GTR2 and rFactor - think you got what it takes ?

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500 RPM
Senior Member
Feb 5, 2007
Anyone here running these games ?

We are looking for participants. Ideally we are looking for folks living in the Ipoh area. If you are elsewhere we can consider hooking up online. If however you are in Ipoh, we run a LAN meet for most of Saturday at a cybercafe (yes, we cart and set up all our gear to the cybercafe just for the Saturday LAN meet). The Saturday event is 8 hours long (9am to 2pm for the morning session; 1 hour lunch break; 3pm to 7pm for the evening session). You can pm me for details.

Generally races are casual (mostly 10 lap sprints given the short attention span of most participants) but 'anything goes' really. It's up to the participants to vote for what track, cars and races to run. Like I said...we are casual. We run the full practice period during events which means you have plenty of time to check out the track, tweak your car setups, and chase each others tail during practice. We welcome sim-racing newbies. We're not even remotely good sim-racers but we are certainly better than the average hack. If you are a newbie to GTR2 and rFactor, we can give you a 'leg-up' and go easy with you in the events, but the rest is up to you. You got to have some perseverence and dedication to learn the racesims.

Generally, if you have already gone to the trouble to buy rFactor and activate the full game, and even GTR2, we assume you meet the pre-requisite of the dedicated sim-racer since these games require a good computer and some specialized hardware (steering wheel and pedals) to run.

Currently we have only 2 core members here (including myself) and looking to expand the group. I won't mind being honest with you that we had several people join up but they quit soon after because they found the games too difficult.

It's NOT your typical arcade no-brain Need For Speed or PS2 race games. For those of you who think you are the best in NFS and think you can come in and whip butts in rFactor or GTR2, then you are in for a nasty surprise.

In other words, this invitation caters mostly for dedicated sim-racers only. If you have no prior experience in sim-racing, you are still welcomed but aware of what you are getting into.

The sims are actually heaps of fun if you are willing to put in the effort to learn. They are still two of the most realistic racing simulations you can play on a computer.
Hi there :) I'm evoHahn, administrator of the Malaysian Simracer League. We are running rFactor league for almost one year now. and now we are entering our fourth season. We have almost 20 drivers in our league.

You can read about our league here : Malaysian Sim Racer or at our thread : Lowyat.NET -> MSR rFactor Season 4 - FORMULA 1 2006

Hope to hear from you soon :) mean while here's some video highlights of our season 2




ya realistic experience :) imagine yourself running on the real track..awesome..
if u guy wanna know how it taste like..
can try the free bmw m3 challenge or rFactor itself..
Sorry for replying so late, guys.

This thread has been dormant for so long since I posted it, I thought no one will respond. And given the specialist nature of the racesims, I'm not surprised for the lack of interest.


I have replied your pm.


Well, 'realism' is a much used and abused word when it comes to computer simulations hehe. The real thing is absolutely nothing like what you get in GTR2 or rfactor. Fact is, even going 120kph down a narrow two-way/two lane road will probably be more nerve-wracking than going balls-out at 300kph in an FSOne car of rfactor.

For one thing, if you crash in rFactor or GTR2, you won't die. You just press escape and restart again from the paddock in a brand new car ;)

But all in all, racesims are heaps of fun if you have an enthusiasm for them
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