being mixed in with the petrol or is it just plain speculation? :ph34r:

and please dont tell me a friend of your friend's father who works in some petrol station told you. that's how urban myths begin..

just my 2 cents =)
about the die... from what I learned, petrol companies add a special colour die so that they can tell when syndicates add something inside like kerosene. I heard the special die will change colour when something else is added in.
as told by mech. car which running petrol + kerosene will : -

after u turn your key to off the engine, the engine vibrate for half second before it completely turn off.
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