Events & Activities @ TCF 2009

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Events & Activities @ TCF 2009


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Jan 2, 2009
You must definitely know by now that we are organizing the Trade & Career Fair 2009 next week. This initiative, in partnership with KBU International College and Star-Jobs Online is targeting specifically job seekers at large as well as graduating students.

There will be an estimate of 800 jobs on offer during the fair. Among them are care consultants, graphic designers, education planners, business development and talent for TV commercial and advertisement plus from and Star-Jobs Online portal. The general public will have the opportunity to look for an alternative job or scout around for jobs that suits their interest and talents.

Students should use this platform to gain employment upon their graduation. There will also be a resume assessment sessions targeted particularly at this category of individuals. These sessions will be handled by experienced Star-Jobs Online personnel. For the complete itinerary regarding this, kindly log in to

TCF 2009 will also feature a programme called CEO Live @ Studio V. This programme invites the CEOs of the various industries to present their views on the various issues related to the economy, business outlook and opportunities, and other general issues. Some of the personalities involved in the CEO series include Datuk Vinod Sekhar (CEO of Petra Group), Datuk Badlisham Ghazali (CEO of MDEC), Datin Paduka Marina Mahathir (Former President of Malaysian Aids Council), Mr David Wong (CEO of SNT Global / Chairman of PIKOM), Mr Omar Merican (COO, Bursa Malaysia), Mr See Hoon Peow (Principal of KBU) and others. For more information, please visit

There will also be a Self Evaluation Workshop scheduled to be held both days from 4pm to 6pm entitled “The Most Deadly 4 Words” targeting potential successful jobseekers in the future. To know what the 4 words are, please email [email protected] to obtain registration form to participate in this workshop.

On a lighter note, for dodgeball fans around, there will be a dodgeball workshop-cum-demo from 3pm to 6pm at the exhibition area on both days organized by the Star R.AGE team. They will also be launching their online website: Come and have a jolly good time besides enhancing your career prospect at the same time!

Once again, the time and date to note down are:

Event : TCF 2009 @ 1 Utama (Trade & Career Fair)
Date : 6 - 7 July 2009 (Mon & Tues)
Time : 10 am – 10 pm
Venue : The Oval, Lower Ground, 1 Utama (New Wing)

For further information regarding Trade & Career Fair 2009 agenda, feel free to login to now!
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