How Long Does Our Car Battery Last?


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Senior Member
Nov 20, 2003
Penang Kia
my car battery today die and it only 6 month old...can i claim? i just bought a kelisa and the battery dead liaw so do u guy experience this before and please give me your respond...thanks :(
last time my batt came wif 1 year it should be can claim.....
go claim man.
my batt last 2 years+ with ICE and alarm and etc etc etc
My battery that came with my car when I bought it...
Lasted 5 years.

Then changed to Yokohama... So far used for 2 years liau.. Still running fine.. (Touch Wood)
i call the battery workshop man to check and thye said that the batery is flat...then i go to perodua and the perodua guy call me to tow to their work shop. i said who will pay and the fellar said that i need to pay..and they give me all the excuse lar said that did u do any thing to the car like upgrading ur sound system and etc..I SAID YES and that fellar said maybe u have void the warranty and so on lar..wah so mad... :angry:

Now already get a new battery and a new warranty from the battery shop....
6 month only...???.......try to check your alternator bro.....maybe something wrong....(didn't fully charged)
1.start the car...
2.pull out the negatif terminal battery
3.pull out positif ones plak....
4.please make sure the terminal doesn't touch the car body....if not say bye!bye!!! to ur ECU..... :D
5.Did the engine car still running...if yes...that mean..ur alternator is okay....if not...ur alternator failure ma....cannot charging ...

others thing avoid using century battery....i heard that,the manufactures sometime doesn't charging the battery propely...not enough 12volt..during at the manufacturer plant la..... <_<
not the alternator lr..i call the guy check with the meter and the meter show that the battery is this is not the problem of the alternator..the guy said maybe u unlucky to taken the bad battery... ;) luck no go must go to pai pai ang kong :lol:
my gf kancil oso like that...but ngam ngam 1 yr then kong :angry: cannot claim

i bet all perodua car are like tht...btw is ur batt oso made by perodua? the kancil oem batt is made by kancil...brand oso kancil ....logo oso kancil :lol: :lol:
whadup kelisa6009,

my car battery today die and it only 6 month old...can i claim? i just bought a kelisa and the battery dead liaw so do u guy experience this before and please give me your respond...thanks

dude,i've da same problem as urs car (Satria) is 6 mth old n battery started givin problem since 2 mth back...

- tried turnin da ignition and i'll hear a "tick tick" sound...
- tryin 4 da 2nd time and car alarm went off...damz!

thought it was da altenator prob cuz logically thinkin, car is new and so are the stuffz inside...includin battery...

since my car is still under warranty, went to EON Service Center this mornin and guess wat...EON checked da battery manufactured date...heck, its a 2002 battery!! writtin sumthin like 241203... also,checked the condition of da battery and the tester showed "BAD".... damz!

since i bought da car under Proton Edar...was asked to go there cuz EON cant claim da battery... damn it!!! :angry:

goin on Friday mornin...hope my car survive till then!! :angry:

btw, i'm using Century battery... :ph34r: :(

if you wanna claim, then please do it fast dude...

thanks for ur advice the way i throw that damm battery and replace with a new battery and i change the brand last battey is from century and m\now i change to othre brand forget the brand name.. ;)
Originally posted by kelisa6009@Feb 26 2004, 12:02 PM

thanks for ur advice the way i throw that damm battery and replace with a new battery and i change the brand last battey is from century and m\now i change to othre brand forget the brand name.. ;)
You really throw ah ?
Give ME !!

i already throw in th rubbish liaw lar..i guess now the battery is on the way to buterworth dump site..
Mine usually last 1 year ++. Then i buy new one. If still under warranty, can claim. I;m lucky GP is only a few shops away from my office. hehehe.
a quality car battery would last at least 1 year and as long as 3 years.
try to get a branded one like yokohama. just my opinion :o
whadup guys,

latest update... da Proton Edar shop guy wheer i purchased my car din wanna claim this battery... he pushed da blame to Proton Edar service center...

and guess wat, Lady Luck wasnt beside me this morning ler guys...battery totally GONE CASE!! car did not start and i'd to call my fren to "jump start" which was so embarrassing cuz its a 6mth old car and thre goes the battery... :angry:

bought a new Yokohama MF dry cell battery which fried RM165... :(

gonna screw da Proton Edar service center guy tomorrow morning...damn it..!!

whadya guys suggest me to do? fight for da battery or just leave the matter as it is??

morever, i've got myself a new battery already...justa lil pain in me for gettin cheated... whadya guys say??

You really throw ah ?
Give ME !!
hehe! you wan?? me in JB leh... i wonder what DIY project you're gonna do this time... Tell ME!! Tell ME!!! :lol: :lol:
Currently im using century battery almost 1 year. My tt apexi battery indicator shows that the voltage drop to 11.8v when full load: aircon switch on, headlight on, radiator fan on, aircon fan on but when there is no load my battery voltage is around 14v-14.1 I've changed the alternator but still same problem.What could be the problem? Is it because of the battery going to be kong soon :rolleyes: Is delkor or yokohama maintenace free battery good :rolleyes:
Bought a chaplang battery for like rm 80 and its still running good ( more then 1 year already). Maybe the battery that came with the new car is old already. Sometimes battery stock clear slowly from the car factory
Has anyone used maintenance free battery b4? Seems the ads say u dont have to refill the water frequently. Is dat a hoax or izzit true? :unsure:

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