Anyone interested in Advanced Driving Course

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1,000 RPM
Senior Member
Dec 13, 2006
Hi All MLOCians,

I plan to join an advanced driving course but i need to find more participants so i don't have to sell backside to pay for the course. The reason is i wish to know what is my own limits and also to learn how to control my car so i don't wreck it bcoz of my stupidity :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Anyone else interested, please let me know ya. If more people join, the cost can be lower coz we'll be sharing the costs.


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Duration : 1 day (9:00am to 5:00pm)
Min participants : 8
Location : somewhere in Klang Valley, Selangor (will be revealed to participants)

Course exercises : Slalom, Emergency Braking, Skid Avoidance, Lane Changing (if we can complete all the exercises fast, he will arrange for other fun stuff)
Price : RM 250 EXCLUDING meals and refreshments (or RM 350 with meals included but requires minimum of 15 participants)
<o:p> </o:p>
The instructor is a friend of mine, which is why he is giving me this price. He has been organizing and teaching advanced driving courses and also drifting courses since 1992 both locally and overseas. He was hired by a neighbouring country’s police force to conduct advanced driving classes for their highway patrol as well. He is currently one of the drifters for Team Dunlop Drift Performance.

Terms and Conditions :
1. Participant must own a valid driving license.
2. Participant will have to use their own car to complete all the exercises (no car rentals or pinjam pinjam).
3. Participant must follow all instructions to ensure safety for themselves and also other participants. We are going there to learn and to have fun, not to show off ya :)
4. Participants are not allowed to bring along non-participants for security reasons.

Namelist :
1. mizu
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Sounds interesting.. Can learn all the skills.. later on MLOCians will become Pro-drivers d...
yalo... hopefully got other people interested lar. rm 250 for full day course and the rental of the place to conduct the training is considered cheap liao. :biggrin:
only lancer club?
only lancer club?

erm... this isn't organized by mloc committee so its not limited to lancer. however, i just wanna know if there are any mloc members who are interested in this as i'm giving them the priority first lo. i'm thinking that it might be another fun session for mloc members to just mingle la. if u r interested, do list down ur name too. once we have 8 participants, i'll pm you guys on what are the arrangements :)
as long as its ur own car, then can ady. btw, it can even be automatic, doesn't have to be manual transmission bcoz the exercises will still be the same, that is to help us all to learn how to control our car in emergency situations. :)

p/s - i'm going to use my sentra auto to learn :)
Advanced Driving Course (budget)
Duration : 1 day (9:00am to 5:00pm)
Min participants : 8
Location : somewhere in Klang Valley, Selangor (will be revealed to participants)

Course exercises : Slalom, Emergency Braking, Skid Avoidance, Lane Changing (if we can complete all the exercises fast, he will arrange for other fun stuff)
Price : RM 250 EXCLUDING meals and refreshments (or RM 350 with meals included but requires minimum of 15 participants)

The instructor is a friend of mine, which is why he is giving me this price. He has been organizing and teaching advanced driving courses and also drifting courses since 1992 both locally and overseas. He was hired by a neighbouring country’s police force to conduct advanced driving classes for their highway patrol as well. He is currently one of the drifters for Team Dunlop Drift Performance.

Terms and Conditions :
1. Participant must own a valid driving license.
2. Participant will have to use their own car to complete all the exercises (no car rentals or pinjam pinjam).
3. Participant must follow all instructions to ensure safety for themselves and also other participants. We are going there to learn and to have fun, not to show off ya :)
4. Participants are not allowed to bring along non-participants for security reasons.

Namelist :
1. mizu
2. EvolutionZ
Namelist :
1. mizu
2. EvolutionZ
3. ariolz

ding dong... anyone else interested? :wavey:
Bro, when is it .......affraid crashing with my tight scedule.
Bro, when is it .......affraid crashing with my tight scedule.

the training will be on weekends, so its either saturday or sunday but the date not yet confirm bcoz need to find enough people first. are you free on weekends wan ar?
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Advanced Driving Course

Namelist :
1. mizu
2. EvolutionZ
3. ariolz
4. ariolz' friend

p/s - tks ariolz for spreading the word :)
Advanced Driving Course

Namelist :
1. mizu
2. EvolutionZ
3. ariolz
4. ariolz' friend
5. Evo6je
6. aiman (only free during first 2 weeks of june)

ding dong... only 2 more participants to start!!! :wavey:
anyone interested.........bump!
I guess i better give some additional info about the instructor in case you guys are wondering who will be giving the training.


Advanced Driving Course (budget)
Duration : 1 day (9:00am to 5:00pm)
Min participants : 8
Location : somewhere in Klang Valley, Selangor (will be revealed to participants)

Course exercises : Slalom, Emergency Braking, Skid Avoidance, Lane Changing (if we can complete all the exercises fast, he will arrange for other fun stuff)
Price : RM 250 EXCLUDING meals and refreshments (or RM 350 with meals included but requires minimum of 15 participants)
<o:p> </o:p>
Instructor CV (update)
Name : Sean Khoo
Experience :
1. 2 years in Australia teaching advanced/defensive and race driving courses.
2. 12 years in Malaysia teaching advanced/defensive and race driving courses.
3. Chief Instructor for Drive Wise Sdn Bhd, Lotus Car Club Malaysia and St John Ambulance Malaysia.
4. Safety car driver for Malaysian GP, Japan SuperGT, AFOS Porsche/BMW, Malaysian Super Series, Malaysia Merdeka Endurance Race, etc.
5. Conducted training for more than 12,000 participants from corporate and public sectors, including Singapore Traffic Police.
6. One of the drifters selected by Dunlop Malaysia to represent Team Dunlop Drift Performance in drift competitions.

Note : His CV is a lengthy 7 pages and I just extracted a few to post here (I will only send the CV to those confirmed participants). Hope you all will take advantage of this as you won't be able to get such good rates if you approach him by yourself.

Terms and Conditions :
1. Participant must own a valid driving license.
2. Participant will have to use their own car to complete all the exercises (no car rentals or pinjam pinjam).
3. Participant must follow all instructions to ensure safety for themselves and also other participants. We are going there to learn and to have fun, not to show off ya :)
4. Participants are not allowed to bring along non-participants for security reasons.

Namelist :
1. mizu
2. EvolutionZ
3. ariolz
4. ariolz' friend
5. Evo6je
6. aiman (only free during first 2 weeks of june)

2 more participants to start. :wavey:
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