Bjh 6600 owner step up!

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Active Member
Aug 29, 2011
Kuala Lumpur
Hey guys,

would like to take the chance to wish everyone a selamat hari raya and merdeka.

on a grimmer note, I bumped into an agressive driver number plate BJH 6600 last night along ldp and is driving a caldina. Intentionally tailgating the car infront and hard braking every few seconds and once honked he intentionally swerved into a small gap infront of me attempting a collision. Just wanna know if you guys know this driver ?

and if you are the driver, u were honked because you were tail gating a kancil without realising the havoc u're causing behind you. everytime you jammed your brakes someone jams theirs and up to a point everyone diverted into the middle lane. and fyi, you caused my gf a jolt of shock when u intentionally tried to cause an accident. usually i'd remain calm and not care about these kinda things as i drive in kl everyday but this i'm not letting go. best you step up to the plate for your actions. police report will be made during lunch time and i will not stop hunting you down until you get what you deserve.

Cheers and drive safe this raya season to all.
You made the right choice reporting such road bullies on the road bro. Have
my full support in reporting people who drive such a way. They are so
big shot that they can't accept the fact being honked at...:stupid:
hope u get he deserves what he gets.

on the side note, i was tailgated by an old blue toyota corona in my mother's 2008 mercedes-benz c200k. i was so afraid he might lose it as it was raining that he might bump into my butt.

so, all i did, was tap on the brakes a lil, like fake braking as seen in initial d, then pressed on the accelerator to get away. i really hate these tailgaters. got nothing to do meh, if u crashed into my car, u will use ur "im a kampung person, cannot afford to pay excuse" really idiots!
yeah it's as if they don't think at all. it is understandable and excusable if it was an emergency but that's why the hazard lights, high lights and honks are there for. sometimes i wished that they would think of the person they are tailgating as their mother, father, brother, sister, son, daughter, wife, gf etc i'm pretty sure they won't like it very much.

few months back i was driving home from TTDI when a "what i'm guessing is a call man" driver in a civic was driving at 120 (not fast but) he swerved left and right and the car was swaying in the opposite direction of this swerves. almost knock a few cars and ended up clipping the door and the side mirror of a 5 series. there was a massive accident ahead and i'm pretty sure he's either a call man or friend/family of the accident victims.

this country needs a huge refinement in drivers education imho
the problem is, our malaysian driving laws are prehistoric like they were stuck during pre independence days. the road structures in malaysia are ridiculously terrible, which are sources that causes tons of accidents and massive jams.

malaysians grew super impatient no thanks to our government who would never fund better roads and proper transport network. so theres much more daredevils out there who just wants to give a bad time to others. i just returned from the autobahn a month ago and people were driving so much courteously than here. makes me feel ashame being malaysian! eithers it just road hogging or blatant tailgating. come on, even though u pay the road tax, the whole road doesnt belongs to u. the worst are those peeps who drive luxury cars and they think own the road! as if they are some ministers son. sorry to be blunt, but these people should be shot.
Exactly my sentiments kev. Not to say all Malaysian drivers are bad. I've on many occasions bumped into the pleasant ones who've highlighted to inform of roadblocks, accidents and some even asks me to wind down my window whilst driving to tell me my lights weren't on (light bulbs blew thanks to a surge) and to remain unbiased I would have to say that there are bad drivers everywhere however even more here than most places I've been to.

I was in Scotland then London and frequent both places often when I was studying in the UK and I barely even curse and at 1 point stopped cursing all together until I came back to Malaysia. Given the choice I would like to pitch in a helping hand and thought to the improvement of the drivers ed over here.

Off for police report. Thanks for the support guys.

Seems like it's getting personal.. hehehehe but tat driver must be insane. Maybe kopi-o license?? lot of mad driver outside there...some really cant wait in stuck heavy traffic jam,just honk or flash light front ppl letting he/she pass like he/she is king(vip) or ambulance?of coz i wont let they pass me in this situation,as my rear screen got big sticker sayin to other 'u bang my butt,u pay that medical bill' :proud:
Maybe because that Caldina got 3S-GTE inside? So can bully people :biggrin:

Anyhow, ya I wish that Malaysian Drivers would be more courteous when they drive...
But too bad, this kind of attitude goes on and on from one generation to the other.

The older ones drive like that, the young ones pick it up and do the same.
End up, there is no end to such attitude unless everyone changes their driving attitude.

Even now, majority ladies are much worse than guys nowadays...driving not
only recklessly but being ignorant and endangering others on the road.
It's great 2 hear sum1 steppin up 2 make a report abt such reckless driver(s)...kudos..but my question wud b...wat'll happen after dat?if u ask me,i dun think ANY action wud b taken....but of course,i do hope 4 d opposite........
wud like 2 share my experince on reckless/idiotic driver too....der was once on my way back 2 Kuantan...i was sumwhr near Bt. Caves heading 2wards Gombak toll.....out of no whr,came dis blardy City(driven by a young punk) weaving in & out @ high speed(much like a callman chasing 4 sum case)....but here's d BEST part!d arsehole ACTUALLY cut in frt of another car(can't remember was it a Mercedes or Volvo) in d middle lane n STOPPED der n thn..came down 2 scold d lady driver of d other car....abt 20 seconds....thn got back into his City n sped i wish dat lady was actually sum mafia's wife/mistress dat she owns a gun n just shoot down dat idiot!hehehehe..yes yes,brutal but thn again,dis kinda arsehole dun deserve 2 share d road w us ler....
-tonyops : if i was alone i wouldn't mind nor would i go this far but i'm not one to sit aside when my girl is put in harms way so if the police don't do anything with this i might as well give him a good scare to at least tell him there's always someone who will return the 'favor' when you do someone a 'favor'

-jimmy : u make me feel like putting a bumper sticker saying "<-- that lane or this lane --> is empty. USE IT"

- SF : unfortunately that's gonna take forever to change considering the mentality of most citizens and 3S-GTE :adore::adore::adore::adore::adore::adore::adore: but i doubt it though it sounded more like its lesser 2.0 counterpart can't really recall but i think it's the 1AZ

-Izso : Reckless driving is an offence followed by intention to harm others + potentially causing road disturbance and damage to public property as well as interrupting the flow of traffic. All those are at least stated in our ever so outdated road laws. Report was accepted too.

---------- Post added at 02:12 PM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 02:08 PM ----------

It's great 2 hear sum1 steppin up 2 make a report abt such reckless driver(s)...kudos..but my question wud b...wat'll happen after dat?if u ask me,i dun think ANY action wud b taken....but of course,i do hope 4 d opposite........
wud like 2 share my experince on reckless/idiotic driver too....der was once on my way back 2 Kuantan...i was sumwhr near Bt. Caves heading 2wards Gombak toll.....out of no whr,came dis blardy City(driven by a young punk) weaving in & out @ high speed(much like a callman chasing 4 sum case)....but here's d BEST part!d arsehole ACTUALLY cut in frt of another car(can't remember was it a Mercedes or Volvo) in d middle lane n STOPPED der n thn..came down 2 scold d lady driver of d other car....abt 20 seconds....thn got back into his City n sped i wish dat lady was actually sum mafia's wife/mistress dat she owns a gun n just shoot down dat idiot!hehehehe..yes yes,brutal but thn again,dis kinda arsehole dun deserve 2 share d road w us ler....

was that by any chance a blue colour city filled with crappy decals stating there's a sti prodrive, gsr evolution, nismo, hks, turbonetics, tien, kyb, cusco etc etc on it? god i wish i had that car. every sticker must be adding up 5 bhp each. if that was the one i saw one fellow in that fighting with someone on my makan trip to kuantan with my gf. actually got down from my car and got involved since the other person involved was an old couple. sigh idiots these days. deserves to be shot.

well if the cops wont do anything i'm still gonna go on a manhunt. i just can't take the idea of people harming my girl and that pushes my limit so if u guys spot this fellow do let me know.
that car if i not wrong see him everyday on LDP la... cadina GT4 if not wrong... pagi pagi... agressive... i dunno is it the same car i remember sumting like 6600 and stuff liddat... and there is another WHE 7774 Pink/Purple 4G92 Satria working at KPMG 7th floor also quite aggressive... smalll small gap also wan potong kepala orang one... dun really know him but... damn crazily rushing to work...

---------- Post added at 02:25 PM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 02:21 PM ----------

Yesterday i baru kena another indian driving a avanza tail gate my back at taman conaught highway there... partly myfault i was going kena saman because i tried to elakkan tht fella... from my stable 80 i tink tertekan abit more... and then i saw a tent with traffic police in front... shud not hv bothered abt giving way.. so i kena pulak.. damn sad... not really blaming on him... just myself to blame...
one day we all should have walkie talkies, if we spot idiots like this, we himpit him and corner him and give him a real sense of being cornered, then he should learn how to behave!
one day we all should have walkie talkies, if we spot idiots like this, we himpit him and corner him and give him a real sense of being cornered, then he should learn how to behave!

me and my friends tried do that once to a car tailgating me haha... my friend was actually behind me den he saw a car tail gate me and he drove beside him and we sync speed and trapped him on the 3rd lane... the guy was really pissed off... lol... den fred himself at the toll but only to find that he had to line up at cash lane and we used smart tag... after the toll he was damn blady pissed lol passing us like freaking shit fast
i dun remember any stickers/decals on dat City...whr did u encounter such an incident?got down n fought w an old couple?WTH was dat fella thinking?

n abt ganging up on others w ur frens thru walkies n such,is NOT really a good idea,my frens..u'll NEVER know who d other party is......sekali d fella whip up a handgun,i dun 1na stay ard 2 find out if it's real/fake,right?hehehehehe
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