14-7 ghost day (story)

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maybe the mech lonely la...so tot want to planta to boyz. so pretend car break down. then later tot can bring out planta for all to share. :O :D
planta gang ramsing is here ....!!
heheheeh.....must be careful nowdays. times are hard. go spa is expensive, chepaer to planta!!!
drew...how come u knoe me wan..? :D
sori to hijack this thread :P
email from friend of my staying at Brunei,
I can't verify how genuine the contents is, just to share out with zthian.
PS: I removed the school name.

Brunei - Current SPIRITUAL Affairs

I'm sure that everyone's heard the story about a bunch of girls
possessed by spirits in the local all girl's school. What I've
initially heard is that there were 4 girls; one of which is the
of the Minister of Health. They decided to play the Ouija Board in
school one day and they were so afraid that they just "let go" of the
coin and in doing so, they released the spirit that they've summoned.
Somehow there was more than one spirit and about 20 girls in the class
got possessed. That happened about 2 weeks ago (I think). The way some
experts analysed the situation is that they belief the girls might be
doing drugs; cos of the way the hallucinations and symptoms went. I'm
not sure if the story came out in the local paper. I thought it was
over until today.

It was justafter 5PM and everyone had gone when 3 of my colleagues
grouped together beside me while watching this video clip. I thought
was from one of our company events. I was packing to head home then
I heard some screams and yells from the video clip that they were
watching. Apparently someone's filmed part of an event where one girl
got possessed! I was just shocked when I saw our Sultan (the ruler of
the country), standing RIGHT NEXT to the possessed student 0_0

The latest story now is that basically the possessions never stopped
after the first time. It just kept happening. The Sultan paid the
a SURPRISE visit (one of his new hobbies recently... He even drove
himself in his big 4wd Merc). The possession happened while the
stay. He left only after the girl calmed down. The School was closed
down shortly and the whole occurence was publicised in the local paper
the next day.

Basically the video clip showed this girl; initially held down by her
fellow friends, and later; by 2 teachers and an Imam (sorta like an
Islamic Priest?) The girl was acting rather hysterical and she was
talking all through the video, mumbling really scary things at the top
of her voice. She said that her name was "Mimi" at first, and later,
another name. She was complaining that she had been brought here
(summoned) for no reasons at all. I didn't really watch the entire 10
minutes clip (but I DO have a copy if anyone's interested).

We had a little discussion afterwards. Basically the spirit was
that it was called into the world. The spirit is a little girl and the
mother of the spirit is rather angry. The mother too, possessed
girl and voiced out. The spirit also mentioned something about calling
out the grandmother, who's supposingly really powerful. I also heard
that when thepossessed girl touched the Sultan's Kris (a dagger), she
passed out right away. In the Chinese belief, it is supposedly that
members of the Royal family or the police and army, tends to have some
sort of a strong "Chi" energy that wards off evil spirits. You tend to
see a lot of portrayal of this in movies from Hong Kong whereby even
the badge of a modern policeman, with the logo; is able to ward off

In the video clip, I could actually see the Sultan grabbing a firm
of his Kris in one scene while trying to move nearer to the possessed
girl! The Sultan left the school really angry afterwards. You can
clearly hear him complaining in ENGLISH that he was never informed
earlier about any such occurences while he got into his car. His face
was also clearly VERY ANGRY as he drove out of the school.

And TONIGHT! TONIGHT is supposed to be some sort of an exorcism night
for the school!!! The school has been closed for a few days
already and is off limits to the public. (I wonder what about the
who stay in the houses just directly across the road, or those who
in the flats beside the school). The exorcism is supposed to start
the "Maghrib" prayer; i.e. about 6:30PM and will go on throughout the
night. Everyone in the country is supposingly staying away from the
around the school and most are even locking themselves at home

This month is also the "Hungry Ghost Festival" in the Chinese
which is the one month in the year when the Hell doors open and the
spirits are free to roam around in the mortal world. Tonight happens
be the 15th night of the Chinese Calendar too, which means there's a
FULL MOON out and it's supposed to be the most uh... "haunted" night
the month. If you do stay in an Asian country or if youstay near any
Chinese communities (e.g. China Town) anywhere, you'll see a lot of
Chinese people burning offerings to the spirits tonight. For the
belief, tonight also happens to be "Malam Jumaat" (Thursday Night)
which is like some sort of a holy night of the week when spirits will
roaming around (Please do correct me if I'm wrong here. I do know that
some of the more traditional Malays tend to not go out on Thursday
Nights every week). So yeah, there you go! Tonight will be a really
special night for all the ghost busters out there!

Oh shite I forgot to mention some bits about the story. Well see, I
heard too that the 4 girls played the Ouija board with an old Chinese
Coin (you know, the type with a hole in the centre?) and they actually
prepared BLOOD offerings too when they played the game. As in the
spirits got to taste human blood.(I'm trying to imagine if it was put
on the board? coin? or did they prepare like a cup with everyone's
dripped into it???) The girls threw the coin into a Tasek (lake) and I
think it might be at the the Tasek Lama cos its near the school. Some
people are trying to find the coin now cos its supposed to help with
exorcism thingy.

Also, the spirit demanded the girls be brought to them - the girls
since then been suspended from school and I heard from my mom that the
girl who started the game; the one who's the minister's daughter, has
been transferred to another school - JIS (haha typical!). The spirits
demanded that the girls be brought to them and something about wanting
to take the lives of 2 living people TONIGHT if their conditions are

There are some small exorcism activitiess going on since then and some
of these spirits are believed to have "shifted" to otherschools.
There's something about students getting possessed in a school in

zthian, read the news from Brunei Direct . com

More Students Go Hysterical

the video is hosted at my friend's website.
video 1
video 2
video 3

Last edited:
the third one can watch just a gurl lying down and mumbling only..... with almost blood shot eyes ;)

1st and Second link is dead
do u know when u watch this kinda vids, the spirit actually follows it too. * its my 4 cents and its true.
hehe now spirit also can go hightech already r?? :D
better dont watch..after like the Ring..
avtually i played those kinna thing before,and it followed me everywhere,asked me to join him. u know what it means actually,i was freaked out lke hell....then prayed then nothing happen dy..
him? maybe its back.. and him is the black figure thats pulling your soul out from your body? ... these sort of things oso u mortals want to play.. nothing better to do issit?

banana tree thing is real.. some also say if u take the heart of the banana fruit at a specific time, that thing will come to you, and you can command it at will, but of cos for a price, blood or human life..

just wonder why issit only girls gets possesed by those things, why never hear or seen guys get possessed? and when girls get possessed its usually the malay girls.. i tot they pray and what not.. but still can kena rasuk? weird man..
adamkuek said:
do u know when u watch this kinda vids, the spirit actually follows it too. * its my 4 cents and its true.

how they follow la? got real occurences before??
link fix.
video 1
video 2
video 3

Friends, the server is not meant for streaming, so don't watch the video online, download it in your PC and watch it, ok? Tolong sikit.

like the ring? so did anyone receive strange phone call after watching the video? :D

spirit follows... big wok, i watch x time oledi. How many spirit transmitted.

when someone watch the video, the spirit will curse, "@^%#&#(#, who go and watch the video, i need to travel again. "

worst still if few PC watch the video together, "%#*#@^@^#, bugger, everyone is watching it, which one shall i go first?"

hahaha, my 0 cents leh.
BlackSamurai said:
link fix.
spirit follows... big wok, i watch x time oledi. How many spirit transmitted.

the spirit wont come to u coz after u watch it...u post the video to zth...and many ppl watched it...so u are safe :D :D

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