Lookin For Sure Approve Loan

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Sep 23, 2006
Anyone here know bank officer who can give u 'sure approve' car loan ma ? If can, would u guy can arrange for me pls ?

just tell me more details like how much is the 'price' needed and how long the procedure ...preferable kautim within 1 week... ( u guy know wad i mean rite )
im from pj area btw ^^
in one of ur post : u stated P/S Dont ask why i dont apply new loan lol, tried already but very troublesome due to background ... like family prob n guarantor lol . That why now thinking for a short way

u sumhow havin problem of getting of loan n try to do it undertable but i guess there isnt anybody able to offer u help... y dun try loan shark (ah long) they shud can offer u help...
nah ... thats dangerous lol..
i got one fren offer me to sure approve loan, but it cost about rm1k+

just wonder if the price is too expensive ? or can i get better offer here haha =D
just my 2 cent:

if bank don't aprove of your loan = they doubt your ability to pay back
you don't have the ability to pay back = family/financial prob
you have family/financial prob = don't buy car.

gee.. sound simple enough..
rollakid said:
just my 2 cent:

if bank don't aprove of your loan = they doubt your ability to pay back
you don't have the ability to pay back = family/financial prob
you have family/financial prob = don't buy car.

gee.. sound simple enough..

No wonder bankruptcy rate so high. True, there must be a reason why the bank didnt approve him the loan.
borrow from loan sharks lah , news paper report a week ago stated that their lowering their interest rates to compete with banks . should be competitive what .
Sorry that i lack of sense of humuor here, i didn't get the "loan shark" joke as posted above.

For those who suggest loan shark, i truly hope u dont mean it.

Perhaps if you try put your self into ppl shoe, then you know how it feel....would you borrow loan shark for your self then? Think twice.
Of course, neither do i agree for a undercounter way of arragement for taking a loan.
siangmh : if i couldnt get a bank loan to due insufficient documents etc but able to generate sufficient income to pay the monthly installments to the loan shark , why not ? again the interest rates is as competitive as banks . haha
i think i'll try the offer from my fren 1st lor ....

anyway, b4 this i oso think for licensed money lender, but dunno they got offer like bank car loan or not . Mean like monthly about rm300+ for 7 years
Cos i see most loan shark must settle all in 2~4 years.

anyway, if anyone got way to sure approve my loan, can pm me ^^

i can guarantee pay bank every month ^^
I can hardly think of a situation where a person has got plenty of $$ / ability to repay ah long & yet go and borrow ah long....very rare...

Most of the time ah long mean "trouble in the xss" only.

Usually ppl have no where else to borrow $$ then out of deperate only go & borrow ah long....

FYI, ah long never come cheap in its interest...

I used have a client who borrow fr ah long @ 32% interest!!

And it was actually a result of compounding formula but as at that point of time, the loan has been borrowed for 5 mths, & 32% is calc up to that 5 mths only.......after minus off some portion that he paid off..........

The longer the more have to pay.

End result, he have to sell off his business & still live with huge debt (apart fr ah long) & playing hiding game everyday....

Of course, what the heck, there may be rich / able ppl that can pay ah long with ease & yet dont have papers for legal loan, it just me that not aware about it only...sorry lor..
At least bank's interest rate wont be > 18% p.a. , wont FOC red paint at ur door steps, wont .....
u pay the installments they paint red too ? id only know they do so when one fails to pay on time .
yar, thats why i dunwan choose ahlong... later suddenly my car kena paint ... #$%^#*!*%#
i'll only choose if really despo..

that why i rather choose use the $$ to kasi belanja bank officer so they sure approve wan ....

i suppose some of u sure understand my situation geh /heh
infernaL said:
siangmh : situation where u need instant cash ? again the interest rate thingy is based on the newspaper report a week ago or so . woot manage to find it


id understand ur intentions but what diffrent are banks from loan sharks when u dont pay ?
the difference is:

loan shark come and cut off your finger.

banks sell your debt to loan shark and then they come and cut off your finger.

lol.. jk..
haha finally some1 understand what im trying to imply
honestly, if you really have to go through all these troubles to get a loan, i suggest forget about the car.
wait till you got a steady income with slip and official document.
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