DIY: Golf ball shifter knob


500 RPM
Senior Member
Feb 20, 2006
I was looking around for a new shifter knob to brighten up my already drab looking 11-year old interior. Hunted around and found some neat ones but at very steep prices. So i thought, why not make my own?

Found a nice new golf ball out of the box stolen from me dad's stash, and hey why not? Nice to hold and don't look that weird in the car.

Got a drill, blue tac'd the dimpled sphere shaped victim to ground and grinded away at the bugger.


After that, screwed it in to the shifter stick with brutal force. The inside of the ball is hard rubber so it will expand slightly and follow the contour of the grooves. This makes it firm and tight.

Wa lah! my new shifter knob!:_:


*Thanks to unknown1x for giving me the blue tac idea and forcing me to brutal force the ball into the shifter stick.
Father come after you with his wedge or not? :D

Nice DIY! Will the brutal force stop the ball from slipping?
o normal drill actually can do it ah...haiya...

but its abit small for grabing rite?
if use snooker 8 ball wud be nicer...bowling ball oso can...haha!
I had alot snooker ball and pool ball at my home.. I had think this idea before but not dare to do.. Maybe I will give a try. But the ball surface was so licin.. Can drill also?
not imposbile...

surface is too smooth for drilling, mayb u can try to make a small hole on it 1st. and snooker is hard, ull need to drill it slow else it will break, mayb use those diamond drill? haha no idea
Hermm.. Then I give a try this week. Then give you all know the outcome. But how to make the ball stay? later I drill the ball follow the drill turn.
Hermm.. Then I give a try this week. Then give you all know the outcome. But how to make the ball stay? later I drill the ball follow the drill turn.

Dude, i used blue tac to keep the ball still to drill it.

*unknown1x quote: "give me any ball, I will brutal force it into your shifter!"

A cue ball may crack when u hammer it, it has no rubber inside. Just drill it. Use a sharp edge drill bead.
i dont think drilling is a problem... the problem is making the ball lock
tightly onto the shifter's tread. How can u make it fit tightly & not
turn around when we use the shifter through time... sooner or later
it will get loose
try using "hand tap" to make thread in the ball after drilling.
borrow from ur mechanic. they should have one set of thread tap.
i dont think drilling is a problem... the problem is making the ball lock
tightly onto the shifter's tread. How can u make it fit tightly & not
turn around when we use the shifter through time... sooner or later
it will get loose

I don't know this will work or not..

Stick wire tape at the gear stick till the size ngam ngam fit the hole then only we use some force and push in.. Then I guess the ball will tightly hole the gear stick..
yes its true got come ppl selling the snooker cue knobs....but nothing beats it when you make one yourself.

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