HELP ! oil mix with water in radiator


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Sep 22, 2005
All sifu help me. There is something yellowish in my radiator. At first i thought it is some ordinary rust in my radiator(just flush my radiator last month and change the cap),but when I ask my foreman ,he said this is cause by some leakage from burn gasket. Is this true ?

He said that i must do top overhall and replace the burn gasket. If nothing spoil or damage just replace gasket it wil cost around rm1000.

If a lot of thing damage due to over heat it will cost around rm5000. is this true ? so expensive aaaaa

Usually after one week when i check my radiator there a lot of yellowish buble inside and i have to top up 1/2 cup of water. is this normal ?

sifu help...........
if the overhaul cost u 5K better get hafkat... i never heard so far any overhaul cost 5k...
oem head gasket cheap one just 100++. labour cost for overhaul not sure.
oil mix with water in ur radioator maybe because of the head gasket kaput edi.. thats possible.
gasket gone ,due to long usage or over heating ... just change gasket maybe check your head and see if you need skimming or not ..

wont cost that much which workshop you go too quote you that price ?
the cost for head skimming is around Rm80 -Rm100 if not mistaken

Stormrider said:
at dungun trg. i'm outstation now. if skimming how much cost ?
is there any possiblity something else spoil or damage ? u know la when open engine there and this also spoil.............
What your mech says about headgasket, oil mixed with water is true but RM1K for changing headgasket ??? Get a new foreman dude !! That's daylight robbery !! I just recently replaced my burnt head gasket with original Honda head gasket and skimmed the head. Cost me only RM683.00 (RM83 is for the engine oil). After that there's no oil in the radiator.

Whatever it'd better rectify the problem pronto !!

Reduction in water is the 1st sign of the capital T for TROUBLE. Soon, you'll realise that you'll get erratic readings from your temperature gauge. The next sign will be hot water from the radiator spurting from your water tank and you'll realise that you cannot do high revs cos the temperature will rise and rise.

Been there..........done that.........
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High compression ? Me ?

How come my ride is still rated 70bhp at 9,000RPM ? Sigh.....have to search "VTEC for DuMMiEs" handbook.......
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