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Malaysian Police = SHIT

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Jun 27, 2005
Kuala Lumpur
Here is my story , I was travelling along Jalan Telawi , Bangsar with a passenger and came across a road block. The copper stoped me . Gave my IC and license. Out of a sudden, they asked my passenger to produce her IC too. She could not because she dropped her purse 2 days back but had made a police report. The police demanded to see the report but she forgot to bring it out. We offered to give him the report number so he can check with the HQ or something. He didnt want to accept our offer. The police then said that he had to summon her. I told him to do so as i dont want to bribe a cop. The policeman then asked me whether i really wanted a summon many many times hoping i would give him a bribe. But i kept telling him to just summon. After talking for about 15 mins he treathened to take me and my passenger back to the police station for failing to produce an IC. I did not want any trouble and asked him how much he wants and i offered RM 15 because thats what i have in my pocket. He continued Talking cock saying that if he took us back to the station we could be fined a few thousands and crap like that. He demanded RM 50. Afraid of what they would do to my female passenger in the station, i gave him RM 50 reluctantly. After that i sped off. I memorised his code number and name. I think Malaysian police nowadays are a piece of crap ! Being encountered with numerous road blocks throughout the week , this is the first time i had to bribe. And its not a small sum. Please PDRM grow the f**k up ! (No offence to any members out there, Just sharing my experience)
Sad to hear that man.... but she should remember to take out the report of IC lost..
What to do.. just treat it as a lesson...
But the fault is bribery.. hahaha..
Now days our country is getting freaking twisted...cops are as sick as criminals...criminals are even stupider than before...ppl killing and chopping women and children just to rob them out of a few dollars??? all they had to do is threaten them...they would have most likely passed all their valuables without having to harm them.Stupid.

I can imagine how you feel LFT24...and im not surprised it happened...
i think u should follow him back to the police station instead of bribing him,and ask someone to bring your passenger lost ic report to the police station.he just trying to scare u..

i was detained and brought to the police station b4 last time for not bringing ic when i was 16.following frens car.didn bring my ic along,then kena tahan at roadblock.my fren that was driving then goto my home to get my ic.before my fren reach they already packing and and going back to station,so have to sit inside the stupid police car and back to the station.they didn lock me up,but keep saying that if my fren didn reach in time then they will lock me up.and keep scaring me by telling the same and ask me takut or not.i knew my fren coming,and even he cant reach in time im not scare(knew that my parents sure will come to help me).instead of showing them lansi face,i said im very scared:rofl:.then fren reached.show him the ic then can go without summon
Haih but still la u know if girls go police station u will never know what they will do . Heck they might even ask her to strip and all. To save the hassle just bribe ler . Just feel that Malaysian police all talk kok only la . All wearing the "anti rasuah" button but haih..... its okay ler.... im sure he's smoking weeed now ;) after the bribe ;) kekeke
I also find that some police look at cars to stop people. If you drive a nice sport cars or an expensive car they will seldom kacau. When drive normal cars always like to kacau. Like when i drive my daily car sometimes will stop me either at road block or patrol but with my weekend car. I never got stop before...only yesterday i met a roadblock and tell me to show IC and let me go...
the frequency of "spot checks" and road blocks are increasing. its always the same before puasa month. just be careful la.
yesterday nite after TT, went back using kepong main road.....in front of jusco got road block....they stopped me but then they go one round my car and flash the torch light inside my car like i got hide someone behind the seats....then ask me go.....that time about 2.30am......

festive around the corner.....u know la....

block everywhere, always will ask u wind down window and ask silly questions....to see u got drink or not but yesterday didnt ask me wind down window...coz my look bit blur blur...LOL

ask what bro mizu said, be more careful, few tips to check on:

1) driving license expiring date
2) road tax expiring date
3) I/C
4) car tinting - jpj
5) fancy lights - jpj
6) number plates - jpj
7) seat belts - front & back
8) handsfree car kit - police like to hide behind tress, under the bridge or even behind some bushes
9) modded car - it depends, sometimes they don care....
10) do not pass red traffic light even its wee hour in the morning, police might be hiding behind the pillars...

and more... please add on....cheerz
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I also find that some police look at cars to stop people. If you drive a nice sport cars or an expensive car they will seldom kacau. When drive normal cars always like to kacau. Like when i drive my daily car sometimes will stop me either at road block or patrol but with my weekend car. I never got stop before...only yesterday i met a roadblock and tell me to show IC and let me go...

Just like Friday night i was on the way home from Hartamas. Got road block and got stopped. The police shine inside my car dont know looking for what and ask me where am i going +__+ WTF ! wasting my time !
IMO , i would say it's a 50-50 fault
your friend for not able to bring out the Report
cop's fault for asking a bribe , and yes consequences of not having an IC is serious business anyway
anyway did you talk nicely or was rude to them , i believe if u talk respectively they normally dun cari pasal one le , unless u are really unlucky , a few times i got stopped but i was cooperative and talk nicely , they dont question me much ...:proud:

anyway an unrelated case , my neighbour's house was broken in today , no one saw anything when those jokers broke pry open the wooden door lock and a padlock on the grille , they managed 2 cart away a LCD , other stuff not sure ,

police reaches within 15mins , quite efficient and friendly guys , was quite helpful , and we chatted while overhearing their communication over the walkie talkies , it was quite cool when the central talk over the walkies , managed 2 hear a few voice out for cars , suspects etc etc , he even said the thief(ves) were idiots as they broke the door knobs upstairs even it's not locked -_-"
common sh!t everytime near raya.. no offense, but we have eye to see. they are freaking hardworking, they are everywhere, on the highway,housing area, factory..EVERYWHERE! but not catching those criminals, but people who work hard daily to earn their living..
Better mod it after raya~~"
IMO , i would say it's a 50-50 fault
your friend for not able to bring out the Report
cop's fault for asking a bribe , and yes consequences of not having an IC is serious business anyway
anyway did you talk nicely or was rude to them , i believe if u talk respectively they normally dun cari pasal one le , unless u are really unlucky , a few times i got stopped but i was cooperative and talk nicely , they dont question me much ...:proud:

anyway an unrelated case , my neighbour's house was broken in today , no one saw anything when those jokers broke pry open the wooden door lock and a padlock on the grille , they managed 2 cart away a LCD , other stuff not sure ,

police reaches within 15mins , quite efficient and friendly guys , was quite helpful , and we chatted while overhearing their communication over the walkie talkies , it was quite cool when the central talk over the walkies , managed 2 hear a few voice out for cars , suspects etc etc , he even said the thief(ves) were idiots as they broke the door knobs upstairs even it's not locked -_-"

Yes i did talk to him with full respect and i kept refusing to bribe him till he treathened me. And he was being very arrogant , raising his voice . I guess he's trying to show his superior he's doing a "good" job !
that cop was such a wasted sperm on earth..

anyways i got stopped before around hartamas area .. it was a thursday morning roughly around 11am.. (seen those mofo's doing routine stops frequently over at the sprint stretch. ) anyways , they stopped me for doing above the speed limit .. spotted the messenger like a 200 -300 meters away with his handy gun behind those bushes in the center of two roads .. but what to do , abit to late already to slow down .. nvm , they stopped me. looks like a senior cop who stopped me , as it is im already in a hurry.. i didnt want to bribe him so i agreed everything he said and ask him to proceed with the summon.. for no bloody reason he started telling me that i need to show up in court and stuff . .of course i can read myself whats written on the summon rite, he started explaining it to me and assuring me that its gonna be hell for me.. so finally with no choice i popped up the question he has been waiting to hear .. "bang, kalau settle boleh?" .. .so he started to laugh, my temp is already increasing with his sarcasm .. wtf la . .then he was like "boleh..boleh..berapa..?" .. so I said, "ok 30"... at first he was reluctant .. then he said ok... when i was bout to hand him the cash under my IC of course , he elbowed my IC back in the car with the cash .. .holly shit, my anger was boiling at that point.. he said "saman..saman la !! " like what an emo b*tch we was turning into.. i said " ok saman je lar." later I realised, its we drivers that usually spoil the market for bribing in the 1st place thats why they are demanding more .. because while i was getting the cash out, i realised he was looking at this buddy whom just stopped a black bimmer.. an X6 i believe. The x6 dude , as soon he stopped his car, he just handed out a rm50 note and the cop ask him to go .. no further discussion needed. so you know la that wasted old sperm attending me fell like rm30 is little and got pist..

JPJ and PDRM are just pushing their luck with the public .. one fine day they gonna get a taste of their own medicine.
Aiyo, normal la. Who ask your friend didn't bring her document out. Photostat copy also better than nothing ma. But if still got next time, die also want him to bring you back to the police station. He eventually will give up. Why? His boss and colleague may fck him because of creating more work for them :rofl:
the police in here so fxxk-up la.... thats every1 knew it.... but wat to do... even went to complained, for so many times & oredy so many years has past... still no any news from PDRM or no improvement...
Not trying to side or support anybody... but, reading from your write up… I believe the policeman is basically doing his job. It’s an offence of your passenger for neither bringing the IC nor the police report, therefore they have the rights to question you or bring you to the police station. Also, police can always ask for money like beggars on the streets do... but it’s your choice to either give or follow the law by requesting for summon... they wouldn't ask if we didn't teach them by giving... we always want to cut short from all the trouble by paying off with spare change, so who's instigating the bribe here? So cheers mate...
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Here is my story , I was travelling along Jalan Telawi , Bangsar with a passenger and came across a road block. The copper stoped me . Gave my IC and license. Out of a sudden, they asked my passenger to produce her IC too. She could not because she dropped her purse 2 days back but had made a police report. The police demanded to see the report but she forgot to bring it out. We offered to give him the report number so he can check with the HQ or something. He didnt want to accept our offer. The police then said that he had to summon her. I told him to do so as i dont want to bribe a cop. The policeman then asked me whether i really wanted a summon many many times hoping i would give him a bribe. But i kept telling him to just summon. After talking for about 15 mins he treathened to take me and my passenger back to the police station for failing to produce an IC. I did not want any trouble and asked him how much he wants and i offered RM 15 because thats what i have in my pocket. He continued Talking cock saying that if he took us back to the station we could be fined a few thousands and crap like that. He demanded RM 50. Afraid of what they would do to my female passenger in the station, i gave him RM 50 reluctantly. After that i sped off. I memorised his code number and name. I think Malaysian police nowadays are a piece of crap ! Being encountered with numerous road blocks throughout the week , this is the first time i had to bribe. And its not a small sum. Please PDRM grow the f**k up ! (No offence to any members out there, Just sharing my experience)

Please call the Anti Rasuah number asap : 03-22626555

If you had this number you could have called on the spot..

---------- Post added at 02:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:00 PM ----------

Not trying to side or support anybody... but, reading from your write up… I believe the policeman is basically doing his job. It’s an offence of your passenger for neither bringing the IC nor the police report, therefore they have the rights to question you or bring you to the police station. Also, police can always ask for money like beggars on the streets do... but it’s your choice to either give or follow the law by requesting for summon... they wouldn't ask if we didn't teach them by giving... we always want to cut short from all the trouble by paying off with spare change, so who's instigating the bribe here? So cheers mate...

Dude.. The pig didn't even want to give LFT_24 the summon by asking LFT_24 whether he wanted a summon many many times.
sorry, it's her fault not to bring the report, and you can get the new IC from JPN.
bribery is still wrong
Agree with nitrus . i just wanted him to summon me so i can get over with it. But i guess all he wants is just money thats why he kept asking me whether im sure anot and alot more. And some of his friends or superior came over to my car too and ask the same question on whether im serious about getting the summon. So clearly to me this roadblock was set up to get "kopi money" lo ! ;)
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