Liquid CONDOM?


old school
Senior Member
Nov 16, 2003

Published Monday 21st November 2005 13:02 GMT

China's first liquid condom went on sale today after the country's health and drugs administration formally gave the hi-tech prophylactic the thumbs-up, the China Daily reports.

Dubbed the Nanometer-silver Cryptomorphic Condom (NCC), it's designed for female rather than male usage. The condom-in-a-can is essentially an antiseptic foam spray that the manufacturer claims forms a physical membrane inside the vagina, protecting it from infection, acting as a barrier to pregnancy and providing a lubricating effect.

This world’s first liquid condom went on sales this week in China, after China’s health and drugs administration formally gave the manufacturer the green light.

The manufacturer claims that it forms a physical membrane inside the vagina, protecting it from infection, acting as a barrier to pregnancy and providing a lubricating effect.

i dun think this is any different from any spray contraceptive from the west. Only this one is make in China. Cina mali punya :biggrin:
aiyo..... condom made in china ar?? believe it or not? china so many ppl r born in 1 year... hehe... better not believe... :P n summor the chu pa behind da packaging... yucks@!!!@!@$#%$&)
how to take it out after usage??....
This is in another word, a spray contraceptive to be use by female, spray it inside the vagina area to kill man sperm,its not condom in actual sense becos there's no rubber material at all i think.
no need 2 use condom maa.. just f**k n play lor.. heheee..
NoTiGuY said:
Dubbed the Nanometer-silver Cryptomorphic Condom (NCC), it's designed for female rather than male usage. The condom-in-a-can is essentially an antiseptic foam spray that the manufacturer claims forms a physical membrane inside the vagina, protecting it from infection, acting as a barrier to pregnancy and providing a lubricating effect.

"Nano"-Tech is a newly created substance by nano-molecules; thus its basically a layer of membrane like what was quoted above.
Easy explanation is - it's basically a plastic bag (condom). Just that in the terms of nanotechnology; the molecule is too tiny to be spotted.
I.e.; the substance is made up by nano molecule creating a strong and basically so packed that even water molecule cannot goes/seep through.

There's once a documentary on nanotechnology created shirts. The shirts can store water or drinks in it's pocket!.....


Obviously it would be dangerous if the thing were to be left inside as the membrane inside the vagina cannot breaths..........
errrr.....any instruction on the usage?.....:emoticon_U:
...look at the nozzle on that thing..even after the guy leaves the girl in the room, she can still have a go LOL
If what they say is true, no it isn't like spermicide.

This thing apparently forms a layer of membrane in the vagina on application that becomes the barrier sort of like a condom. Furthermore, they claim the membrane can be left in the vagina with no ill effects because it breaths and shit like that.

Of course, nobody knows how effective it is and what is the precentage like. Even condoms can't guarantee 100% safety.
ExceL said:
...look at the nozzle on that thing..even after the guy leaves the girl in the room, she can still have a go LOL

din notice b4 u mention..
heard this b4 long time ago.. dom dom for gal.

but haven seen in malaysia's market b4.
its liquid
so i think it comes out from their jus or period
dun prevent STD
so,no point la...
condom safest
and damn fcking durex
they discontinued performa before i got a chance to try it
wa....... liquid condom. hmm...... amazing..... IF it can protect HIV or illness.....
Hei, simon u only believe Durex this brand. But not others?? Why??
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