GTR accessory


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Feb 14, 2007
First of all I gotta thank all the sifu here about last time teaching me how to send my car from japan to malaysia. Finally I found my way to send it back.
I am noob in GTR, hope can get more advises from you all. Currently I am looking R34 Z-tune front bumper and the LED rear lights, any good suggestions? I am going back to malaysia on june.
hope to hear from you all.
thank you.
teh ais, why not buy it in Japan since you're there now.
it would be better to stock up while you're there..get those rare stuffs
Of course I am looking parts in Japan, but I am going back to Malaysia soon, just thinking any good suggestion or good shops in Malaysia or not.
For Z bumper ORI, buy at Japan and throw in container....very costly Z-tune bumper.For your good buy at Malaysia local fibre Z-tune, very2 cheap...
I think you might not have enough time to find all parts there.You can PM me or go to Drift House for inquiry. :P
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