dunno wat problem.....need help


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May 24, 2006
I'm driving Wira 1.5 SE. yesterday i found out that my car got weird sound coming out from the front when my speed reach 100km/h with the fifth gear. The sound was like "bom, bom, bom," that come out from the rotation. I suspect is from the tyre but my tyre was ok. the sound will gone when the speed go down to 40km/h or less...but when the speed increase then the sound come out again.

if i drive less than 100km/h the no problem...

any sifu know wat happen ?
stop roadside... free gear... rev ur engine hard... can hear such sound from ur engine??... of not, means ur suspension/transmission there lo... if yes, its from ur engine lo....

quick go test n see... den we proceed with next troubleshooting....
u said ur tyre was ok, hav u send to tyre shop to chk?? frm my own exp sound like ur tyre 'kempang', e sound wil gone whn u drive slow, rite?
might be ur tyre "pregnant' already?
hey guys~! i got the problem solved already. so just to share with u guys wat is the problem ya...

skywalker: i tested when i stop my car. cannot find that sound. it only occured when the speed reach 100km/h with fifth gear.

hey guys~! I checked my tyre yesterday, my tyre was ok.....no paku, no pregnant. I was quite worried because i really dunno wat the problem and it is very difficult to check also. the tyre shop guy said tat my fifth gear "kong" already then i asked him to test drive my car at 100km/h but he dun dare...then i test drive myself with him and then he said it is not the gear box problem.

when the sound came out, the bugger told me he never heard of that kind of sound b4 and asked me to leave my car at their workshop for few days and check for me but i rejected.

I called Bryan from BR clutch for help and he told me might be drive shaft or bearing problem.

Then i called Richard from Titan Suspension and he asked me to send my to his place to check.
ur car how long already?
have to check drift shaft pocket
teared, must replace or else will dmg drive shaft inside and bearings
so i went to see richard this afternoon. He was busy and Wai Loong help me to check but we didnt test the car on the highway. He only managed to hear a little bit of the sound only coz he was driving at 80 km/h. Then he asked the foreman beside his shop and the foreman told him to shake the tyre. when he shaked the tyre. the tyre was a bit loose and he came out with the conclusion that the absorber bush was loose and he help me to change the bush immediately.

It took 3 hours to fixed the bush. After that i drove back to another workshop to have my engine oil changed and test the car but the Fucking Sound it still there.

when i reached the workshop, i found out the brake was burn and there was a lot dust on my right rim. I immediately check the left front tyre and there was no dust at all and no smell of burning brake on the right also.

I told the foreman regarding my problem. He asked me to do on wheel balancing while he was jecking my car and get my engine oil changed. when the car was jecked, I try to spin the right wheel with my hand to see whether the rim got bengkok or not but I FOUND OUT THE FUCKING RIM WAS STUCK!!!! and cant spin at all. I immediately spin the left tyre and it was ok. I told my observation to my foreman and he quickly conclude that it was caused by brake pump failure. That';s y the rim stuck but it still can move when the engine is running but less power.

So he took out the brake piston and found out that the piston already rusted and he help me to service the brake by replacing the service kit on the brake pump. Then the sound GONE~!!!

Anyway i still dunno y the sound came out when the brake pump failed to function at 100km/h.

so next time if u have the same problem then u know wat is the problem la....

just my 2 cents
my car already reach 110k mileage for 3.5 years. I checked the drift shaft pocket already so far no leaking and no tear yet but there was one time when i went to genting, after i reached genting, the drive shaft that connect to tyre in the drift shaft pocket got disconnected (sorry i dunno wat tat thing call) and i cant drive.

so have to called the foreman near the mobile petrol station to tow my car. Initially the said the drive shaft broken but when they checked they found out tat there was no "pin" for the drive shaft in the drift shaft pocket.

I'm really pissed with Proton sometime.
oh~~~~~same pro last time i face.....break pump problem. but diff was tht sound come out frm my car juz 'sometime', i fix tht pro by 2 months....coz i tot is wheel nut untitend...
dome zero: sometimes it just so hard to find out the problem....
waarrr, why so many observations and conclusions ?
macam saintis lar u

Reli pity u lar after reading about ur hardships with ur car.
Probabli shud just send to proton factory, leave it there until its completely done. They probabli more responsible.
Normal shops just simply try to blindly troubleshoot, even when cant fix it, they still wan u to pay up then feel like a suckaaa. Sometimes leaving u with another new problem, den suddenli feel like an idiot.
den suckaa + idiot => kick ur car and call ur car an idiot => hatred is the path to the dark side

ps; the last part bout path to the dark side kidding oni. hahahaaa. cheer u up mar
my drive shaft oso disconnected from the middle pocket.. duno for watreason.. gear oil leaks out like mad...bring workshop put back shaft.. refill gear oil... iinitally i thought the seal leak..

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