Bodykit...(Legal n Illegal)

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Known Member
Senior Member
Apr 30, 2009
i tink this is a best topic to discuss now...
As i know,JPJ owes kacau people who have imagination in modifiying bodykit of their beloved car...
1 of my fren 'kena' oredi wif JPJ..he just change front evo 8 bumper to his proton wira SE..

lets share our experience in here..

Custom made...izit illegal?
GT Wing...izit illegal?
Wide Body...izit illigal?

if everything illegal,how rakyat malaysia wanna show their creativity to modify car...
if like dis, malaysia will not able to have people like Chip Foose(overhaulin')....

all sifu's, kaki's n authority (if they were in this forum) let share among us about dis dillema..
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500 RPM
Senior Member
Feb 19, 2008
As i know there are some website stated how a malaysian can modified car legally.. haha!
don said ur frd mod evo 8 bumper..
Even my satria didn put the batch also kena...
obviously, they want duit makan! .. damn... :banghead:

Bump: As i know there are some website stated how a malaysian can modified car legally.. haha!
don said ur frd mod evo 8 bumper..
Even my satria didn put the batch also kena...
obviously, they want duit makan! .. damn... :banghead:

Bump: As i know there are some website stated how a malaysian can modified car legally.. haha!
don said ur frd mod evo 8 bumper..
Even my satria didn put the batch also kena...
obviously, they want duit makan! .. damn... :banghead:


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Apr 30, 2009
i go JPJ website n see da stupid wan...cannot do like chip foose do..
very difficult lar like to bcum creative?
n 1 more thing..izit GT Wing illegal?cuz dat day i saw 1 original car just put GT Wing kena tahan roadblock..WTF.. fren put evo 8 bumper..kena tahan JPJ n must change evrything back to normal..


Known Member
Senior Member
Feb 7, 2009
Wah...GT wing also stop. Hai...I thought as long as they can identify the make of the car is ok right?


500 RPM
Senior Member
Jul 30, 2006
anything that alters the looks of your car considered wrong ler, like putting evo when your car not evo, change badge from proton to mitsubishi,

wide body kit confirm kena...

HID, according to my dad(ex JPJ officer) smoked, ccfl projector headlamps are also illegal,

basically whatever not ori is illegal, adjustable suspension also illegal if they wanna stop you

strut bars, room bars, stabilizer bars all illegal, oh yah lowered also considered illegal,

but surprisingly spot light ok la, but must be normal headlight yellow, no hid or green or blue or red,

extremely big rims like wira fit in 19" rims also can kena, they will tell you your car not safe, braking ability is affected...

so many more la...


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Apr 30, 2009
anything that alters the looks of your car considered wrong ler, like putting evo when your car not evo, change badge from proton to mitsubishi,

wide body kit confirm kena...

HID, according to my dad(ex JPJ officer) smoked, ccfl projector headlamps are also illegal,

basically whatever not ori is illegal, adjustable suspension also illegal if they wanna stop you

strut bars, room bars, stabilizer bars all illegal, oh yah lowered also considered illegal,

but surprisingly spot light ok la, but must be normal headlight yellow, no hid or green or blue or red,

extremely big rims like wira fit in 19" rims also can kena, they will tell you your car not safe, braking ability is affected...

so many more la...
if evry single mod 'kena',y malaysia allow all kind of bodykit shop operate like normal shop?
common sense lar..people who mod their ride especial bodykit juz wanna create downforce.the better downforce,the greater the handling.

adjustable illegal?it made ur ride more secure than the OEM wan..wats wrong wif this rules?
strut bar for stablize the car..y illegal?sumore it will prevent the car damage badly if accident..if illegal,y ultra**** exist in malaysia?

i noticed since b4, car who crash in accident is always the stock car wan...nothing modification...
people who mod their car,really take a gud care of the car wan (exclude who bolt in turbo k)...

this is oni my opinion lar...if i mistaken,im sory.plz correct me yar...

Bump: so,if iswara front bumper convert to C-One Bumper, voltex skirting and evo 9 rear bumper consider illegal lar?(cuz dis is my ride...):driver:


500 RPM
Senior Member
Jul 30, 2006

I wished I could answer you that, I would like to know also of HID is illegal then why merc, beemer and all the accessory shop can still have HID?those are imported from Taiwan and China, so the customs should disallow it right?

if your iswara still look like iswara then no problem ler, as long your proton logo still there

strut bars are actually used in race only, though there are some vehicles fitted with anti roll bars, but as I have said, anything not original sure kena if they want to cari pasal,

anyway try not to cari pasal with JPJ officer, make them pissed, they just send you to Puspakom for a check, later hv to change everything!even centre mid box have to change to OEM!


Trail Bomber
Senior Member
Mar 31, 2006
Things sold at the accessory shop doesn't mean all legal so up to you whether you want to wear it or not....if kena then sendiri jawab :rofl:....custom oso eat rice maa so its not surprise to see all those illegal thing were sold here.....there are reasons (quality, durability, etc.)why they restricted such things go figure urself....


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Apr 30, 2009
some stupid accesorries no need to put in our car lar..luks stupid..
juz put da really2 give benefit to ur car oni lar...dat wan ok la..
but to info u guys out dere,i went to 1 shop at USJ,bodykit shop lar..the tauke said 1 of his customer was a JPJ oficer who mod hiw WAJA k..i take a luk n damn,its so illegal..100% dark tinted..wide body..WTF???tis car is in EXTREME n HYPERTUNE magz..steel bodykit..i tink u guys knew bout it..

if we do like dat,sure kena..but him?how cum can lepas?

about HID,i duwan to coment bcuz got people who use damn bright HID till i can see da road in front wen he pass by my car.

as i said b4,people mod car just to increase the performance n luk.not like somewan who drive stock car n drive till dat day, stock viva overtake me wen i drove 120.(leisure drive 4 me).dat gurl drove over 130 -140 wif full loaded of pasengger...damn stupid..jus imagine if sumthing happen...

correct me if im wrong..


Known Member
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Feb 13, 2009
some stupid accesorries no need to put in our car lar..luks stupid..
juz put da really2 give benefit to ur car oni lar...dat wan ok la..
but to info u guys out dere,i went to 1 shop at USJ,bodykit shop lar..the tauke said 1 of his customer was a JPJ oficer who mod hiw WAJA k..i take a luk n damn,its so illegal..100% dark tinted..wide body..WTF???tis car is in EXTREME n HYPERTUNE magz..steel bodykit..i tink u guys knew bout it..

if we do like dat,sure kena..but him?how cum can lepas?

about HID,i duwan to coment bcuz got people who use damn bright HID till i can see da road in front wen he pass by my car.

as i said b4,people mod car just to increase the performance n luk.not like somewan who drive stock car n drive till dat day, stock viva overtake me wen i drove 120.(leisure drive 4 me).dat gurl drove over 130 -140 wif full loaded of pasengger...damn stupid..jus imagine if sumthing happen...

correct me if im wrong..

he rank is JPJ officer ... then .. what u rank ... JPJ director ??!!!! .. they all always lepas becoz they all is JPJ !!!! all of us just ordinary people only ... cannot compare with them ... if u not satisfied .... go report to dato' Najib la ... i think he can help u :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:


Trail Bomber
Senior Member
Mar 31, 2006
Haiyaa in Bolehland if u got power n money others wont be any problem to u larr....if not then diam2 jee :rofl:...just live with it & cant complaint much bout that heheh :thefinger:


'(00) Mod'er
Helmet Clan
Senior Member
Nov 28, 2004
Up Yours
haaabis lah! my LED room light have to dismantle edi....
tires have to change back to Sime Astar...cannot use toyo anymore...

if not they write on saman, "merupai kereta Fast & Furious manakala hanya jenama kereta nasional"....aduiz...

Very subjective if wanna mod car in malaysia...if u mod the performance only, make it a 'sleeper' then ur less likely to get stopped by any authorities.. means tinting, interior add-ons

if things like HID, dark 80% tinting, christmas,raya,cny LED/neons, flashy stickers, 3-toned paint, exhaust muffler/tip that can fit a full grown stray cat, unnecessary re-branding all these confirm slap RM300 or love letter for check-up

mod abit on the exterior can...but u have to know where's the limit...not until look like can contest with Apollo 11
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Known Member
Senior Member
Feb 22, 2007
yups, last friday, been in JPJ Hq here, spot one car dun know what brand with big IC, tinted like a funeral service car, eksoz lower than 2 inch from ground. and the gud news, its a JPJ officer own it...aiya..make me wonder why we also alwys kena, why not them..hehe..:hmmmm:


Active Member
Senior Member
May 11, 2009
what to do?diam2 je la haha.if we repot that to their upper rank,confirm lpas.they eat money not rice.i never met a good JPJ, they all cakap tak serupa bikin..and aiya still got 300 saman for overspeeding :banghead:


You think I print money?
Helmet Clan
Mar 3, 2005
chienoz, in the US. The regulation is more complicated than in MY. Different states have their own regulation about cars modification but some regulation is the same over the whole country.

The reason that I can say why in US if you mod the car like say full tinted black or bodykitted kau kau. The cops won't bother you is because they believe in personal right (human right) which is included in their constitution. That's why you see when the US government wants to ban fire arms. Many citizen was not happy about it because they feel that the G is taking away their right to protect themselves.

If you mod your car for your self enjoy and pleasure it's ok but If you caught illegal racing..end of story. Here you still can get away with a ticket or undertable money.

example, below is the exhaust law in state of California.


'(00) Mod'er
Helmet Clan
Senior Member
Nov 28, 2004
Up Yours
if malaysia been given the right of law like in US....haha...use ur imagination lah guys...