car not running for weeks


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Senior Member
Jun 14, 2010
Kuala Lumpur
Hi bros,

Would like to ask u all, my current job require frequent travelling within states but usually not more than 2 weeks. So will it b okay if i left my car in da hse without starting or running it say bout 2 weeks??

Coz last time i am driving wira convert to mivec, was driven for 6yrs no problem but when i working overseas n only able to bek once a mth, the car start to come out smokes everytime i drive. After a yr the car nid overhaul i worried my nx car will b like tat..haizzz
Actually no problem, most is battery will go dead if it is not in good condition. Other than that no problem, start and let the oil lubricate first means circulate a while before driving.
Not sure why your mivec had problem.....
unless someone took the car for joyride, drove it like a stolen car......and return the car as though nothing happened....:biggrin:
unless someone took the car for joyride, drove it like a stolen car......and return the car as though nothing happened....:biggrin:

Looks like he will have to mark down the mileage every time he goes outstation.....hhahhahahhaha:biggrin:
Disconnect the battery and go. Or just have someone start the car once a week
Do what has been suggested by the bros at ZTH.
For insurance, chain the car to a concrete column.

Anyway, back to the topic, there is nothing to worry about if the car isnt driven for a long time. Just disconnect battery (or start and idle the car once or twice a week). Or utilize a batt charger.

To avoid tyre buldging (due to flatspot), inflate all tyres of higher air pressure. if the car isnt being driven for a very long time, have the car on jackstand.
Only one to two weeks, so is short time only. I was told idling is not good because the engine does not reach optimum running temperature and water vapor can be formed. Best is to drive out a while, this way can charge the battery too, but since is one to two week only, then no need , just come back and use the car.....
bring the car to me....I not only idle the car for you....I will bring the car jalan-jalan. FOC.
no leh, the car oredi got white smoke, as claimed by the TS...

Anyway, if got white smoke from exhaust, then I drive at night time. Sure cannot "see" the smoke.....ehehehehe
no leh, the car oredi got white smoke, as claimed by the TS...

Anyway, if got white smoke from exhaust, then I drive at night time. Sure cannot "see" the smoke.....ehehehehe

TS mentioned White smoke car is his previous car mah!
brakes smoke, tyre smoke, clutch smoke.....and all the car on the road kana smoked. so bad....
Ooo.. heard from u all replies, think the problem of white smoke comin out 90% bcoz of my bro! Mus b wack my car when im not ard..fxxkkk...

And most fxxkup is.. the car end up went overhaul, port polish, change short shift, racing clutch manifold.. all cost 10k +...allrequested by my fxxking bro as he claimed he will drive n jaga the car when im not ard so no point selling it off. End up again left it there n only drive once a week.. somemore once he up in d car during da morning straight wack!!!

The car stop in the middle of da road! The technician said not enuf fuel comin in as the car been thru port Polish so nid change fuel.pump (original cannot use) im nooby so i believed lor.

Now recall bek, i think i know why.. ofcoz lo morning engine hvt warm up straight wack! Apa pun gong lo.. haizz
Firstly car kana whacked, now (likely) brother kana whacked.....:biggrin:
Little brother must have been watching ID or Wangan Tengah Malam.
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