All ZTHians..Avoid parking ur ride outside..

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4,000 RPM
Senior Member
Feb 16, 2005
SIC Turn 7 & 8
Zth taikos,

I was very unlucky...:cry_smile: Yesterday around 4am, when i was in bed, i heard my car alarm triggered. I faster climb up and look outside the window and i saw a perdana V6 SILVER color with the registration plate of WNV 8868 parked beside my kenari...Damn it, 3 chinese hit my car mirror and took all my ice. I shouted and ran downstairs immidietely..But they manage to flee very swiftly..Darn...everything only took around a minute only...When i shouted,one so hai bald guy laughed...WTF!...really.God will punished them....i really bare a serious lost....

as a student, i only earn a little from part time and they just took all away from me...damn it...

guess i was marked and my car was hope ZTHians will be more cautious

:cry_smile: :cry_smile: :cry_smile:
since you got the car plate number....have u reported to the police?!
yes bro, i will make a report after my class..but the worst part is that perdana's plate is lighted up with dark blue light, that number plate above is not 100% confirmed one, because from upstairs, its very dim and blur...sob...
sorry to hear bout that...
my experience few months back...not only outside...mine kena when my car was inside house compound, locked gate summore & car was sandwiched in between 2 other cars. Talk about safe....guess no where is safe now. same thing, alarm triggered but thieves gone in 60 seconds.:angry_smile:
even it's not clear; just describe the car looks and "what-u-think-u-saw-car-number" to them and let them do the investigation....
hhmm....WNV quite a new car ler...
btw, where did it happen? location? done by chinese?
sorry to hear that bro..i'm sure they will kena nicely when they took somebody happened to me too.i parked my car outside that night,at morning i woke up i saw my windows has smashed..n all my player ,system has gone..god will gudge them!suckers
ss2??dude..there where i stay....anyway..alot break in and car stealing part frenzy happen around there...even my car almost kena stole rims..but they din make it only left the rims there without nuts... but this unfornate dude ....hah...



happen at ss2/72 at tht yamaha field...thts not the 1st time..... i used to park my car there... but now park inside condo...
thieve u cant stop them...the only way is to use put alarm...or u can try install the tinted which can withstand quite a number of LLumar or VPS...i think that can stop them for that 60 seconds while u got time to bring ur shot gun or base ball bat...OR MAYBE light up ur ciggarate while waiting for them to break into ur car...still got time to call ur neighbours and have a gangbang with them...hehe
woho...a sight to behold...ahaha...sorry for the normal rim enough rim put when going to clubbing...else lock it at home with the dogs...
need to secure the rims with real what we did with motor bikes..........
Sick people, my road tax was stolen just not very long ago, they steel anything they like 1.
There is this case which happen to me... Last year, there are this fellas who broke in to my car at around 4 am...Well, my car was parked outside of my house...Guess what they steal?? My school bag...Joke isn't it... there is nike jacket, touch and go card, a couple of coins and shoes but they only steal my school bag...I don't know whether to laugh or upset because my exam is on the following week...
DJgErM said:
Zth taikos,

I was very unlucky...:cry_smile: Yesterday around 4am, when i was in bed, i heard my car alarm triggered. I faster climb up and look outside the window and i saw a perdana V6 SILVER color with the registration plate of WNV 8868 parked beside my kenari...Damn it, 3 chinese hit my car mirror and took all my ice. I shouted and ran downstairs immidietely..But they manage to flee very swiftly..Darn...everything only took around a minute only...When i shouted,one so hai bald guy laughed...WTF!...really.God will punished them....i really bare a serious lost....

as a student, i only earn a little from part time and they just took all away from me...damn it...

guess i was marked and my car was hope ZTHians will be more cautious

:cry_smile: :cry_smile: :cry_smile:

((When i shouted,one so hai bald guy laughed...WTF!...really))

Sorry to hear about your case.....but i can image the bald guy laughed like Stephen Chow in the KUNGFU movie....after he took the girl's ice cream and run up to the BUS with the fat guy and laugh just like that?

your situation is.....he took your player and audio system and such and run to his Perdana and still laughing when u chasing them......must be......

commit a crime yet so
DJgErM said:
Zth taikos,

I was very unlucky...:cry_smile: Yesterday around 4am, when i was in bed, i heard my car alarm triggered. I faster climb up and look outside the window and i saw a perdana V6 SILVER color with the registration plate of WNV 8868 parked beside my kenari...Damn it, 3 chinese hit my car mirror and took all my ice. I shouted and ran downstairs immidietely..But they manage to flee very swiftly..Darn...everything only took around a minute only...When i shouted,one so hai bald guy laughed...WTF!...really.God will punished them....i really bare a serious lost....

as a student, i only earn a little from part time and they just took all away from me...damn it...

guess i was marked and my car was hope ZTHians will be more cautious

:cry_smile: :cry_smile: :cry_smile:

dj daikor...sorry to hear it happen to you. need help, give me a call.
omg... i'm sorry to hear that bro... really do hope such arse holes will get what they deserve for the rest of their lives.
Bro DJgErM, sorry to hear that. However, anywhere we park our car not only at home, we will also face the chance of car theft, car break-in,... Those ppl are getting extra daring to commit those crimes.
silver perdana? i think seperlinky kena from a silver perdana also
wah...sorry to hear ur ordeal dangeorus evrywhere if parked outside...btw,wanna steal road tax for wat? cant use on their car also...
sorry to hear bout ur case bro.. very unlucky of u.. sometimes we jus cant avoid these bloody fellas prowling around looking for victims.. as student we share houz wif other housemates n definitely they do haf cars too.. sometimes really hard to get to park inside de car porch.. jus gotta take precaution, if really no choice but gotta park ur car outside de houz, find a spot brightly lit, best is in front of ur houz if possible. then u can haf a peep on ur car from time to time.. :regular_smile:
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