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No Plate info's....

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'(^^)|Most Awesome Member
Senior Member
Nov 14, 2003
Just Curious....

I keep reading posting previously on forummers posting no. plates of cars and asking for info la.. dis la dat la... does it actually work? who here can gimme details of adress / owner name.. etc if i post a particular no. plate out?

Anyway, it's just out of curiousity...
BLaCkHoWLiNG said:
I keep reading posting previously on forummers posting no. plates of cars and asking for info la.. dis la dat la... does it actually work? who here can gimme details of adress / owner name.. etc if i post a particular no. plate out?

Anyway, it's just out of curiousity...
or sum one offended u while u driving? haih those crazy driver these days....
its just a display of internet ego.....ppl post this kinda shit to show to other forummers that they are not to be messed with...but in the reality....he wished that he did confronted the so call speedneck,redneck,chickenneck,nenek....but scared that he could get pummeled to a pulp....thus releasing the anger that he inflicted to himself by acting tough and posting things like...'you are lucky my wife is in the car...if not' or 'luckily my gf were there to rub my kkc to cool me off'....which in reality....they thanked their lucky stars that their wife/gf/sister were actually inside the car so ppl wont call them coward instead thinking of doing the right thing by not endangering their loved ones...sad...but this is typical malaysia...No Action...Talk Only....AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH.....AHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....i am getting a bit neurotic this past few days....AHAHAHAHAHHAHA
SataniC said:
its just a display of internet ego.....ppl post this kinda shit to show to other forummers that they are not to be messed with...but in the reality....he wished that he did confronted the so call speedneck,redneck,chickenneck,nenek....but scared that he could get pummeled to a pulp....thus releasing the anger that he inflicted to himself by acting tough and posting things like...'you are lucky my wife is in the car...if not' or 'luckily my gf were there to rub my kkc to cool me off'....which in reality....they thanked their lucky stars that their wife/gf/sister were actually inside the car so ppl wont call them coward instead thinking of doing the right thing by not endangering their loved ones...sad...but this is typical malaysia...No Action...Talk Only....AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH.....AHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....i am getting a bit neurotic this past few days....AHAHAHAHAHHAHA

sad but true.......lol

anybody can get the person info
just go make a JPJ search
have to pay though
BLaCkHoWLiNG said:
I keep reading posting previously on forummers posting no. plates of cars and asking for info la.. dis la dat la... does it actually work? who here can gimme details of adress / owner name.. etc if i post a particular no. plate out?

Anyway, it's just out of curiousity...

i know 6609 stay at puchong
How all no.plates posts are similar.

To the whateverdude in the whatevercoloured whatevercar driving at whereever at whatevertime. I'd believe you could remember me, because you almost did someting to me . I totally ignore the fact that you couldnt care less for a random driver on the road.
I'm dumb enough to believe I'd meet you at an online forum, and you would regret your actions from my postings.

People who have nothing to do, gather around to listen to my unique story on how I was bullied like a chicken, how I pardoned the offender's sin like a saint, and what I would do if I ever meet him again, all in the name of sweet justice.

bla bla bla

If I didnt have my superhuman reflexes, he would have knocked me. Everybody, please applause my reflex, coz I'm the only person in the road that knows how to avoid cars.

bla bla blab

I've got balls of steel, so be careful of me coz I'll whack you up when/if my *** is not in the car. Praise the Lord for you were spared from my manly fist of fury tonight. If it wasnt for *** I'd beat you up with my 12ft penis.

replace *** with wife,mother,gf,sister,auntie, mistress, daughter, secretary, nun, waitress, prostitute, babysitter or any female.
wahaha..man ur signature...
wah, like hong kong superstar..

cant stop laughing...hahaha..

back to topic,
well maybe some of them just trying their luck ;)
no harm trying rite..
.. not to mention using the "BEWARE OF [car brand] NO. [XXX XXXX]!!!" excuse. that is such a touching act of public awareness.

"I want u guys to be careful and be AWARE of this sohai in the xxxxx brand plate no. xxx xxxx color xxxxxx who bla this, bla that" :D

maybe the next day we'll hear a zthian beating a crap out of someone driving that car, and it turns out to be the offender's innocent brother. roflmao.

we have more than enough crazy ass drivers to worry about every second on the road to be bothered to look out for one particular vehicle. to think that only we are humans and that sucker ALWAYS DRIVES LIKE THAT is really, really stupid. its always not wrong when we speed, coz we always have something SO important like "i just wanna rush coz im late for class", or "i had to send my gf in a hurry"

heh.. my backside's itching to fart more, but i've pissed more ppl that i can handle. try searching for any no. plate offence TOPIC made by me before u start shooting. i dish out and receive healthy amounts of road rudeness everyday too. :D
blackie manyak leng chai
jeffblazed said:

hmm... nope... no one did overtook me last nite because i didnt drive... and even if someone did overtook me.. i'd doubt it's u... ;)
BLaCkHoWLiNG said:
hmm... nope... no one did overtook me last nite because i didnt drive... and even if someone did overtook me.. i'd doubt it's u... ;)
i like this line :D
BLaCkHoWLiNG said:
hmm... nope... no one did overtook me last nite because i didnt drive... and even if someone did overtook me.. i'd doubt it's u... ;)
my car slow la cause using lorry turbine...so its slow like lorry.....kekekekekekekek
have i mentioned that i really like the coat? oops. yes i have :p in 3 other topics :D

BH's gonna whup mah ass now.
jeffblazed said:

Overtook Blackie's 3.0 Supra TT with NOS???!! I don't think so dude. :)
His car too heavy already. That the reason he need BIG turbine and also nos. without all the of that, his car cannot terbang............ops...sorry, his car cannot move. hahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Blackie, don't angry okay......just joking.

Let all the people with their egois. What happen if they able to check the plate number. They all can't do anything. just like hokkien people say " chui kong lam pa song". = mouth talk, cock comfortable. hahahahahahahahaha

ON't WORRY la, BE HAPPY............
If someone would have take over blackie, it would be F1 already.. haha
Actually can, if you know someone driving the waja police car.

They can check all the info of the car using the police laptop.

If you know someone lah.
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