according to "no improvement" n some AP is the answer

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haha no la just joking ....btw where did u get such story la ? so nice one !
gloss said:
wah.. so long story. brother no need mention so long la... we all kno in heart la.. sensitive issue le..

although everyones know this, but we need evidence before accusing people. also it might not be true or might be true. no one can clarify here.

the evidence is.....PROTON!!!

ahahah. they make so shit cars thats the proof!

personally, i hope the management, their OEMs like APM, AP holders and all involved in the automotive scandal all get cancer, suffer and die real slow. i hope all their kids dont grow or suddenly kena down syndrome so that tak layak lead the company....seriously...all of them. those who wit me, lets all pray real hard, satan might help.

sounding off
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why they dont do like singapore ar??... make all import cars cheaper.. so everyone can own an impreza WRX or LanEvo... muahahah...
if they wanna make national car, let them to stand up by their own lo... why politics wanna kacau and make everything so messy??.. m'sia gov only know how to say "MALAYSIA BOLEH", but everything also need the gov to help...
i'm sure there are some who capable of designing cars that can match jap cars... why dont the gov help to produce more of such people rather than cheating on our own people's money??...
lucky u guy r on my side...after ppl go tell mahathir n say got ppl say bad about him at zth then i will be dying,it a very sensitive issue here so i make it more like a story...:p
hahhaa... think twice before u all mention their names...

If you all remember back, The Sun(newspaper) was actually starting to sell quite good... but then again, the editors thought that they have a genuine proof of an assasination attempt on Dr. Mahat***(u know who)... so the editors put that as the main story for a day... and guess what happens after that... The Sun now are given free at certain business/offfice areas or you can even pay a certain sum to have them delivered to your doorstep... and to think that The Malay Mail gives all kind of crap on their front page all the times and u guys saw the center section about the american government was behing the 9/11?!... hahahaha... guess we are living in a VERY VERY efficient country eh? buuahahahahaha...

anyway, good stuffs u have there...
its nothing wrong but you got to watchout a lil bit..this story is really sensitive..but really some of the details might be the protecting stuff..but some of it, idunno issit true or fitnah and also can get you into trouble with Doc M ppl
Malaysia is jus like a country with communist law...u say u die...kekeke
3370 said:
noooo.....wats wrong with sharing this story?

nothing wrong with sharing jus hope Tom misses this thread...or else this thread will be closed...
seriously, those ppl esspecially our "EX-BOSS", already earn so much, makan and kutip so much "donation", still not enough and wanna earn more... like the savy velu, eat until like a elephant, when klang NKVE bridge collapse, where are he? ask his potatos to speak, then only come out after the work is near done... cabut kao kao...

for the "iron woman", she cry or not cry also no ppl care already, still kena fire... lol... :biggrin:

MCH, already feed them kao kao and wanna ask more lagi... i wonder how much they wanna earn/makan from our public $$$? they got the $$$ for few generation already, dun so over... those pay back will on their future generation...

just like uncle lim, earn ppl money from betting, which is a bad business, until today, he still not willing to pass the whole business to his sons to jaga, cause all useless, their family's is going downwards... lol... genting will gone or buy over from others...

god bless them... :biggrin:

Is good badawi is done something, but still not enough le... haha... but coming election is very hard to predict... lol...
3370, I suggest you change the names if possible. Dr. M become mahatiu ler heheh

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