Come...Come...Come...DIY Vertical Door

i have a corporate logistic partner who can ship in for me from usa, japan, china, taiwan, thailand and australia. We use Alipay for all payments. Do let me know if you guyz are interested :biggrin:
dear mod,

i dunno what wrong with my post.. i just want to share about vertical door kit that we can buy cheaper.. i've no connections with them...


erm no bro, wat i mean was, i can import it for you with a combine shipment direct to ur place, firstly we use alipay for secure payment from conman and scammers, so if ur planning to buy from them, do let me know, we can handle everything for you :biggrin:
erm no bro, wat i mean was, i can import it for you with a combine shipment direct to ur place, firstly we use alipay for secure payment from conman and scammers, so if ur planning to buy from them, do let me know, we can handle everything for you :biggrin:

ok bro,

thanks alot... i will inform u sooner when i'm ready..



p/s- to Moderator, please unbanned my username "MANSTIR"... i dont want use facebook anymore... pls2.. i'm so sorry if i do any mistake...
Why use facebook to log in ZTH will get ban? Anyway, scissors door not bad arr very nice...if I put on Altis...zth friends will surely zha me kaw kaw lolz! But cool lo...if all 4 doors also scissors door...TR can ka? lolz!
haha i also wonder why he got ban lol

hehhe i also dunno, maybe my post clearly declared name of manufacturer... moderator said my post is spam!... 1st time being banned by mod... never been like this before... this is the 1st forum banned me... huh... what a day!...


This is actually a very very old post. I personally met up with a few forumers around 4 years ago, we initiated the first scissors door plan, it worked up well.

Well I do still keep in touch with 1-2 guys, the rest all went missing already. Ya the owner of the car is still using his scissors doors. I think i uploaded the pictures a while ago on this thread.

It will be nice to see this thread gets alive again.
when i looked on "motor trader mag", under section "max power" there was picture of pickup trucks do scissors door but no stories about scissors door !

maybe they're already done by expensive way...


hi manstir,

my apologize to you on drop you a permanent ban since you intention is to share info with others.we are very strict on those spammer with excessive advertisement as there are many new registered user start their 1st post spamming zth by posting advertisement of their company.

did you received my visitor message?anyway,your account has been recovered.try to log in and im always here if you have any other questions.

enjoy your stay here.
hi manstir,

my apologize to you on drop you a permanent ban since you intention is to share info with others.we are very strict on those spammer with excessive advertisement as there are many new registered user start their 1st post spamming zth by posting advertisement of their company.

did you received my visitor message?anyway,your account has been recovered.try to log in and im always here if you have any other questions.

enjoy your stay here.

dear mod,

my mistake too, never mind.... thank mr mod... my log in now ok...


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Hey guys...what a big surprise that this topic is still up again after so long...Happy Belated CNY to those who does celebrate.....So, still VDC is the hot topic again....let's heat it up again, bro's.
wondering my kancil have da scissor door
sure aweks likes my car
can i see some pict of kancil with scissors door??
for my inspirations :wavey:
hey guys..
i have noticed that vert doors here actually open to abt 45 degrees only. this actually makes it hard to get out of your car without bangin your head. does anyone know where to get 90 degree vert doors? those are much more practical
which workshop in JB does vertical door? i got the kit, just need a workshop to do the labour, any recommendations?
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