HSB.. crEdit CArD sO dangeROus aaA

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1,500 RPM
Senior Member
Jan 12, 2004
got MY HSB..Cr/card fr 3 yrs already and Miss my payment fr 3 months

1.As usual got phone call
bank : hi this is Mr.. u juz miss yr payment fr 3 mth when u can pay
me : ok will pay soon

2. As usual not paid yet
bank : hello this Mr.. u still dun pay yr card so got to cancel yr card
me : ok juz cancel it
bank : will send yr name t bmc,bank negara then to bla bla yr name will be blacklist
me : ok ok juz do what u got to do

3.As usuall still not paid huhuhu
witout intro
bank : wei i just take over yr case why u dun pay aa,when u wan to pay
me : whos on t line
bank : this is mr....when u wan to pay?
me : ooo Mr....from hsb..bank .... ok will pay soon got no money la boss, got to pay this n that
juz send me a court letter n i will answer to court .dun need to call me anymore
bank : u better pay this week or...
me : or what sir
bank : you'll see ..better pay aa

4.As usual cannot Pay maa n feel fed up already
then they start threatening,use harsh word..Like Ahlong calling everyday
bank : wEI u still dun pay
me : ya lo no money.n said before will wait ur court letter
bank : if u dun pay by today will come to yr office and send someone to yr house..you'll see
me : Waa so rude aa u..dun la its not yr money i own juz tell yr boss this customer cannot be contact end story laa..i juz wait yr court letter
bank : wait aa tomorrow come to your place
me : ok ok u can anytime u like but i refer if u can come by office hour AND dun bREAk iN aa or i will call t police..
baNk : GRRrrr pot pet pot,bla bla bla

wHAt should i do wHen they ComE
1.Serve them coffee everytime they come
2.Juz let them wait ouTside
3.Smack DowN n WaCaa them
4.CaLL yr frieND and LaUgh,gOt stupid Maroon ouTside

MOraL of StoRY
esPeciaLLY HSB.. caRD
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What bank is HSB? never heard before.

They are so unprofessional. You should tell them straight away:

If I don't pay, the only right you have is to take the matter to court and get me blacklisted, you have no right to threaten me or extort me like that.

If I were you I report this incident to the person's supervisor and keep escalating the issue. Threaten to take them to court instead. and threaten then that you will publish this story everywhere in all the Internet forums. After all, they threatened you first mah... so why you scared?
hsb - hongkong shanghai bank.. HSBC big big licensed ah long :p
dude, have u given out ur 'wasiat'. Dunno what u call it in english. Most probably ur gonna die when they come tu ur house. U drive evo right ? I want ur car only.

Ok i was kidding.

Report police la. Say ppl threaten u.
If they wanna come, ask ur frens to stay at ur house. When they come to harass u, whack them haha
got such thing?....

i kknow this happened during ermm..during 98-99 when the economy is really bad..

but now got meh?
It's just a "too bad" case for you. You used their money, so you have to pay. Even if you can only pay RM50 or RM10 per month. The longer you didn't pay, the phone call from the collections department will be more rude. I have heard of banks who hire "ah long" to really collect money from those who really don't want to pay.
debt collector..yes there is...
satria_95 said:
It's just a "too bad" case for you. You used their money, so you have to pay. Even if you can only pay RM50 or RM10 per month. The longer you didn't pay, the phone call from the collections department will be more rude. I have heard of banks who hire "ah long" to really collect money from those who really don't want to pay.

Ya lo.. of coz got to pay but sometime in business when NO payment comes in so no money loo:cry_smile: :cry_smile: ..but if u 'Makan Gaji" so no problem every end of month juz cucuk yr card to ATM

its NOt dun really wan to pay Juz so piss off wth their attitude/words:baring_teeth: :baring_teeth: ..its like i not paid t card fr 3yrs already..

Waa theY hire ALong aa nowadays..verY bad bank
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Have you actually been to a banks collection department? Trust me, they don't dress in suits and ties. Who do you think they get to collect money from customers that refuse to pay? A friend of mine was late on her car payments and the bank sent 2 Indian dudes who waited outside her house and stopped her when she backed out. They insisted she went straight to the ATM to get them the cash. She came to the office and a colleague of mine had to go get the money for them. Yes, they will use strong arm tactics.

Moral of the story? Don't spend what you don't have.
u use then u pay laa .. whats so unfair about it ???
honestly, if you used and dont pay or pay late....you have to deserve for this, but then their manners are just too bad....

and, if anyone out there owing too much "future money" (card debts), pls dont run away or ignore them(Bank)....go up there and talk to them, request them stop charging you interest and promise repay back all by installment....trust me, they are willing to help...just my 2 cents, btw, i am working in the bank...

if i were u.. i would quietly pay off the $$ instead of posting here in zth.com and make a fool of yourself. I would personally say u deserve it... 100% deserve it.. rite to the bone.

no money.. dont buy... dont swipe... as simple as that. Commonsense man... even a 5 year old kid also knows.. no money.. dont buy. But yet u still go swipping the card?

good luck la mate...
yeahhh ... one of my frens who farked up in 97-98 ... went to the bank .. tok to them ... his total outstanding of over rm30k was negotiated to less than rm20k paid in instalments ... that was then laa .. now dunno .. hahaahahahaaaa
btw ... this fren one was with CeTiarBank ... hint hint ...
nowadays many firms like telekom, banks will outsource their bad debt to debt collection companies. those debt collection companies pay a certain amount of money to the banks to "buy" over the debt so the payment will be their income and banks will wash their hands if any bad things happen in between the collection process. Because legally the banks has "sold" the debt to the debt collection company, anything in between is no longer their business.

previously they used law firms but the $$ to go to court is high so now outsource to Ah Long.Alsoif not remember wrong, amount below RM$2000 will not able to go to the court.

Just avoid to use the bank money too much lo.

The best you can do is dont ignore the them, go to talk to the bank and work out a payment method before they pass the case to debt collectors because when the case passed to the debt collectors then they will be extra charges and the bank will compound the interest until you die.
All credit cards are the same, EVIL! That is why I am on Charge card only. It instills discipline upon the user.

If you are a good paymaster for a charge card your financial standing from the bank Negara's eyes will earn you brownie points.

Spend within your means.
wah how much u owe them>? why u dont want to pay.?
u realyl no money or u intend to use and not to pay?

i heard from my fren who work in collection dept for a credit card comp...

they will

1. Call your boss and talk bad about u
2. they will come to your office and make everybody know that u owe them money
3. they will come to your house to make u fear them (ah long tactic)
4. Fake court letter (those letter no effect one..the way they draft it is rediculous..interest damn high)

so good luck bro ...my advice free yourself from credit card debt..
credit card is like DADAH...it can kill u:regular_smile:
devious.. charge or credit.. same thing ler... if u can't control yourself... end story is still the same..
hoever there is one tactic u can use to counter their rudeness...

all bank is controll by bank negara regulation..

find the right way to make official complaint on those bank with bank negara.

one more thing to add...do u all know that lots of so called high profile ppl also owe credit card..but no ah long willl dare to go to them..hahahah
devious17 said:
All credit cards are the same, EVIL! That is why I am on Charge card only. It instills discipline upon the user.

If you are a good paymaster for a charge card your financial standing from the bank Negara's eyes will earn you brownie points.

Spend within your means.
er... brownie what?
Later, another debt collector bites the dust... maybe they offend the wrong people who has connections with some big taikors somewhere.
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