Police roadblock


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Oct 7, 2005
Earlier i had to went through 2 police roadblocks in KL, at the first roadblock i was able to pass without a problem. However, i was stopped at the second roadblock, police man took the breathalyzer to examine my breath.

The police man said if it turns green, there will be no problem and he will let me go, if other than green he will have to take me back to the Balai.

The thing is I only drank 3 cups of whiskey coke mixed by the bartender, I was not dizzy or drunk, and I am a heavy drinker, so 3 cups of whiskey coke is nothing to me.

Well, the breathalyzer indicator turned yellow, so as usual, the normal play, 'Boss tolong la, saya pelajar miskin' & etc. so i explained to him nicely that my friend is drunk and i had to drive, and i argued with him that previously i encountered the same roadblock where the breathalyzer turned yellow and i had no problem.

This policeman was stubborn, i guess he wanted duit kopi, so i gave him RM70. I am not satisfied with the police's attitude and I am certain that I was in good condition, plus the fact, i always encounter roadblock, and the breathalyzer used this time is different, it looks like a small torchlight.

I know drink and drive is illegal, but I would like to know more so i can handle situations like this.

It is obvious that the policeman was asking for bribe because he was threatening to bring me back to balai and put me in lockup.

1. Is yellow over the limit?
2. What happens if i argued and followed him back to Balai?
3. What are my rights?
4. Honestly, by giving duit kopi, is that the only hassle free method?
It doesn't take much to push a person over the legal limit, I mean alchohol of course.

2 maybe 3 cans will do the job. I wouldn't feel a thing with 3 cans but I'm still over the limit. So it doesn't matter that you feel sober.

what rights summore you want? You have already commited 2 serious offence:

1) Drinking alcohol before driving (doesn't matter if you are not drunk. The law says it's wrong to drink and drive. The law didn't say must be drunk then only wrong)

2) Bribing the police
if u think u are not wrong, ask him summom and go court lah ....
nothing serious .....
u drank n drived la my friend, it is an offense. How r u to practise ur rights if u have already broken the law? sigh.
no matter how much you drank , you are still under the influence of alcohol . when will people learn
hey so its green color then you good to go ??

cos last time i kena ... come out green .. the fella like ...ooo ini u minum banyak ni
then i like ... tak ada laa bang .... then he say he blow show me the drifference la ... to see who got drink who dint drink .....come out red....
then he say .. tengok i tiup bukan hijau .....

dem stress man me ..... i duno why kena roadblock everytime sure kena wan...
no matter what the color of the blower says...
cos i have fair skin and my skin tends to turn red easy ><

but dude... u paid 70buxx?? thats way over.... guess u dint hide ur money ><
i dint say bribe is good but police are always treatning in every situations
aVexRikku said:
hey so its green color then you good to go ??

cos last time i kena ... come out green .. the fella like ...ooo ini u minum banyak ni
then i like ... tak ada laa bang .... then he say he blow show me the drifference la ... to see who got drink who dint drink .....come out red....
then he say .. tengok i tiup bukan hijau .....

dem stress man me ..... i duno why kena roadblock everytime sure kena wan...
no matter what the color of the blower says...
cos i have fair skin and my skin tends to turn red easy ><

but dude... u paid 70buxx?? thats way over.... guess u dint hide ur money ><
i dint say bribe is good but police are always treatning in every situations

haha that is always the true
friend... the breath analyzer is to measure the alcohol content in your body... well.. in a way measure la.

although, each individual reacts differently at different alcohol content level in your blood stream... as long as it reaches the limit specified by the cops.. or the law, irregardless if u're walking sideways, flying or plain straight... u'll be fined for it.

itz the law. The law doesn't apply on how u walk or your concious level...

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