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Can't afford the 17" equivalent of the RSRR man.

Btw VR2Turbo : ZTH buy/sell got someone offering 215/45/17 Nexen AU5 at Rm200. Even if it's pre-GST, that's cheap. DAmmit.

Can give me the link? I search there, mostly used tyres.....:rolleyes:
Real world test is not really best, more like personal test using personal test on regular running road is the best. I loved the Federal RSR. But everyone I know says it's noisy, there are others better than it, etc etc. I say screw you, Federal RSR is king. :thefinger: And I hate soft sidewall tyres now.

So ultimately it's all personal choice. That's what I think la.

On same car, same driver
lap times
distance taken to stop
g's pulled

that's why magazine comparisons are so vital. else its like butt dyno.
Izso sponsor me RSRR pleaseeeee....the I let u go 5 rounds in elite to test it :rofl:

I think real world user experience is the most reliable because every tyre behaves differently when it is worn. Some are damn good when new but becomes shitty afterwards. So just maintain the performance.
Izso sponsor me RSRR pleaseeeee....the I let u go 5 rounds in elite to test it :rofl:

I think real world user experience is the most reliable because every tyre behaves differently when it is worn. Some are damn good when new but becomes shitty afterwards. So just maintain the performance.

You got a very good point there. Most tyre test are test when tyres are brand new. They do not test them as they wear down. Feedback from real world can be from new until bald....:driver:
RM288 for 17" is still CHEAP
Our 15" tyres of choice are all around there or higher already :biggrin:
RM288 for 17" is still CHEAP
Our 15" tyres of choice are all around there or higher already :biggrin:

RM200 plus for 15" are UHP tyres. For 17" normally mid to low end dy.....hahhahah:biggrin:
But his problem is he found one shop selling at RM200 only....:bawling:
I found the shop only after I bought mine. But then again my Assy2 were already bald like slicks. And it was scary like hell to drive in the rain.
RM200 plus for 15" are UHP tyres. For 17" normally mid to low end dy.....hahhahah:biggrin:
But his problem is he found one shop selling at RM200 only....:bawling:

Yaloh, at times when one can get "Are you for real?" prices for makes one wonder :hmmmm:
Real world test is not really best, more like personal test using personal test on regular running road is the best. I loved the Federal RSR. But everyone I know says it's noisy, there are others better than it, etc etc. I say screw you, Federal RSR is king. :thefinger: And I hate soft sidewall tyres now.

So ultimately it's all personal choice. That's what I think la.

i say screw u...

RS3 is king...


btw my altis is at the club house now....
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