Let's like... Don't buy petrol from petronas anymore, shall we?

Rock Lee

3,000 RPM
Senior Member
Oct 18, 2004
Klang, Selangor
This is the email I receive in my inbox. I dont know about u guys but I use to pump all my petrol in petronas, but definitely not anymore after the price increase. I mean.. why should we channel our earnings into somewhere where we don't know where the earnings will go into.

here's the email I receive,



This was originally sent by Phillip Hollsworth, a retired Coca Cola executive.

If you are tired of the gas prices going up AND they will continue to rise this winter, take time to read this, PLEASE.

Phillip offered this good idea.

This makes MUCH MORE SENSE than the 'don't buy petrol on a certain day' campaign that was going around last April or May!

It is worth your consideration. Join the resistance!!!!

We are going to hit RM 2.70 a litre and it might go higher!! Want petrol prices to come down?

We need to take some intelligent, united action. The oil companies just laughed at last year's action because they knew we would not continue to 'hurt' ourselves by refusing to buy petrol. It was more of an inconvenience to us than it was a problem for them. BUT whoever thought of this idea, has come up with a plan that can really work.
Please read on and join with us!

By now, you're probably thinking petrol priced at about $1.50 is cheap.

It is currently RM2.70 for regular unleaded.

Now that the oil companies and the OPEC nations have conditioned us to think that the cost of a liter of gas is CHEAP at $1.50, we need to take aggressive action to teach them that BUYERS control the marketplace...not sellers.

With the price of gasoline going up more each day, we consumers need to take action.

The only way we are going to see the price of petrol come down is if we hit someone in the pocketbook by not purchasing their petrol! And, we can do that WITHOUT hurting ourselves.

How? Since we all rely on our cars, we can't just stop buying petrol.

But we CAN have an impact on petrol prices if we all act together to force a price war.

Here's the idea: For the rest of this year, DON'T purchase ANY petrol from Petronas
the biggest price-up driver company.

If they are not selling any petrol, they will be inclined to reduce their prices. If they reduce their prices, the other companies will have to follow suit.

But to have an impact, we need to reach literally millions of Petronas petrol buyers. It's SO simple!
Now, don't wimp out on me at this point...keep reading and I'll explain how simple it is to reach millions and even BILLIONS of people!!

I am sending this note to 20 people.
If each of you sends it on to at least twenty more that's (20 x 20 = 400) ..
And those 400 send it to at least twenty more (400 x 20 = 8000 ... and so on,
by the time the message reaches the fifth group of people, we will have reached over SIXTY FOUR MILLION consumers!!!!!
20x20 = 400

400x20 = 8,000

8,000x20 = 160,000

160,000x20 = 3,200,000

3,200,000x20 = 64,000,000

64,000,000x20 = 12,800,000,000

That's 12.80 Billion people folks, who will have been contacted!!!!!

Unbelievable?? Do the math and see for yourself!

Again, all
you have to do is send this to 20 people. That's all!
I'll bet you didn't think we had that much potential, did you!

Acting together we can make a difference..

If this message makes sense to you, then please pass it on.

It's simple – send the message along to others and choose to not buy petrol from Petronas.


Now THAT's people power.

JUST DO IT ! ! !

More power to you friend.

the truth is, ppl will still pump at petronas. And I will too coz my free petrol is from petronas :biggrin:
no point to blame petronas.we contribute almost 60% of revenue back to the govt in term of corporate tax.blame the govt who misused the money.
Actually, high petrol price are not either Petronas or Gov fault.
This is global trade. All of us are victim.
In all case, if the f-up govt was never corrupted, we won't have to pay all that much of petrol price, or even imported cars. Heck, even local cars are over priced here. So basically, I'll just stick to blaming the govt.
It's increasing global oil prices coupled with greedy G's thinking the Rakyak is still dumb, iliterate and deaf ...

After the poor poll outcome from last election, these wankers still just don't get it ... I think they are just too busy stroking each others cock and happily swapping gay partners too ...
In all case, if the f-up govt was never corrupted, we won't have to pay all that much of petrol price, or even imported cars. Heck, even local cars are over priced here. So basically, I'll just stick to blaming the govt.

damm.. I like the way u summarize the whole thing. Im with you man!
Rock Lee,
Are you The Rock (WWE wrestling star) cousin ar? haha Thanks for agreeing with me, dude.

Dude, how you going to feed your evo now? hehe Petrol price so expensive already. Maybe you can consider rolling on neutral gear when going downhill, which is what I do. haha Thanks for agreeing with me too. :)

Over all, I guess we rakyat should be able to pay up to RM4/L of petrol if all the other stupid taxes are removed from other stuff, like cars, food, etc. Now, it seems like govt is taxing on every damn thing. Even lottery tickets also have tax. I'm not surprised that public toilet will also have tax. Or worst case, you'll have to pay pedestrian road tax because you walk on the road. Then, there'll be air tax because you breath malaysian air.
sorry to say...


it is no use nak boycott petronas... bcoz petronas is the MAIN FUEL SUPPLIER HERE....

Petronas supplies fuel to other petrol station companies in Malaysia !!!
sorry to say...


it is no use nak boycott petronas... bcoz petronas is the MAIN FUEL SUPPLIER HERE....

Petronas supplies fuel to other petrol station companies in Malaysia !!!

Yeah. I think so too.
But let say u boycott petronas, for sure the owner for a certain petronas station might lose out business....so when their business not good....they won't call for more fuel truck to refill the tank !

Relatedly....petronas also less profit lor !~

Is that so ????
If you don't buy fuel from petronas, doesn't mean they will go bankrupt! Petronas is the main fuel supplier here. Sometimes other brand companies here buy fuel from Petronas. Its the formulation for the fuel that is different. They have places for them to blend the fuels before being marketed.

Its not logical for all the other brands of fuel sellers to ship fuel here and sell. It would cost even more!
Re: Petrol price hit RM 2.70/L
« Reply #76 on: Today at 05:12:05 PM » Quote Modify Remove

great comment in Mr Lim Kit Siang's blog regarding the fuel price hike.


"Petrol price had gone up. Everyone knows it. So many desperate

actually drove their cars bumper to bumper queuing in lines just to

their tanks filled last night hoping to save some money before the

price hike. I am no MBA or economist, so I am in no position to fully

understand the fuel subsidy thing and their effect on the economy and
blah blah. But as a normal citizen who has an almost properly

brain, I can tell you that the currently planned method of cash rebate

a piece of shit that could only come from someone with shits in their


Reasoning :

1) How many cars are over 2000cc?? Few or may be very few only.

that many (rich or poor) will still benefit from the cash rebate

irrespective of their gas using habit. This is not what we want. We

the poor to receive more.

2) Let say I am a businessman who runs a car rental service and I own

cars for rental. I rent the car to customers and customers fill and

for the petrol themselves, so essentially I will receive $31,250.00

($625.00 x 50) annual cash rebate for doing nothing, extra profit from the policy maker and government.

3) Let say I am a filthy rich man and I own 5 luxury cars but all are

below 2000cc, or may be I am just a rich man who likes to own nice

then I will be entitled $3,125.00 ($625.00 x 5) annual cash rebate
being filthy rich with overspending lifestyle while my fellow poor

neighbor who owns a Honda 70cc kap-cai only receive $150 annual cash

rebate despite being poor and living a thrifty lifestyle!!!

4) Let say I am a poor man who don't own any cars/motorbike and I rely on public transportation to go to/from work, then I will not get anything sumore I am likely to pay more for transportation fares due to the diesel hike, despite me being very poor not even capable of owning a motorbike, being nice for using public transportation thus relieving road congestion, being environmental friendly by not burning fossil fuels, but in return I get punished!!!!

5) And lastly can the uncle-uncle and auntie-auntie at the POS offices handle the sudden surge in demand for counter services as a result of the cash rebate?? Judging from the services and experiences I had with those uncles and aunties, I don't think so!

Anyway, I am not all critics and no help. My suggestion is why not

implement the rebate in the form of income tax relief/rebate base on

income level?"
If you don't buy fuel from petronas, doesn't mean they will go bankrupt! Petronas is the main fuel supplier here. Sometimes other brand companies here buy fuel from Petronas. Its the formulation for the fuel that is different. They have places for them to blend the fuels before being marketed.

Its not logical for all the other brands of fuel sellers to ship fuel here and sell. It would cost even more!

that rite !!!

i tried to explain in one car website... they all so hard headed
If everyone can afford to use bicycle or don't use car for only 1 day each week, the petrol kiosk will offer more mineral water or other stuffs when you fill up. 1 day don't use aircond also will make different. If don't use indonesian house hold mate, will see even more different. But asking a rich man's son to let go his sports car and ride kap chai, is same as asking him to kill himself.

BTW, I don't fill petronenas fuel due to 10/10 times will give me some problems.
I'll just boycott Petronas too. Got affect or not on their profit i don't care, at least i do my part. Still got Shell, Mobil, Esso, Petmal,etc.

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