How holy can u be


4,000 RPM
Senior Member
May 22, 2004
Kuala Lumpur
Just wanting to know
I know Chinese , Indian or Malays
doesnt matter u all sure got some holy month or week or day
so in those days how many of u can really tahan

- vegetarian food
- porn
- foul language
- sex
- clean thinking

i seriously can tahan.. errr to a limit hahaha 1hour ? :biggrin:
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porn,sex,foul language and clean thinking i can't tahan..the rest ok la
I somehow doubt many would be able to hold up against the "clean thinking" factor. It's not impossible but it's very difficult, especially for guys. hahahaha
Since this would be the puasa month .... would seeing pictures of girls in the random girls thread be considered unholy ???
mindrunner said:
Since this would be the puasa month .... would seeing pictures of girls in the random girls thread be considered unholy ???

looking normally is ok
but did u have the thought of shagging them hheheheheh
or did u tink "hei y not without tht clothes , better picture"
lolx , ops i already unholy
wei ur brains totally corrupted reddy..wat u wanna talk abt being holyy.....80 GB of porn....everydaysee gurls to be holy...u're the king of hamsap somemore ..last time give free password
speedz1665 said:
wei ur brains totally corrupted reddy..wat u wanna talk abt being holyy.....80 GB of porn....everydaysee gurls to be holy...u're the king of hamsap somemore ..last time give free password

u the one spoilt me lerr
wei im still holy hahahaha in terms of food intake errr, other than tht
this is not coruptted thingkin maaa..this is healthy thingking...ehehhhehehee :biggrin:
wah lau bugger got free password for xxx tarak share la.. kanineh sendiri makan ar? haaahahahahaahahaha! lol! :D

dude... where is ur free password page la ?? now cannot enter anywhere adi !!.... need reinforcement !!
therez a devil in me... i have to admit when i was at the temple during wesak day... i actually 'kap lui'.. can't help it.. alot of chun galz. Haiii... being sinful at the wrong time.
jinkl said:
u the one spoilt me lerr
wei im still holy hahahaha in terms of food intake errr, other than tht

unholy means unholy
no need to say holy liow ;)

everytime tell me this chick that chick

so everyone knows u r a 24/7 "thinker"
foul language, clean thinking and MODIFYING MY CAR...

these i kenot tahan la....

looks like guys can never make it ler then
but i know speedz1665 is holy , he can be a priest , a father , a monk , a sami
jinkl- said:
looks like guys can never make it ler then
but i know speedz1665 is holy , he can be a priest , a father , a monk , a sami

u havent seen him drool looking at girls..

he is holy on a day...

that is when he lock himself up in a dark air tight room...
u havent seen him drool looking at girls..

he is holy on a day...

that is when he lock himself up in a dark air tight room...

even u r lock up, thoughts can still make u unholy werttt
wakakkakaa...basket.....wei i holy ler.....hehhehhahaha...only 1 day a week..other days confirm unholy liao...god created women for us to look at and drool ler...its god's fault i cant be holy mah...since HE created women, i assume HE is fine with us being unholyler...hehehehhahhahehhehha
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