Where u might kena saman . Here .


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Senior Member
Feb 13, 2008
helo selamat hari raya ~
bersama saudara serta saudari ,

helo , skip the song and would like to share with among millions of humans driving in this world , why is Malaysians still loving to risk for 1 saman nearby my place .

I believe I had once shared this same thing here ,
Leisure Mall Petronas , there is only one .
If you noticed , there are only 1 entrance < if you're from Leisure Mall you will be turning right to go in and left if you're from the housing area >
Yes there is still another 1 , but that is for you to exit back to the housing area according to the line's drawn on the road ....

But yet .... a lot of us still straight cut over the other road to make a quick exit to Connought or Kajang . There are no " NO ENTRY " sign there obviously as if you go using that " short cut " it means going head on with cars from another route coming in from Mobil and Esso < you will see this on your left on the highway >

Important is > everytime I use that road between 12a.m - 6 p.m there are always mr police standing right up front waiting for this offenders from that Petronas station ...
Why wanted to be faster for just a few seconds when you can U-Turn or use the entrance from where you entered the station and turn left again and join the road back ?

Not so crime ... but security for your wallet internal ?
I pray you all good holiday n thanks for reading a not so useful ... thing ...
thank for sharing....anyway,police route always change...no one will know where to do road block....should send one of ZTH member to be police undercover...
thank for sharing....anyway,police route always change...no one will know where to do road block....should send one of ZTH member to be police undercover...

I think it's the other way around ad... Police undercover is a ZTH member?! :rofl:
where ...i dun really know...

WHEN...ahhh...this i know...
weekends day and late nites, around festive season like hari raya, CNY, x'mas...
yeah, its quite unpredictable. where?? in seremban its quite predictable. maybe because i've been living there all my life. when? like ijnek mentioned but late nights till max bout 3 or 4am. that's y ppl who drink and drive continue drinking till 4 or 5am to avoid roadblocks.

its good to share the common places that the police/jpj put up roadblocks but it may also make them change their locations if v discussed it here and they found out.
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